Best Schools, Ranked by VCE 40+ Pct, Victoria, 2009

Below is the list of the best Victorian VCE schools ranked in order of their 2009 VCE 40+ percentage measure, as published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

The VCE 40+ percentage is the proportion of VCE study scores of 40 or more at each school.

Where two schools have equal 40+ percentage measures, the total count of 40+ scores is used as a secondary ranking measure.

Note that this report is an excerpt. To see the complete set of award statistics for each school, please refer to the Vic School VCE Statistics report.

50 of 637 entries are shown.
51 - 100
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
51 Aquinas College Ringwood 336 9 111 70
52 Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury 253 16 107 69
53 Frankston High School Frankston 389 9 107 70
54 Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe 203 14 105 56
55 Eltham College of Education Research 285 12 104 65
56 Bialik College Hawthorn 152 35 101 49
57 St Josephs College Geelong Newtown 254 11 100 72
58 St Leonards College Brighton East 293 12 100 76
59 Brighton Grammar School Brighton 247 16 99 53
60 Williamstown High School Williamstown 305 11 99 69
61 Geelong Grammar School Corio 233 12 98 62
62 Sacre Coeur Glen Iris 135 22 97 64
63 St Helena Secondary College Eltham North 360 8 96 69
64 East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East 298 8 94 57
65 Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill 242 11 92 67
66 Toorak College Mount Eliza 206 16 92 63
67 Tintern Girls Grammar School Ringwood East 146 19 91 52
68 Wesley College Glen Waverley Glen Waverley 224 14 89 61
69 Mater Christi College Belgrave 266 10 88 62
70 St Catherines School Toorak 137 26 88 63
71 Billanook College Mooroolbark 168 16 87 51
72 Camberwell High School Canterbury 306 9 87 49
73 Marcellin College Bulleen 271 9 85 49
74 Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill 154 16 85 44
75 Viewbank College Viewbank 245 10 85 56
76 Korowa Anglican Girls School Glen Iris 141 21 84 45
77 St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul 250 10 82 55
78 Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 315 8 82 59
79 De La Salle College Malvern 270 9 81 61
80 Vermont Secondary College Vermont 292 8 80 54
81 Gippsland Grammar Sale 200 15 79 49
82 Westbourne Grammar School Truganina 189 13 79 42
83 Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone 285 9 78 62
84 Mentone Grammar School Mentone 236 10 78 61
85 Emmaus College Vermont South 239 9 77 62
86 Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg 213 10 77 52
87 Clonard College Herne Hill 138 17 76 52
88 Mount Lilydale Mercy College Lilydale 293 9 76 51
89 Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 127 18 75 54
90 Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon 127 20 75 45
91 Whitefriars College Donvale 297 9 73 46
92 Brentwood Secondary College Glen Waverley 323 7 72 53
93 Loreto College Ballarat 181 12 72 44
94 The King David School Armadale 119 28 72 44
95 Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo 341 7 71 58
96 Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham 455 4 71 50
97 Christian College Geelong Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds 223 10 71 49
98 Fintona Girls School Balwyn 108 25 71 39
99 Huntingtower School Mount Waverley 116 21 70 49
100 Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood 237 9 70 45
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021
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