Best Schools, Ranked by VCE 40+ Pct, Victoria, 2020

Below is the list of the best Victorian VCE schools ranked in order of their 2020 VCE 40+ percentage measure, as published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

The VCE 40+ percentage is the proportion of VCE study scores of 40 or more at each school.

Where two schools have equal 40+ percentage measures, the total count of 40+ scores is used as a secondary ranking measure.

Note that this report is an excerpt. To see the complete set of award statistics for each school, please refer to the Vic School VCE Statistics report.

50 of 628 entries are shown.
401 - 450
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Rows per page:
401 Geelong Baptist College Lovely Banks 57 1.9 1 1
402 Holmes Secondary College Melbourne 15 1.9 1 1
403 Lorne P-12 College Lorne 24 1.9 1 1
404 Mountain District Christian School Monbulk 30 1.9 1 1
405 Horsham College Horsham 162 1.8 6 6
406 Whittlesea Secondary College Whittlesea 123 1.8 5 5
407 Victory Christian College Strathdale 68 1.8 3 2
408 Greensborough Secondary College Greensborough 77 1.8 2 2
409 Mill Park Secondary College Epping 366 1.7 15 12
410 Sunbury College Sunbury 211 1.7 8 8
411 Traralgon College Traralgon 134 1.7 5 3
412 Melba Secondary College Croydon 100 1.7 3 3
413 Al Siraat College Epping 43 1.7 2 1
414 Kurunjang Secondary College Melton 115 1.7 2 2
415 Dandenong High School Dandenong Dandenong 392 1.6 12 10
416 Highview Christian Community College Maryborough 65 1.6 4 4
417 The Grange P-12 College Hoppers Crossing 137 1.6 3 3
418 Drouin Secondary College Drouin 194 1.5 7 5
419 Apollo Bay P-12 College Apollo Bay 29 1.5 1 1
420 Cobram Anglican Grammar School Cobram 33 1.5 1 1
421 Noble Park Secondary College Noble Park 92 1.5 1 1
422 Upper Yarra Secondary College Yarra Junction 104 1.5 1 1
423 Northern College of Arts and Technology Preston 277 1.5 0 0
424 Roxburgh College Roxburgh Park 242 1.4 7 7
425 Box Hill Senior Secondary College Mont Albert North 201 1.4 5 3
426 Patterson River Secondary College Seaford 147 1.4 5 4
427 Swan Hill College Swan Hill 164 1.4 5 4
428 Phoenix P-12 Community College Sebastopol 138 1.4 4 4
429 Mildura Senior College Mildura 577 1.3 19 13
430 Tarneit Senior College Tarneit 226 1.3 9 7
431 St Johns Regional College Dandenong 196 1.3 4 4
432 Yarra Hills Secondary College Mooroolbark Mooroolbark 117 1.3 3 3
433 Healesville High School Healesville 58 1.3 2 2
434 Mansfield Secondary College Mansfield 80 1.3 2 2
435 Boronia K-12 College Boronia 72 1.3 1 1
436 Nhill College Nhill 33 1.3 1 1
437 Hazel Glen College Doreen 241 1.2 4 3
438 Flinders Christian Community College Carrum Downs Carrum Downs 95 1.2 3 3
439 Essendon Keilor College Essendon Campus Essendon 113 1.2 2 2
440 Maryborough Education Centre Maryborough 84 1.2 2 2
441 St Augustines College Kyabram 65 1.2 2 2
442 Ozford College Melbourne 23 1.2 0 0
443 Wodonga Senior Secondary College Wodonga 242 1.1 6 5
444 Officer Secondary College Officer 172 1.1 5 3
445 Craigieburn Secondary College Craigieburn 218 1.1 3 3
446 Mercy Regional College Camperdown 108 1.1 3 3
447 Chairo Christian School Drouin Drouin 84 1.1 2 2
448 Colac Secondary College Colac 72 1.1 2 2
449 John Fawkner College Fawkner 80 1.1 2 1
450 Lalor North Secondary College Epping 75 1.1 2 1
Last Updated: 4 Dec 2023
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