Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2022

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2022.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37335 entries are shown.
22442 - 22491
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22442 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Westlake-O'Dwyer, Emilie-Rose
22443 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 2 Westlake-O'Dwyer, Emilie-Rose
22444 Oxley College Burradoo History Extension Falshaw, Camille
22445 Oxley College Burradoo History Extension Longworth, Matilda
22446 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Kane, Mackenzie
22447 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Anderson, Nicholas
22448 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Hanrahan, Kade
22449 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Kane, Mackenzie
22450 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Verity, Liam
22451 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Tregenza, Hamish
22452 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Standard 2 Little, Charlotte
22453 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Standard 2 Spring, Lilly
22454 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Standard 2 Westlake-O'Dwyer, Emilie-Rose
22455 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Standard 2 Wilson, James
22456 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Hogan, Lily
22457 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Kane, Mackenzie
22458 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Westlake-O'Dwyer, Emilie-Rose
22459 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Canute, Hal
22460 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Corbett, Hugh
22461 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Howes, Ava
22462 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Spring, Lilly
22463 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Tregenza, Hamish
22464 Oxley College Burradoo Music Extension Grice, Brianna
22465 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bow, Olivia
22466 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Falshaw, Camille
22467 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Feetham, Isabel
22468 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Spring, Lilly
22469 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Watkin, Ellen
22470 Oxley College Burradoo Physics Tregenza, Hamish
22471 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion I Canute, Hal
22472 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion I O'Connell, Liam
22473 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion II Holmwood, Peggy
22474 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion II Longworth, Matilda
22475 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Allan, Jennifer
22476 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Grice, Brianna
22477 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Kiklovich, Scarlett
22478 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Little, Charlotte
22479 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts O'Connell, Jillian
22480 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Tansey, Julia
22481 Oxley High School North Tamworth Drama Bagster, Sophie
22482 Oxley High School North Tamworth Drama Blanch, Sophie
22483 Oxley High School North Tamworth Drama McLeod, Connor
22484 Oxley High School North Tamworth English Extension 1 Barbara, Miriam
22485 Oxley High School North Tamworth Food Technology Hall, Olivia
22486 Oxley High School North Tamworth Geography Hall, Olivia
22487 Oxley High School North Tamworth Hospitality Examination Drake, Courtney
22488 Oxley High School North Tamworth Industrial Technology Murphy, Samuel
22489 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Standard 2 Jones, Conor
22490 Oxley High School North Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Barbara, Miriam
22491 Oxley High School North Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hall, Olivia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2024
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