South Australia

2024 SACE Merits and Awards Now Available

The 2024 SACE Merits and Governor of S.A. Commendations have been announced and are now available on the Top Scores site.

This year, three students topped the merits tally by earning four merits each. They were Caitlyn Grech (dux, Mary MacKillop College), Alexander Koh (joint dux, St Peters College), and Lilianna Pourgiezis (dux, Wilderness School). Lilianna also won a Governor of S.A. Commendation award, as well as two merits in 2023.

Congratulations to all of this year's high achievers.

Year 12 in South Australia

In South Australia, the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is generally undertaken by students aiming for entry into South Australian universities.

A SACE study program consists of four, five or six subjects divided into two Stages, and further sub-divided into semester units. Stage 2 subjects are typically undertaken in year 12.

About SACE Results

Grades for SACE subjects are based on a scale from 0 to 20. A student who achieves a top score in a subject, 20 out of 20, receives a merit award and is placed on the State's Merit List for that year.

In certain subjects, further recognition is extended to the State's top student in that subject through the award of a named prize or medal.

Beginning in 2011, the top SACE students are also recognised through the award of a limited number of Governor of S.A. SACE Awards.

The top aboriginal student is also recognised with the award of the Governor of S.A. Aboriginal Student SACE Award.

Administration of the SACE

The administration and management of the SACE program is the responsibility of the SACE Board of South Australia (SSABSA).

Each year the Board publishes the State's merit and prize lists on a subject by subject basis.

However, the SACE Board withholds data from the public about year 11 and 12 merits, prizes and academic outcomes on a school by school basis.

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