Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2022

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2022.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37335 entries are shown.
10523 - 10572
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10523 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Sangster, Max Thomas
10524 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Sherman, Jackson James
10525 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 St Clair, Avalon Melody
10526 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Walker, Peter Ray
10527 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Webb, Zachary
10528 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Crotty, Michael James
10529 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Davis, Lilliana Maree
10530 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Devries, Monique Alice
10531 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Dhinakar, Shruthika
10532 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Lynch, Riley Taylor
10533 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Papeto, Haydon James
10534 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Read, Peter James
10535 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Riggs, Elodie
10536 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Smit, John Jan
10537 Gosford High School Gosford Music 1 Davis, Lilliana Maree
10538 Gosford High School Gosford Music 1 Jeon, Taesub
10539 Gosford High School Gosford Music 2 Hood, Jackson Jason
10540 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Corderoy, Hayley Grace
10541 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Crotty, Michael James
10542 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Francis, Bella
10543 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gilmore, Caitlan Tara
10544 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ralphs, Ben Kelvin
10545 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Salway, Abbey Katherine
10546 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Blom, Nomi Henrique
10547 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Hood, Jackson Jason
10548 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Latimer, Zander John Lawrence Hardy
10549 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Lu, Edward Tsun
10550 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Owens, Rebecca Kate Maszke
10551 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Ponnappan, Dhinesh
10552 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Xu, Mingyuan
10553 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Zhang, Joshua Sizhe
10554 Gosford High School Gosford Russian Continuers Byrne, Viola
10555 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Legge, Ava Madison
10556 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Montanari, Felix Maximus
10557 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Naylor, Isabella
10558 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Owens, Rebecca Kate Maszke
10559 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Peachey, Amy Brianna
10560 Gosford High School Gosford Software Design and Development Tang, Larry
10561 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Baker, Anthony Eugene Dennis
10562 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Johnston, Timothy James
10563 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Livette-Vial, Danielle Louise
10564 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Lloyd, Oliver Philip
10565 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Spencer, Brianna
10566 Gosford High School Gosford Studies of Religion II Hartz, Makenzie Renee
10567 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Clements-Lee, Vivienne Grace
10568 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Hartz, Makenzie Renee
10569 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Lynch, Riley Taylor
10570 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Park, Hanna
10571 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts See, Kalani Katherine
10572 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Smit, John Jan
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2024
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