Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37870 entries are shown.
36296 - 36345
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36296 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Italian Extension King, Laura
36297 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Legal Studies Hodgson, Chloe
36298 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Legal Studies Hughes, Emilie
36299 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Legal Studies Ledwith, Nicholas
36300 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Legal Studies Pearson-Roden, Heidi
36301 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Mathematics Hughes, Emilie
36302 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Mathematics Oddie, Xavier
36303 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Mathematics Extension 1 Barlow, Rachael
36304 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Modern History Earl, Clare
36305 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Modern History McCormick, Scarlett
36306 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Alexander-Gordon, Blaire
36307 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Baillie, Liam
36308 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Barnard, Jacobus
36309 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Baume, Frewoini
36310 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Cox, Hayley
36311 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Gill, Madeline
36312 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Graham, Luke
36313 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Hammond, Kaylyn
36314 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Murray, Ruby
36315 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Music 1 Namrell-Bright, Otis
36316 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Physics Alexander-Gordon, Blaire
36317 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Spanish Beginners King, Laura
36318 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Spanish Beginners Paredes Jones, Isabella
36319 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Alexander-Gordon, Blaire
36320 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Barlow, Rachael
36321 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Brentnall, Jacob
36322 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Clark, Halle
36323 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Earl, Clare
36324 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Hughes, Emilie
36325 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Logan-Cole, Eleonor
36326 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Studies of Religion I Lucas, Samantha
36327 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Textiles and Design Wagenfeld Nel, Hannah
36328 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Visual Arts Auld, Mikaela
36329 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Visual Arts Baume, Frewoini
36330 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Visual Arts De Nardi, Ruby
36331 Trinity Catholic College Lismore Lismore Visual Arts Pisarek, Lara
36332 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Business Studies Bui, Leo
36333 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Business Studies Louttit, Joshua
36334 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Business Studies Poulos, Steve
36335 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Chemistry Gan, Zijie
36336 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Chemistry Louskos, Dimitri
36337 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Chinese and Literature Gan, Zijie
36338 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Chinese in Context Shen, Kuan
36339 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Construction Examination Groth, Oscar
36340 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Design and Technology Kaye, Logan
36341 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Design and Technology Layton, Harrison
36342 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Design and Technology Repaci, Mark
36343 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Economics Earnshaw, Elliott
36344 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Economics Tran, Hoai
36345 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Engineering Studies Cameron, Aleksandar
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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