This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2022, along with the school that they attended.
These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.
Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.
2701 | Cert of Merit | Rawat, Kanika | Ashdale Secondary College | Darch |
2702 | Cert of Merit | Rawson, Sienna | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
2703 | Cert of Merit | Rawstorne, Devon | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
2704 | Cert of Merit | Rayner, William | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
2705 | Cert of Merit | Raza, Ayra | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
2706 | Cert of Merit | Read, Brooklyn | Iona Presentation College | Mosman Park |
2707 | Cert of Merit | Reardon, Sean | Aranmore Catholic College | Leederville |
2708 | Cert of Merit | Redden, Betty | Lumen Christi College | Martin |
2709 | Cert of Merit | Redhead, Madeleine | Peter Moyes Anglican Community School | Mindarie |
2710 | Cert of Merit | Redman, Darcy | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
2711 | Cert of Merit | Reeves, Melayna | Woodvale Secondary College | Woodvale |
2712 | Cert of Merit | Rego, Sinead | Corpus Christi College | Bateman |
2713 | Cert of Merit | Reid, Sarah | Prendiville Catholic College | Ocean Reef |
2714 | Cert of Merit | Reidy, Chiara | Kingsway Christian College | Darch |
2715 | Cert of Merit | Reilly, Thomas | Mindarie Senior College | Mindarie |
2716 | Cert of Merit | Reji, Christina | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
2717 | Cert of Merit | Rennie, Sophie | Baldivis Secondary College | Baldivis |
2718 | Cert of Merit | Renton, Zoe | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
2719 | Cert of Merit | Reynolds, Blake | WA College of Agriculture Narrogin | Narrogin |
2720 | Cert of Merit | Riadi, Megan | Harrisdale Senior High School | Harrisdale |
2721 | Cert of Merit | Richards, Kayne | Bunbury Senior High School | Bunbury |
2722 | Cert of Merit | Richards, Tayla | La Salle College | Middle Swan |
2723 | Cert of Merit | Richards, Zoe | St Mary MacKillop College | West Busselton |
2724 | Cert of Merit | Richardson, Jordana | OneSchool Global WA | Willetton |
2725 | Cert of Merit | Richardson, Kayley | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
2726 | Cert of Merit | Richardson, Meg | Penrhos College | Como |
2727 | Cert of Merit | Richardson, Samuel | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
2728 | Cert of Merit | Rickard, Jarvis | Trinity College | East Perth |
2729 | Cert of Merit | Riddle, Lucas | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
2730 | Cert of Merit | Rieschiek, Ethan | Esperance Senior High School | Esperance |
2731 | Cert of Merit | Rigg, Jack | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
2732 | Cert of Merit | Riley, Ella | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
2733 | Cert of Merit | Rintoul, Abbey | Presbyterian Ladies College | Peppermint Grove |
2734 | Cert of Merit | Roberto, Serena | Canning Vale College | Canning Vale |
2735 | Cert of Merit | Roberts, Jemima | Emmanuel Christian Community School | Girrawheen |
2736 | Cert of Merit | Roberts, Thomas | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
2737 | Cert of Merit | Robertson, Bindi | Denmark Senior High School | Denmark |
2738 | Cert of Merit | Robins, Jorja | WA College of Agriculture Denmark | Denmark |
2739 | Cert of Merit | Robinson, Archie | Ocean Reef Senior High School | Ocean Reef |
2740 | Cert of Merit | Robinson, Ashley | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
2741 | Cert of Merit | Robinson, Charlotte | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
2742 | Cert of Merit | Robinson, Kate | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
2743 | Cert of Merit | Robinson, Megan | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
2744 | Cert of Merit | Rodger, Sophie | Iona Presentation College | Mosman Park |
2745 | Cert of Merit | Rodricks, Naomi | Mercedes College | Perth |
2746 | Cert of Merit | Rodrigues, Brittany | Ursula Frayne Catholic College | Victoria Park |
2747 | Cert of Merit | Rodriguez, Leticia | Mercedes College | Perth |
2748 | Cert of Merit | Rodriguez, Monique | Servite College | Tuart Hill |
2749 | Cert of Merit | Rogers, Joshua | Duncraig Senior High School | Duncraig |
2750 | Cert of Merit | Rogers, Taylor | Greenwood College | Greenwood |