Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 41930 entries are shown.
15963 - 16012
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15963 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Chung, Kierin
15964 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Humphries, Jack Walter
15965 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Pattman, Rory John Terence
15966 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Whiley, Lewis Eyre Kingscote
15967 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Wilkinson, Michael James
15968 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Barlow-Hunt, Ptolemy Angus Troy
15969 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Carlino-Mizuno, Kisho Gaetano
15970 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Chung, Kierin
15971 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Corry, Louis Gilberto
15972 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Graham, Robert Lane
15973 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Guo, Xuanyi
15974 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Harricks, Teddy John Wallace
15975 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Hecker, Rohan Charles
15976 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Hua, Henry Yuanhen
15977 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Huang, Maxim
15978 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Jones, Ryan Nicholas
15979 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Kinchington, Xavier Andrew
15980 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Liu, Siyao
15981 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Mason, Marcus Alexander
15982 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts McLeod, Maxwell Robert
15983 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Robb, Harrison James
15984 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Shi, Ruihao
15985 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Smink, Braydon Kevin
15986 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Sun, Wenbo
15987 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Yahng, Daniel
15988 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Visual Arts Yoon, Kevin Jimin
15989 Kogarah High School Kogarah Chemistry El Hurr, Michael
15990 Kogarah High School Kogarah Engineering Studies Dabaja, Hassan
15991 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics Extension 1 Dabaja, Hassan
15992 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics Extension 1 El Hurr, Michael
15993 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics Extension 1 Li, Manyan
15994 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics Extension 2 El Hurr, Michael
15995 Kooringal High School Kooringal Ancient History Abbasi, Fatemeh
15996 Kooringal High School Kooringal Ancient History Tremain, Malakai
15997 Kooringal High School Kooringal Engineering Studies Morgan, Travis
15998 Kooringal High School Kooringal Entertainment Industry Examination Esler, Lauren
15999 Kooringal High School Kooringal Entertainment Industry Examination Quintal, Sophie
16000 Kooringal High School Kooringal History Extension Abbasi, Fatemeh
16001 Kooringal High School Kooringal Hospitality Examination Fynn, Olivia
16002 Kooringal High School Kooringal Industrial Technology Ehsan, Raya
16003 Kooringal High School Kooringal Industrial Technology Li, Victoria
16004 Kooringal High School Kooringal Investigating Science Lewis, Lilly
16005 Kooringal High School Kooringal Mathematics Extension 1 Bashar, Nusrah
16006 Kooringal High School Kooringal Mathematics Standard 2 Esler, Lauren
16007 Kooringal High School Kooringal Mathematics Standard 2 Fynn, Olivia
16008 Kooringal High School Kooringal Mathematics Standard 2 Louttit, Tajah
16009 Kooringal High School Kooringal Mathematics Standard 2 Riley, Oscar
16010 Kooringal High School Kooringal Modern History Abbasi, Fatemeh
16011 Kooringal High School Kooringal Music 1 Bellany, Chiara
16012 Kooringal High School Kooringal Music 1 Comtesse, Hamish
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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