Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 41930 entries are shown.
16163 - 16212
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16163 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Chick, Eadie
16164 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts De Graaf, Dominiek
16165 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Ellenor, Georgia
16166 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts McNeil, Molly
16167 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Nguyen, My
16168 Leeton High School Leeton Mathematics Standard 2 Ross, Isabelle
16169 Leumeah High School Leumeah Community and Family Studies Kaur, Jasmine
16170 Leumeah High School Leumeah Mathematics Advanced Cox, Brody
16171 Leumeah High School Leumeah Mathematics Advanced Smith, Denzel
16172 Leumeah High School Leumeah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Cox, Brody
16173 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Ancient History Oates, Amelie
16174 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Biology Panopoulos, Lukas
16175 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Business Studies Panopoulos, Lukas
16176 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Business Studies Shapiro-Lee, Audrey
16177 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Business Studies Thompson, Fletcher
16178 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Community and Family Studies Oates, Amelie
16179 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Community and Family Studies Shaw, Hannah
16180 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Drama Kermode, Keira
16181 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Advanced Fisher, Lucy
16182 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Advanced Martirosova, Amelie
16183 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Advanced Panopoulos, Lukas
16184 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Advanced Shaw, Hannah
16185 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Extension 1 Fisher, Lucy
16186 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Extension 1 Martirosova, Amelie
16187 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Extension 1 Needham, Georgia
16188 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Extension 1 Oates, Amelie
16189 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Extension 1 Shaw, Hannah
16190 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield English Extension 2 Fisher, Lucy
16191 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Industrial Technology Tai, Jessica
16192 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Industrial Technology Tai, Kevin
16193 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Legal Studies Fisher, Lucy
16194 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Advanced Panopoulos, Lukas
16195 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Extension 1 Kohlhoff, Lillian
16196 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Extension 1 Thompson, Fletcher
16197 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Extension 1 Yang, Ethan
16198 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Extension 2 Yang, Ethan
16199 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Standard 2 Berman, Mia
16200 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Standard 2 Martirosova, Amelie
16201 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Standard 2 Needham, Georgia
16202 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Standard 2 Shapiro-Lee, Audrey
16203 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Mathematics Standard 2 Shaw, Hannah
16204 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Modern History Fisher, Lucy
16205 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Modern History Panopoulos, Lukas
16206 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Music 1 Goringe, Maya
16207 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Music 1 Tai, Kevin
16208 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Shapiro-Lee, Audrey
16209 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Society and Culture Martirosova, Amelie
16210 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Visual Arts Fisher, Lucy
16211 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Visual Arts Kohlhoff, Lillian
16212 Lindfield Learning Village Lindfield Visual Arts Needham, Georgia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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