VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2023

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2023, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 18842 entries are shown.
17841 - 17890
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17841 Wilson, Elise Kate Virtual School Victoria Thornbury General Mathematics 41
17842 Wilson, Elise Kate Lara Secondary College Lara Psychology 40
17843 Wilson, Emma Ursula Methodist Ladies College Kew Psychology 45
17844 Wilson, Emma Ursula Methodist Ladies College Kew Literature 41
17845 Wilson, Erin May Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs Health and Human Development 46
17846 Wilson, Erin May Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs Psychology 42
17847 Wilson, Jin Xiang Auburn High School Hawthorn East Mathematical Methods 44
17848 Wilson, Jin Xiang Auburn High School Hawthorn East Physics 41
17849 Wilson, Jin Xiang Auburn High School Hawthorn East English 40
17850 Wilson, Keira Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Sociology 47
17851 Wilson, Luca Kean Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 41
17852 Wilson, Lulu Bella Balwyn High School Balwyn North Health and Human Development 40
17853 Wilson, Mia Jane Kilbreda College Mentone Health and Human Development 44
17854 Wilson, Mia Jane Kilbreda College Mentone General Mathematics 40
17855 Wilson, Miwa Andrea Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Languages: Japanese Second Language 41
17856 Wilson, Nyah Jade Catholic College Sale Sale Product Design and Technology 42
17857 Wilson, Rafe Miceal Xavier College Kew General Mathematics 47
17858 Wilson, Rebecca Paige St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
17859 Wilson, Rebecca Paige St Leonards College Brighton East Psychology 41
17860 Wilson, Rebecca Paige St Leonards College Brighton East Literature 40
17861 Wilson, Ruby Barbara Helen Kilvington Grammar School Ormond Sociology 41
17862 Wilson, Siobhan Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Visual Communication Design 40
17863 Wilson, Sophia Margarita King Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Health and Human Development 42
17864 Wilson, Sophia Margarita King Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Geography 41
17865 Wilson, Stella Isobel McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Chemistry 42
17866 Wilson, Stella Isobel McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Physical Education 42
17867 Wilson, Stephanie Jean Northcote High School Northcote Biology 40
17868 Wilson, Stephanie Jean Northcote High School Northcote Mathematical Methods 40
17869 Wilson, Theodora Zofia Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Chemistry 50
17870 Wilson, Theodora Zofia Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Languages: French 43
17871 Wilson, Theodora Zofia Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak English 42
17872 Wilson, Theodora Zofia Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Mathematical Methods 42
17873 Wilson, Thomas Richard Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Psychology 40
17874 Wilson, Veronica Misheel Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone English 42
17875 Wilson, Zali Mae Luther College Croydon Hills General Mathematics 40
17876 Wilson, Zoe Nora St Leonards College Brighton East Business Management 47
17877 Wilson, Zoe Nora St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 46
17878 Wilson, Zoe Nora St Leonards College Brighton East English 43
17879 Wilton, Elissa Tai Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Business Management 42
17880 Wilton, Joshua Wai Leong Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
17881 Wimaladas, Harien Noel Parade College Bundoora Food Studies 42
17882 Wimalasuriya, Tarika Sanjitha Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Art Making and Exhibiting 43
17883 Wimalasuriya, Tarika Sanjitha Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Biology 41
17884 Windsor, Ella Louise Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Psychology 40
17885 Winduss, Chloe Rose Kilbreda College Mentone General Mathematics 43
17886 Winduss, Chloe Rose Kilbreda College Mentone Psychology 42
17887 Wingett, Larissa Jade Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury General Mathematics 40
17888 Wingfield, Tess Olivia Bass Coast College Wonthaggi Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
17889 Wingfield, Yasmin Kay St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Health and Human Development 50
17890 Wingfield, Yasmin Kay St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Food Studies 47
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2024
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