Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37779 entries are shown.
22758 - 22807
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22758 Oxley College Burradoo Economics Aleksov, Christopher
22759 Oxley College Burradoo Economics Longworth, Darcy
22760 Oxley College Burradoo English (Advanced) Bevan, Heidi
22761 Oxley College Burradoo English (Advanced) Lamrock-George, William
22762 Oxley College Burradoo English (Advanced) Main, Eilidh
22763 Oxley College Burradoo English (Advanced) Pryor, Jaime
22764 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Bevan, Heidi
22765 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Binder, Jamie
22766 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Lamrock-George, William
22767 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Pryor, Jaime
22768 Oxley College Burradoo French Continuers Bevan, Heidi
22769 Oxley College Burradoo French Extension Quirico, Benjamin
22770 Oxley College Burradoo History Extension Colby, Brandon
22771 Oxley College Burradoo History Extension Irving, Laura
22772 Oxley College Burradoo History Extension Wilson, Nicholas
22773 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Knowles, Isabella
22774 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Yang, Celena
22775 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Lamrock-George, William
22776 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Patterson, Cate
22777 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Croker, Emma
22778 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Dalton, Kathryn Lindsay
22779 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Hutchings, Megan
22780 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Lamrock-George, William
22781 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Leavy, Erin
22782 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics General 2 Aleksov, Christopher
22783 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics General 2 Bunyan, Alexander
22784 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics General 2 Cheaib, Alexia
22785 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics General 2 Wilson, Nicholas
22786 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Colby, Brandon
22787 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Pryor, Jaime
22788 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Healey, Mia
22789 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Lamrock-George, William
22790 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Newton, Patrick
22791 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Scandrett, Jack
22792 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lewis, William
22793 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wilson, Nicholas
22794 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion I Allen, Kaarina
22795 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion II Kennedy, Grace
22796 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Binder, Jamie
22797 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Colby, Brandon
22798 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Croker, Emma
22799 Oxley High School North Tamworth Electrotechnology Examination Lane, Brandon
22800 Oxley High School North Tamworth Geography Falkenmire, Anna
22801 Oxley High School North Tamworth Industrial Technology Lane, Brandon
22802 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Lane, Charlton
22803 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Russell, Kelly
22804 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics Wasson, Lachlan
22805 Oxley High School North Tamworth Mathematics General 2 Savage, William
22806 Oxley High School North Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Falkenmire, Anna
22807 Oxley High School North Tamworth Visual Arts Savage, William
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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