Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2023

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 39731 entries are shown.
5056 - 5105
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5056 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Fitzpatrick, Flynn
5057 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Goto-Young, Coco
5058 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Joshi, Anshu
5059 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Lennon, Remy
5060 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Marr, Angelique
5061 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Pandey, Eva
5062 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Rigoni, Alexia
5063 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Sharma, Anya
5064 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Wooldridge, Liv
5065 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 1 Bennetts, Kai
5066 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 1 Edwards, James
5067 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 1 Gallagher, Aidan
5068 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 1 Lacaria, Grace
5069 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 1 Whyte, Britney
5070 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 2 Atherton, Jared
5071 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music Extension Atherton, Jared
5072 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lennon, Remy
5073 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Price, Jordan
5074 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Physics Herridge, Joshua
5075 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Physics Pitchforth, Samuel
5076 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Physics Salter, Henry
5077 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Physics Torpy, James
5078 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Atkinson, Sydney Dee
5079 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Bolland, Mia
5080 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Cassar, Rachel Frances
5081 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Finney, Erica Rose Jackson
5082 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Ito, Mugi
5083 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Matterson, Alexandra Jane
5084 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Pereira, Sienna
5085 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Rees, Phoebe Scarlett
5086 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Revis, Sophie Anna
5087 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Simo Dzumgang, Sacha
5088 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Vikram, Nivriti
5089 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Software Design and Development Oertli, Nicolas
5090 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Software Design and Development Salter, Henry
5091 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Studies of Religion I Bolland, Mia
5092 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Bolland, Mia
5093 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Harada, Ema
5094 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Ishii, Sumire
5095 Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Campbelltown Drama Arnold, Maliyah
5096 Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Campbelltown Drama Eskelinen, Sarah
5097 Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Campbelltown English Extension 1 Arnold, Maliyah
5098 Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Campbelltown Hindi Continuers Sharma, Divya
5099 Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Campbelltown Music 1 Corrie, Liam
5100 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Biology Churchill, Olivia
5101 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Biology Wiencke, Oliver Sachin
5102 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Business Studies Balogun, Omotara Simisola
5103 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Business Studies Howard, David Winston
5104 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Business Studies Wiencke, Xavier Arun
5105 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Chinese Continuers Hu, Oscar
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 7 Sep 2024
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