Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2024

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2024 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2024. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 12909 entries are shown.
2201 - 2250
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Rows per page:
2201 Gopi, Melvina Lighthouse Christian College Cranbourne Cranbourne 2
2202 Greeves, Baylin Taj Mernda Central P-12 College Mernda 2
2203 Guo, Edward Yi Yuan Balwyn High School Balwyn North 2
2204 Harrison, Ryan Samuel Mullauna College Mitcham 2
2205 Hidhayathulla, Khatheeja Saaliha MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne 2
2206 Hura, Scarlett Ava Dromana Secondary College Dromana 2
2207 Hwang, Yunseo Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale 2
2208 Jin, Kaihan McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon 2
2209 Lasnitzki, Jake McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon 2
2210 Law, Estella Shaoxuan Viewbank College Viewbank 2
2211 Loh, Jin Lin Samanth Wheelers Hill Secondary College Wheelers Hill 2
2212 Maffei, Mia Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg 2
2213 Mallios, Lukas Paul Whitefriars College Donvale 2
2214 Mani, Vivaan MacKillop Catholic Regional College Werribee 2
2215 Mccraw, Ciara Jessie Bass Coast College Wonthaggi 2
2216 Murray, Mischa Natsuki McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon 2
2217 Naphtali, Elijah Isaac Coleman Bialik College Hawthorn 2
2218 Nesci, Matthew Vince St Bernards College Essendon 2
2219 Ng, Joel Kar Won Melbourne High School South Yarra 2
2220 Oghanna, Yosip Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Doreen 2
2221 Poyser, Holly Olivia Braemar College Woodend 2
2222 Rhodes, Abigail Alysha Emmanuel College Melbourne Altona North 2
2223 Schmidt, Benn Cooper Mornington Secondary College Mornington 2
2224 Sharma, Riya Haileybury Girls College Keysborough 2
2225 Singh, Aviraj Springside West Secondary College Fraser Rise 2
2226 Vossos, Peter Achilles Haileybury College Keysborough 2
2227 Wang, Eric Donvale Christian College Donvale 2
2228 Whitaker, Meredith Isabel Footscray High School Footscray 2
2229 Wilson, Chloe Elizabeth Williamstown High School Williamstown 2
2230 Zafiris, Chris Trinity Grammar School Kew 2
2231 Zhang, Eric Melbourne High School South Yarra 2
2232 Zouros, Rose Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon 2
2233 Abdulbaki, Chanelle Our Lady of Sacred Heart College Bentleigh 1
2234 Agland, Mia Grace Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick 1
2235 Akbari, Ario Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
2236 Al-Khawajeh, Hasan Hussain Epping Secondary College Epping 1
2237 Alcock, Isabella Grace Leonie Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
2238 Alkoraishi, Esra Suzanne Cory High School Werribee 1
2239 Allegos, Aden Kai Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
2240 Anand, Aishwarya Kambrya College Berwick 1
2241 Ansems, Rhyanna Antoinette McClelland Secondary College Frankston 1
2242 Antonmeryl, Clarence Haileybury College Keysborough 1
2243 Armstrong, Finnian Tadhg Overnewton Anglican College Keilor 1
2244 Arulshankar, Haritha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
2245 Arunan, Sharun Northside Christian College Bundoora 1
2246 Au, Hiu Yan Camberwell High School Canterbury 1
2247 Auslender, Evelyn Paige Parkdale Secondary College Mordialloc 1
2248 Bai, Jing Yi McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon 1
2249 Barrington, Jayden Prahran High School Windsor 1
2250 Basu, Neha Victorian Tamil Association Glen Waverley 1
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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