This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
24798 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Layton, Shontelle Lorraine Fae |
24799 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Philip, Blake Jackson |
24800 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Physics | Hellawell, Angelina Christina |
24801 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Physics | Maclennan, Rory Angus Stewart |
24802 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Science Extension | Hume, Ruby Ted |
24803 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Software Design and Development | Maclennan, Rory Angus Stewart |
24804 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Software Design and Development | Scott, Ethan John |
24805 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Studies of Religion I | Chisholm, Bonnie Ann |
24806 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Studies of Religion I | Slavkovski, Sophie Mary |
24807 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Visual Arts | Cleworth, Amanda Gale |
24808 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Visual Arts | Cumming, Ruby Madelyn |
24809 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Visual Arts | Dearnley, Jameson Cadoc Rhys |
24810 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Visual Arts | Maclennan, Rory Angus Stewart |
24811 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Visual Arts | Newell, Kirra Jade |
24812 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Visual Arts | Plant, Ellis James |
24813 | Pittwater House Schools | Collaroy | Visual Arts | Rossouw, Joshua Lee |
24814 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Chemistry | Guiance, Nevada |
24815 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Chinese Continuers | Tighe, Audrey |
24816 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Drama | Alcorn, Catherine |
24817 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Drama | Cotterell, Gabrielle |
24818 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Drama | Gilpin, Harriet |
24819 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Drama | Imberger, Phoebe |
24820 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Drama | Ping Kee, Nathea |
24821 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | English Extension 1 | Cotterell, Gabrielle |
24822 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | English Extension 2 | Brown, Chiyo |
24823 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Mathematics Advanced | Sinha, Anviti |
24824 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Mathematics Extension 1 | Sinha, Anviti |
24825 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Mathematics Standard 2 | Fitzgerald, Freja |
24826 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Mathematics Standard 2 | Robertson, Makenzie |
24827 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Music 1 | Alcorn, Catherine |
24828 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Music 1 | Imberger, Phoebe |
24829 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Music 2 | Cotterell, Gabrielle |
24830 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Music 2 | Swick, Kaylee |
24831 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Music Extension | Cotterell, Gabrielle |
24832 | PLC Armidale | Armidale | Software Design and Development | Loxley, Scarlett |
24833 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Biology | Cotton, Rose |
24834 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Business Studies | Pham, Ethan |
24835 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Business Studies | Ryan, Eamonn |
24836 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Business Studies | Wilson, Riley |
24837 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Community and Family Studies | Barr, Jordan |
24838 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Community and Family Studies | Knight, Georgia |
24839 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | English Advanced | Pham, Ethan |
24840 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Food Technology | Barr, Jordan |
24841 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Food Technology | Cotton, Rose |
24842 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Food Technology | Fergusson, Kayla |
24843 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Hospitality Examination | Barr, Jordan |
24844 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Hospitality Examination | Howland-Cauchi, Shaelea |
24845 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Hospitality Examination | Knight, Georgia |
24846 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Italian Beginners | Livanios, Elena |
24847 | Port Hacking High School | Miranda | Japanese Continuers | Fergusson, Kayla |