Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37779 entries are shown.
35590 - 35639
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35590 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Meares, Max Timothy Devenish
35591 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Murdoch, Declan Connor
35592 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Schembri, Lucas Jeffrey
35593 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Simpson, Theodore Andrew
35594 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Treloar, Hugo James Woodhill
35595 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Vandoros, Alexander Peter
35596 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Webber, Rhys Declan
35597 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Brabaakaran, Arunan Sivasambu
35598 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Braithwaite, Maxwell Thomas Christopher
35599 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Cameron, Dougal Charles Rolly
35600 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Clough, Ryan Andrew
35601 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History De Silva, Shevan Himendra Gamage
35602 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Douglass, William Macquarie Penning
35603 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Emmett, Zachary Adam
35604 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Gailey, David James Thomas
35605 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Holland, Matthew Stephen
35606 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Idiare, Jordan Deshaun
35607 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Jayasekera, Kieran Niresh
35608 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Keary, Benjamin Craig Lewis
35609 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Lim, Alexander Wei-Jian
35610 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History MacKenzie-Wood, Jack Paul Robert
35611 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Mason, Daniel Luke
35612 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Mason, Gareth James
35613 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Nettleton, Charles Brierley
35614 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Park, Jun Seong
35615 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Penna, Justin Alexander
35616 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Perrott, Jye Matthew
35617 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Thomas, Harrison Edward
35618 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Ting, Ryan Stuart
35619 The Kings School North Parramatta Modern History Tugwell, James Thompson
35620 The Kings School North Parramatta Music Extension Kwon, Richard Hyukjin
35621 The Kings School North Parramatta Music Extension Walkden-Brown, Nicholas John
35622 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Anese, Sean Luigi
35623 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Cranney, Hamish David
35624 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Cranney, William James
35625 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dickinson, Thomas Wallace Andrew
35626 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education George, Mark Andrew
35627 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lane, Aidan Laurence
35628 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lukash, Matthew Thomas
35629 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lulka, Adam Nicholas
35630 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McCann, Michael Kevin
35631 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Miller, Scott Andrew
35632 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Murdoch, Declan Connor
35633 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Robertson, Hamish Grant
35634 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tarasenko, Nathan Andrew
35635 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Vandoros, Alexander Peter
35636 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Cai, Andy Jiatong
35637 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Chiu, Clement Hok Wo
35638 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Hariharan, Shubhang
35639 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Tang, Dar En
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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