Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2022

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2022.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37335 entries are shown.
34494 - 34543
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34494 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Kacavenda, Jovana
34495 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Sant, Jessica Rose Victoria
34496 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Visual Arts Cheng, Elaine
34497 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Visual Arts Lee, Rebekah Ju Eun
34498 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Visual Arts Nikolic, Mila
34499 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Visual Arts Pan, Sydney Tang-Yue
34500 Taree High School Taree Economics Jayarathna, Dinara
34501 Taree High School Taree Mathematics Extension 1 Jayarathna, Dinara
34502 Taree High School Taree Mathematics Extension 2 Jayarathna, Dinara
34503 Taree High School Taree Mathematics Standard 2 Hawkins, Sophie
34504 Taree High School Taree Music 1 Burke, Lachlan
34505 Taree High School Taree Music 1 Hunt, Gabriel
34506 Taree High School Taree Society and Culture Hawkins, Sophie
34507 Taree High School Taree Visual Arts Williams, Saffron
34508 Temora High School Temora Biology Robinson, Charlotte
34509 Temora High School Temora Business Studies Robinson, Charlotte
34510 Temora High School Temora English Advanced Robinson, Charlotte
34511 Temora High School Temora Food Technology Robinson, Charlotte
34512 Temora High School Temora Industrial Technology Weckert, Emilie
34513 Temora High School Temora Mathematics Advanced Robinson, Charlotte
34514 Temora High School Temora Mathematics Extension 1 Robinson, Charlotte
34515 Tempe High School Tempe Ancient History Small, Griffin John
34516 Tempe High School Tempe Biology Spyropoulos, Eugene
34517 Tempe High School Tempe Biology Sully, Anisha
34518 Tempe High School Tempe Business Studies Audreyha
34519 Tempe High School Tempe Business Studies Cai, Linda
34520 Tempe High School Tempe Business Studies Le, Nhi
34521 Tempe High School Tempe Design and Technology Whitehouse, Leo
34522 Tempe High School Tempe Design and Technology Whitehouse, Oliver
34523 Tempe High School Tempe Economics Anastasiou, Stephen
34524 Tempe High School Tempe Economics Audreyha
34525 Tempe High School Tempe Economics D'Souza, Kishore
34526 Tempe High School Tempe Economics Keledjian, George
34527 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Audreyha
34528 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced D'Souza, Kishore
34529 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Dawes, Jim
34530 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Gianniotis, Dionysios
34531 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Karadjis, Andreas
34532 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Keledjian, George
34533 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Li, Megan
34534 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Nghiem Xuan, Thao Linh Peli
34535 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Nguyen, James
34536 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Sully, Anisha
34537 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Whitehouse, Leo
34538 Tempe High School Tempe English Advanced Whitehouse, Oliver
34539 Tempe High School Tempe English Extension 1 Gianniotis, Dionysios
34540 Tempe High School Tempe English Extension 1 Karadjis, Andreas
34541 Tempe High School Tempe English Extension 1 Keledjian, George
34542 Tempe High School Tempe English Extension 1 Sully, Anisha
34543 Tempe High School Tempe English Extension 1 Whitehouse, Leo
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2024
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