Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2020

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2020.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 38208 entries are shown.
38130 - 38179
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38130 Xavier College Llandilo Community and Family Studies Warby, Maddison
38131 Xavier College Llandilo Community and Family Studies Williamson, Kate
38132 Xavier College Llandilo English Standard Bezzina, Hannah
38133 Xavier College Llandilo English Standard Turk, Majd
38134 Xavier College Llandilo Food Technology Galea, Rosabelle Felicity
38135 Xavier College Llandilo Investigating Science Camilleri, Nicholas
38136 Xavier College Llandilo Investigating Science Sherry, Michael
38137 Xavier College Llandilo Legal Studies Dib, Matilda Georgia
38138 Xavier College Llandilo Modern History Pallister, Anna
38139 Xavier College Llandilo Society and Culture Brebner, Sophie-Anne
38140 Xavier College Llandilo Visual Arts Cato, Melissa
38141 Xavier College Llandilo Visual Arts Palamara, Claire
38142 Xavier High School North Albury Biology Burton, Ian
38143 Xavier High School North Albury Biology Moir, Jordyn
38144 Xavier High School North Albury Biology Parkinson, Liam
38145 Xavier High School North Albury Biology Parnell, Patrick
38146 Xavier High School North Albury Biology Shen, Xinyuan
38147 Xavier High School North Albury Chemistry Briese, Harry
38148 Xavier High School North Albury Community and Family Studies James, Chelsea
38149 Xavier High School North Albury English Advanced Moir, Jordyn
38150 Xavier High School North Albury English Advanced Thomas, Mary Ann
38151 Xavier High School North Albury Industrial Technology Boyle, Campbell
38152 Xavier High School North Albury Industrial Technology Clark, Gordon
38153 Xavier High School North Albury Industrial Technology Copland, Nathan
38154 Xavier High School North Albury Industrial Technology Demeo, Benjamin
38155 Xavier High School North Albury Legal Studies Moir, Jordyn
38156 Xavier High School North Albury Legal Studies Thomas, Mary Ann
38157 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Advanced Burn, Olivia
38158 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Advanced Moir, Jordyn
38159 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Advanced Parkinson, Liam
38160 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Advanced Sharman, Samuel
38161 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Advanced Shen, Xinyuan
38162 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Briese, Harry
38163 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Toner, Jed
38164 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Extension 2 Briese, Harry
38165 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Extension 2 Toner, Jed
38166 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Standard 2 Hunt, Imogen
38167 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Standard 2 Parnell, Patrick
38168 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Standard 2 Quinn, Hogan
38169 Xavier High School North Albury Mathematics Standard 2 Thomas, Mary Ann
38170 Xavier High School North Albury Music 1 Habermann, Talissa
38171 Xavier High School North Albury Music 1 Shen, Xinyuan
38172 Xavier High School North Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Brown, Annie
38173 Xavier High School North Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Parnell, Patrick
38174 Xavier High School North Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wighton, Lara
38175 Xavier High School North Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Yensch, Grace
38176 Xavier High School North Albury Physics Briese, Harry
38177 Xavier High School North Albury Physics Toner, Jed
38178 Xavier High School North Albury Studies of Religion I Allwood, Olivia
38179 Xavier High School North Albury Studies of Religion I Burton, Ian
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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