VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2011

Filtered by Subject Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2011, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 359 entries are shown.
51 - 250
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51 Carr, Samantha Lauriston Girls School Armadale Media 40
52 Carver, Grace Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Media 41
53 Cashin, Nicole St Columbas College Essendon Media 42
54 Cauchy, Astrid Frankston High School Frankston Media 43
55 Chamberlain, Samuel Xavier College Kew Media 44
56 Chambers, Bethany St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Media 40
57 Cheng, Long Yin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Media 40
58 Ciccia, Michael St Monicas College Epping Media 43
59 Cladakis, Nicholas Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Media 40
60 Clancy, Tegan Assumption College Kilmore Media 41
61 Clark, Brigette St Catherines School Toorak Media 40
62 Clarke, Rebekah Buckley Park College Essendon Media 43
63 Cole, Rachael Lilydale High School Lilydale Media 44
64 Colosimo-Dinardo, Karli Preshil The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School Kew Media 42
65 Comben, Aubrey The Geelong College Newtown Media 44
66 Cook, Tayla Salesian College Sunbury Sunbury Media 40
67 Cooper, Jesse St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Media 40
68 Coppel, Ella Bialik College Hawthorn Media 41
69 Costello, Amethyst Belmont High School Belmont Media 42
70 Coventry, Alana Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore Media 41
71 Cramp, Angus De La Salle College Malvern Media 44
72 Currie, Alexandra St Leonards College Brighton East Media 40
73 Dao, Kevin Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Media 42
74 Davies, Emma Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Media 44
75 Dennis, Cassandra Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Media 40
76 Dexter, Rachael Gisborne Secondary College Gisborne Media 41
77 Dillane, Kathleen Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Media 43
78 Dodds, Sebastian Catholic College Wodonga Wodonga Media 43
79 Dowler, Tara Centre for Adult Education Melbourne Media 40
80 Drummond, Alexandra Wonthaggi Secondary College Wonthaggi Media 41
81 Drzewucki, Lauren Catholic Ladies College Eltham Media 48
82 Dunlop, Christopher East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Media 41
83 Duong, Vivian Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 42
84 Edey, Alanna St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Media 41
85 Edney, Michael St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Media 42
86 Ene, Carina Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Media 42
87 Fallon, Liam Oberon High School Armstrong Creek Media 44
88 Fantozzi, Robert Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Media 47
89 Farrell, Mollie Ruyton Girls School Kew Media 44
90 Farthing, Nathan Catholic College Wodonga Wodonga Media 46
91 Fay, Charles Scotch College Hawthorn Media 45
92 Fazakas, Caroline Lauriston Girls School Armadale Media 44
93 Fernando, Dilan Balwyn High School Balwyn North Media 47
94 Fichera, Vanessa St Monicas College Epping Media 45
95 Findlay, Rachael Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Media 44
96 Finnigan, Maggie Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool Media 41
97 Fisher, Tess Lauriston Girls School Armadale Media 50
98 Fitzpatrick, Matthew The Geelong College Newtown Media 42
99 Forbes, Miranda Sandringham College Sandringham Media 46
100 Freedman, Mikayla Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Media 42
101 Gallon, Antonia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Media 48
102 Gardner, Joel Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Media 50
103 Gardner, Paige Frankston High School Frankston Media 45
104 Garner, Stephanie St Leonards College Brighton East Media 43
105 Giannaros, Tess Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Media 40
106 Gilberg, Simon Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Media 45
107 Giles, Arielle Collingwood College Collingwood Media 41
108 Gilligan, Eilish Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Doreen Media 48
109 Glass, Megan Warragul Regional College Warragul Media 41
110 Gleeson, Chloe Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 42
111 Gnany, Aurelie Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale Media 43
112 Gonzales, Francesca Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Media 43
113 Goodwill, Ashley Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 40
114 Goodwin, Georgina Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Media 45
115 Gordon, Hannah Mornington Secondary College Mornington Media 45
116 Gordon, Susannah Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Media 44
117 Gough-Brooks, Megan Kew High School Kew East Media 46
118 Green, Anthony Xavier College Kew Media 40
119 Green, Ashleigh Trinity College Colac Media 42
120 Green, Eliza Ruyton Girls School Kew Media 44
121 Griffin, Stephanie Elwood College Elwood Media 46
122 Grskovic, Matthew St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Media 41
123 Hall, Georgia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Media 45
124 Hardy, Grace Catholic Ladies College Eltham Media 44
125 Hardy, Taylah Brauer College Warrnambool Media 41
126 Harper, Callum Mount Eliza Secondary College Mount Eliza Media 40
127 Harrison, Prani Catholic Ladies College Eltham Media 49
128 Hawi, Lina Mercy College Coburg Media 43
129 Hendy, Stephen Eltham College of Education Research Media 40
130 Hodge, Georgina Western Heights College Hamlyn Heights Media 41
131 Hoh, Stephanie Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South Media 41
132 Hornsby, Grace Mildura Senior College Mildura Media 41
133 Howe, Edward De La Salle College Malvern Media 43
134 Howson, Ella Catholic College Sale Sale Media 41
135 Hrissis, Nicole Lyndale Secondary College Dandenong North Media 41
136 Hubber, Edward St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Media 42
137 Hughes, Alexandra Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Media 43
138 Humphreys, Caitlyn The Geelong College Newtown Media 40
139 Hutton, Lauren Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Media 40
140 Hynes, Ryan De La Salle College Malvern Media 45
141 Iezzi, Gemila Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Media 45
142 Imfeld, Georgia Castlemaine Secondary College Castlemaine Media 43
143 Inglefinger, Nicholas Brentwood Secondary College Glen Waverley Media 45
144 Ip, Monica Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 43
145 Ivell, Rachel Cheltenham Secondary College Cheltenham Media 45
146 Jackson Berry, Rhiannon Williamstown High School Williamstown Media 45
147 Jakobovic, Michaela Salesian College Sunbury Sunbury Media 43
148 Jeffries, Amy Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 44
149 Jenkins, Dylan Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Media 41
150 Jennings, Amber Coburg Senior High School Coburg Media 40
151 Jin, Alan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Media 43
152 John, Deanndra St Monicas College Epping Media 45
153 Johnson, Matthew Melbourne High School South Yarra Media 40
154 Johnston, Thomas Whitefriars College Donvale Media 45
155 Jones, Courtney Carrum Downs Secondary College Carrum Downs Media 44
156 Jones, Evie Eltham College of Education Research Media 46
157 Jowers, Caley Ruyton Girls School Kew Media 50
158 Kaldawi, Julian Xavier College Kew Media 42
159 Kennedy-Ripon, Kate Gippsland Grammar Sale Media 44
160 Kent, Antonia Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Media 41
161 Keye, Sophie Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Media 40
162 Khanthakaew, Aston De La Salle College Malvern Media 40
163 Knight, Kelly Flinders Christian Community College Carrum Downs Carrum Downs Media 40
164 Knights, Megan Brauer College Warrnambool Media 40
165 Knowles, Nicholas St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield Media 41
166 Kreis, Eric Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 43
167 Le, Andrew Melbourne High School South Yarra Media 40
168 Lee, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 41
169 Leeder, Erin Buckley Park College Essendon Media 47
170 Lefoe, Jordyn Catholic College Wodonga Wodonga Media 42
171 Leigh, Hannah Swinburne Senior Secondary College Hawthorn Media 41
172 Lewis, Isabel Methodist Ladies College Kew Media 43
173 Leyland, Ben Frankston High School Frankston Media 41
174 Licen, Jessica St Leonards College Brighton East Media 42
175 Lin, Sharon Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Media 44
176 Little, Natalie-Jayne Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs Media 42
177 Liu, Anna St Catherines School Toorak Media 44
178 Lloyd, Samantha Woodleigh School Langwarrin South Media 50
179 Lopez, Crishelle St Columbas College Essendon Media 40
180 Love, Simon Xavier College Kew Media 50
181 Loves, Tamasine Distance Education Centre Victoria Thornbury Media 49
182 Lugg, Amelia Ararat College Ararat Media 42
183 Luu, Yasmine Eltham College of Education Research Media 42
184 Lyon, Benjamin Xavier College Kew Media 41
185 Lyons, Casey-Lee St Aloysius College North Melbourne Media 41
186 Macleod, Louisa Methodist Ladies College Kew Media 42
187 Madden, Aodhan Centre for Adult Education Melbourne Media 46
188 Mah, Vivienne Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Media 43
189 Mancuso, Katia Mercy College Coburg Media 40
190 Mannix, Max Buckley Park College Essendon Media 44
191 Mansour, Adelle Santa Maria College Northcote Media 41
192 Marinelli, Thomas St Bernards College Essendon Media 40
193 Martinuzzo, Megan Salesian College Sunbury Sunbury Media 43
194 Martonhelyi, Timothy Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Doreen Media 44
195 Martyn, Catherine Lauriston Girls School Armadale Media 47
196 Mastronardo, Simone Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Media 46
197 Matthys, Trelawney Rosebud Secondary College Rosebud Media 47
198 Mcbain, Chloe Rosehill Secondary College Niddrie Media 40
199 Mcfarlane, Jackson Princes Hill Secondary College Princes Hill Media 40
200 Mcinnes, Geena Cheltenham Secondary College Cheltenham Media 43
201 Mckee, Aiden Carrum Downs Secondary College Carrum Downs Media 41
202 Mckee, Maddison St Josephs College Mildura Mildura Media 42
203 Mckenry, Megan Loyola College Watsonia Media 40
204 Mckenzie, Stuart Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Media 43
205 Mcmurray, Amelia Rosebud Secondary College Rosebud Media 40
206 Mcnab, Hamish Scotch College Hawthorn Media 40
207 Mcnab, Tibor Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Media 40
208 Mcnamara, Eliza Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Media 43
209 Melna, Claire Camberwell High School Canterbury Media 40
210 Mentor, Juliet Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Media 40
211 Mercuri, Cassandra Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Media 43
212 Meurs, Ben Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Media 45
213 Michael, Georgina Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Media 45
214 Midler, Lauren The King David School Armadale Media 41
215 Mihailidis, Vasileia Santa Maria College Northcote Media 41
216 Milidoni, Natalie St Monicas College Epping Media 42
217 Mills, Andrew Xavier College Kew Media 43
218 Mitchell, Callum Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Media 46
219 Mitchell, Stuart Bentleigh Secondary College Bentleigh East Media 40
220 Molloy, Delanie Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Media 41
221 Moloney, Lydia Brauer College Warrnambool Media 46
222 Moloney, Rose Brauer College Warrnambool Media 45
223 Moreton, Holly Lilydale High School Lilydale Media 41
224 Morton, Hugh Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Media 43
225 Mountford, Caitlin Northcote High School Northcote Media 40
226 Mulcahy, Declan Elwood College Elwood Media 43
227 Munas, Azahn Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Media 42
228 Murphy, Lucy Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Media 42
229 Muscat, Lucas Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Media 41
230 Mutch, Sasha Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood Media 41
231 Newman, Jess Bialik College Hawthorn Media 47
232 Nicholls, Charlotte Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Media 40
233 Nicholson, Nathan Rosebud Secondary College Rosebud Media 40
234 Noack, Luke St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Media 42
235 Noriskin, Calli Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Media 40
236 O'Connor, Andrew De La Salle College Malvern Media 40
237 O'Donoghue, Jarred Scotch College Hawthorn Media 48
238 O'Keefe, Christopher Baimbridge College Hamilton Media 40
239 O'Malley, Sean Haileybury College Keysborough Media 47
240 O'Shea, Daniel Trinity College Colac Media 48
241 Paine, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 43
242 Parsons, Stephanie Lauriston Girls School Armadale Media 50
243 Payne, Jessica Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Media 41
244 Pemberton, Sione Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Media 49
245 Penaluna, Amy Hoppers Crossing Secondary College Hoppers Crossing Media 44
246 Penno, Max East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Media 47
247 Percy, Adele St Leonards College Brighton East Media 41
248 Perrone, Madeline St Monicas College Epping Media 40
249 Peterson, Claire Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Media 43
250 Petzke, Molly McClelland Secondary College Frankston Media 40
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020
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