Consistent High Achievers, Western Australia, 2022

This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2022, along with the school that they attended.

These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.

Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.

50 of 3247 entries are shown.
1951 - 2000
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1951 Cert of Merit Jahour, Sophie St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
1952 Cert of Merit Jakovcevic, Jason Peter Moyes Anglican Community School Mindarie
1953 Cert of Merit James, Kevin Aquinas College Salter Point
1954 Cert of Merit James, Kira Frederick Irwin Anglican School Mandurah
1955 Cert of Merit James, Sophie Perth Modern School Subiaco
1956 Cert of Merit James, Thomas Guildford Grammar School Guildford
1957 Cert of Merit Jamieson, Alani Swan Christian College Middle Swan
1958 Cert of Merit Janekovic, Antun Shenton College Shenton Park
1959 Cert of Merit Janney, Mia Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
1960 Cert of Merit Jansen van Rensburg, Kaelin Mandurah Baptist College Lakelands
1961 Cert of Merit Jansen, Felix Shenton College Shenton Park
1962 Cert of Merit Janssen, Jemma John Calvin Christian College Armadale
1963 Cert of Merit Jarman, Harry Cornerstone Christian College Busselton
1964 Cert of Merit Javier, Carl Swan Valley Anglican Community School Aveley
1965 Cert of Merit Jayani, Vidhi Greenwood College Greenwood
1966 Cert of Merit Jeayes, Rachel Joseph Banks Secondary College Banksia Grove
1967 Cert of Merit Jefferies, Samuel Esperance Senior High School Esperance
1968 Cert of Merit Jeffrey, McKenna Applecross Senior High School Ardross
1969 Cert of Merit Jeon, Taeyeon Willetton Senior High School Willetton
1970 Cert of Merit Jessell, Indigo Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
1971 Cert of Merit Jessell, Luca Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
1972 Cert of Merit Jeyabalan, Nathan St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
1973 Cert of Merit Jiandani, Yana Willetton Senior High School Willetton
1974 Cert of Merit Jiji, Alina John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
1975 Cert of Merit Johansson, Tyler Mandurah Baptist College Lakelands
1976 Cert of Merit Johns, Declan Melville Senior High School Melville
1977 Cert of Merit Johns, Jaymee Hillside Christian College Forrestfield
1978 Cert of Merit Johnston, Alysia Perth College Mount Lawley
1979 Cert of Merit Johnston, Angela Hampton Senior High School Morley
1980 Cert of Merit Johnston, Morven Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
1981 Cert of Merit Jones, Daniel Woodvale Secondary College Woodvale
1982 Cert of Merit Jones, Emmerson Penrhos College Como
1983 Cert of Merit Jones, Finn Mundaring Christian College Parkerville
1984 Cert of Merit Jones, Hayley Penrhos College Como
1985 Cert of Merit Jones, Kaden Darling Range Sports College Forrestfield
1986 Cert of Merit Jones, Kamesha Shenton College Shenton Park
1987 Cert of Merit Jones, Lewis Ocean Reef Senior High School Ocean Reef
1988 Cert of Merit Jones, Monique Seton Catholic College Samson
1989 Cert of Merit Jones, Shay St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
1990 Cert of Merit Jones, Tiana Irene Mccormack Catholic College Butler
1991 Cert of Merit Jones, Yasmin John XXIII College Mount Claremont
1992 Cert of Merit Jordan, Lana Perth Modern School Subiaco
1993 Cert of Merit Joshi, Bhavana John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
1994 Cert of Merit Kalra, Abhishek Canning Vale College Canning Vale
1995 Cert of Merit Kamrul, Taskin Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
1996 Cert of Merit Kandel, Apurva Atwell College Atwell
1997 Cert of Merit Karlsson, Faith Kalamunda Senior High School Kalamunda
1998 Cert of Merit Kashif, Haiqa Al-Ameen College Langford
1999 Cert of Merit Kassier, Tayla Heritage College Forrestfield
2000 Cert of Merit Kasthuriarachchige Don, Shenahan Aquinas College Salter Point
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2023
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