Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 41930 entries are shown.
16113 - 16162
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16113 Lambton High School Lambton Business Studies Prior, Xanthe
16114 Lambton High School Lambton Business Studies Weeks, Olivia
16115 Lambton High School Lambton Business Studies Zulumovski, Ivy
16116 Lambton High School Lambton Community and Family Studies Gluvchinsky, Amelie
16117 Lambton High School Lambton Drama Harrington, Olivia
16118 Lambton High School Lambton Drama Waerea, Angus
16119 Lambton High School Lambton Earth and Environmental Science De Graaf, Dominiek
16120 Lambton High School Lambton English Advanced Burgess, Sierra
16121 Lambton High School Lambton English Advanced Phillips, Lucy
16122 Lambton High School Lambton English EAL/D Nguyen, My
16123 Lambton High School Lambton English Extension 1 Burgess, Sierra
16124 Lambton High School Lambton English Extension 1 McNeil, Molly
16125 Lambton High School Lambton English Extension 1 Van Leeuwen, Georgie
16126 Lambton High School Lambton English Extension 2 Burgess, Sierra
16127 Lambton High School Lambton Food Technology Pinches, Aiva
16128 Lambton High School Lambton Food Technology Prior, Xanthe
16129 Lambton High School Lambton French Beginners Chick, Eadie
16130 Lambton High School Lambton Hospitality Examination Poultney, Tiffany
16131 Lambton High School Lambton Information and Digital Technology Examination Zsiros, Branden
16132 Lambton High School Lambton Legal Studies Van Leeuwen, Georgie
16133 Lambton High School Lambton Legal Studies Zulumovski, Ivy
16134 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Advanced Kacev, Cameron
16135 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Advanced Nguyen, My
16136 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Extension 1 Reich, Lewis
16137 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Standard 2 Betts, Harry
16138 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Standard 2 Chick, Eadie
16139 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Standard 2 Jaffar Sadiq, Nashita Jamal
16140 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Standard 2 Naidu, Tejas
16141 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Standard 2 Sanders, Liam
16142 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History McNeil, Molly
16143 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Dauwalder, Samantha
16144 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Garside, Sahra
16145 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Gillett, Anika
16146 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Harrington, Olivia
16147 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Mitchelhill, Lillian
16148 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Pagoulatos, Grace
16149 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Phillips, Lucy
16150 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Stuart, Lucy
16151 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Berghout, Matilda
16152 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Domingues, Sofia
16153 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Oberdorf, Gracie
16154 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ristevski, Anelia
16155 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Stone, Isabella
16156 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Vosilla, Abbey
16157 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Weeks, Olivia
16158 Lambton High School Lambton Society and Culture Burgess, Sierra
16159 Lambton High School Lambton Software Design and Development Jaffar Sadiq, Nashita Jamal
16160 Lambton High School Lambton Software Design and Development Nguyen, My
16161 Lambton High School Lambton Swedish Continuers Craig, Rebecca
16162 Lambton High School Lambton Textiles and Design Hird, Ella
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2024
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