Best Schools, Ranked by VCE 40+ Pct, Victoria, 2009

Below is the list of the best Victorian VCE schools ranked in order of their 2009 VCE 40+ percentage measure, as published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

The VCE 40+ percentage is the proportion of VCE study scores of 40 or more at each school.

Where two schools have equal 40+ percentage measures, the total count of 40+ scores is used as a secondary ranking measure.

Note that this report is an excerpt. To see the complete set of award statistics for each school, please refer to the Vic School VCE Statistics report.

50 of 637 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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Rows per page:
1 Ave Maria College Aberfeldie 235 9 51 30
2 The Scots School Albury Albury     0 0
3 Alexandra Secondary College Alexandra 85 5 9 5
4 Alphington Grammar School Alphington 122 5 20 15
5 Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona 221 4 28 22
6 Emmanuel College Melbourne Altona North 192 6 0 0
7 St Pauls College Altona North     29 20
8 Apollo Bay P-12 College Apollo Bay 27 4 3 3
9 Ararat College Ararat 58 6 12 7
10 Marian College Ararat Ararat 105 4 13 13
11 Lauriston Girls School Armadale 100 19 61 36
12 The King David School Armadale 119 28 72 44
13 Oberon High School Armstrong Creek 275 4 21 15
14 Ashwood High School Ashwood 92 2 5 5
15 Bacchus Marsh College Bacchus Marsh 149 1 1 1
16 Bacchus Marsh Community College Bacchus Marsh 0 0 0 0
17 Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh 129 8 33 17
18 Bairnsdale Secondary College Bairnsdale 237 3 13 12
19 Community College East Gippsland Bairnsdale 0 0 0 0
20 East Gippsland Institute of TAFE Bairnsdale 21 0 0 0
21 Nagle College Bairnsdale 142 6 26 15
22 Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat 220 32 234 132
23 Ballarat High School Ballarat 281 5 38 28
24 Best Community Development Centre Ballarat 0 0 0 0
25 Loreto College Ballarat 181 12 72 44
26 St Patricks College Ballarat 219 5 37 27
27 University of Ballarat Technical Education Centre Ballarat 0 0 0 0
28 Balmoral Community College Balmoral 10 0 0 0
29 Fintona Girls School Balwyn 108 25 71 39
30 Balwyn High School Balwyn North 576 20 372 209
31 Bayswater Secondary College Bayswater 34 4 4 3
32 St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield 327 5 51 41
33 Beaufort Secondary College Beaufort 23 0 0 0
34 Beechworth Secondary College Beechworth 83 6 10 7
35 Mater Christi College Belgrave 266 10 88 62
36 Belgrave Heights Christian School Belgrave Heights 17 3 1 1
37 Covenant College Bell Post Hill 41 5 4 3
38 Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill 242 11 92 67
39 Banksia and La Trobe Secondary College Bellfield 59 3 0 0
40 Banksia Secondary College Bellfield     5 5
41 Belmont High School Belmont 233 5 36 27
42 Benalla P-12 College Benalla 131 4 14 8
43 F.C.J. College Benalla 60 6 6 5
44 Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE Bendigo 36 2 1 1
45 Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo 1104 5 161 107
46 Bendigo South East Secondary College Bendigo 0 0 0 0
47 Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo 341 7 71 58
48 Girton Grammar School Bendigo 228 17 120 75
49 Weeroona College Bendigo Bendigo 0 0 0 0
50 Our Lady of Sacred Heart College Bentleigh 130 8 39 26
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021
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