3551 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Saabi, Sarah |
English |
Australian Islamic College Kewdale |
Kewdale |
3552 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Saleem, Sarmad |
Mathematics Applications |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
3553 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Samnakay, Hanah |
Chemistry |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
3554 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Savy, Tané |
Dance |
Mercedes College |
Perth |
3555 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Setiawan, Joseph |
Mathematics Methods |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
3556 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Shao, Hanlin |
Chemistry |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3557 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
SHEARN, Christopher |
Mathematics Applications |
Mazenod College |
Lesmurdie |
3558 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Sitienei, Angela |
English |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
3559 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Sitparan, Sainath |
Physics |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3560 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Slack, Crawford |
Business Management and Enterprise |
OneSchool Global WA |
Willetton |
3561 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Slocombe, Darcy |
Economics |
Presbyterian Ladies College |
Peppermint Grove |
3562 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Smith, Aiden |
Mathematics Applications |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
3563 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Smith, Callum |
Mathematics Applications |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
3564 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Smith, Ethan |
English |
Bunbury Senior High School |
Bunbury |
3565 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Soucik, Jade |
Biology |
All Saints College |
Bull Creek |
3566 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Sproule, Joshua |
Psychology |
St Stephens School Duncraig |
Duncraig |
3567 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Stoddart, Matilda |
Biology |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
3568 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Stoddart, Matilda |
Chemistry |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
3569 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Stoddart, Matilda |
Literature |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
3570 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Suraweera, Dona |
Mathematics Methods |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3571 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Tan, Audrey |
Human Biology |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
3572 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Taplin, Maddison |
Health Studies |
Melville Senior High School |
Melville |
3573 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Taplin, Maddison |
Mathematics Applications |
Melville Senior High School |
Melville |
3574 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Tharakan, Akash |
Physics |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
3575 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Todorovic, Kaja |
Economics |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
3576 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Todorovic, Kaja |
English |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
3577 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Tran, Chau |
French: Second Language |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3578 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Tyers, Daniel |
Mathematics Methods |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
3579 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Ung, Neo |
Japanese: Second Language |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3580 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Valmiki, Janvier |
English |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
3581 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Van Bruchem, Ethan |
Computer Science |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3582 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Van der Vyver, Louise |
Human Biology |
Swan Valley Anglican Community School |
Aveley |
3583 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Vescio, Jarrad |
Accounting and Finance |
Corpus Christi College |
Bateman |
3584 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Vicoli, Sabina |
English |
Corpus Christi College |
Bateman |
3585 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Walker, Lachlan |
Mathematics Applications |
Como Secondary College |
Como |
3586 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wang, Peiying |
Design |
Applecross Senior High School |
Ardross |
3587 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wardle, Eleanor |
Mathematics Applications |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
3588 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Warner, Saskia |
Human Biology |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
3589 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Warner, Saskia |
Mathematics Applications |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
3590 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wigley, Saskia |
Outdoor Education |
Newman College |
Churchlands |
3591 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wildy, Angus |
Geography |
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School |
Gelorup |
3592 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wilson, Connor |
Music |
Trinity College |
East Perth |
3593 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wippl, Samantha |
Geography |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
3594 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wohlsein, Mikayla |
Mathematics Applications |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
3595 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yee, Jade |
Mathematics Applications |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
3596 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Ying, Haoqi |
Chemistry |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3597 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Ying, Haoqi |
Mathematics Methods |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3598 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Ying, Haoqi |
Physics |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3599 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yong, Janelle |
English |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
3600 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Zhao, Carrie |
Modern History |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |