Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37779 entries are shown.
22408 - 22457
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22408 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Van Niekerk, Sure
22409 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Viertel, Lauren
22410 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I White, Chloe
22411 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion II D'Souza, Matthew
22412 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion II Isaac, Daniel Stephen
22413 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion II Lowe, Daniel
22414 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion II Tan, Olivia
22415 Oakhill College Castle Hill Visual Arts Baird, Mitchell
22416 Oakhill College Castle Hill Visual Arts O'Reilly, Sophie
22417 Oberon High School Oberon Biology Hopson, Ryan
22418 Oberon High School Oberon Physics Hopson, Ryan
22419 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Ancient History Hadley, Ciara
22420 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Chemistry Hanrahan, Timothy Arnold
22421 OConnor Catholic College Armidale English Extension 1 Hadley, Ciara
22422 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Hospitality Examination Harper, Emily
22423 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Legal Studies Doyle, Sophie
22424 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Legal Studies Lee, Jarrod
22425 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Mathematics General 2 Doyle, Sophie
22426 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Mathematics General 2 Lee, Jarrod
22427 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Modern History Sharman, Laura Amie
22428 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hull, Julia
22429 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Physics Hanrahan, Timothy Arnold
22430 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Studies of Religion I Hadley, Ciara
22431 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Studies of Religion I Hanrahan, Timothy Arnold
22432 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Studies of Religion I Lee, Jarrod
22433 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Studies of Religion I Sharman, Laura Amie
22434 OConnor Catholic College Armidale Visual Arts Dennehy, Faith
22435 Orange Anglican Grammar School Orange Design and Technology Elliott, Tom
22436 Orange Anglican Grammar School Orange Design and Technology Robinson, Luke
22437 Orange Anglican Grammar School Orange Design and Technology Skinner, Lachlan
22438 Orange Christian School Orange Ancient History Rawson, Emily
22439 Orange Christian School Orange Biology Kent, Amber
22440 Orange Christian School Orange Biology Ostini, Bethany
22441 Orange Christian School Orange Community and Family Studies Pierce, Emily
22442 Orange Christian School Orange Community and Family Studies Rawson, Emily
22443 Orange Christian School Orange Legal Studies Kent, Amber
22444 Orange High School Orange Biology Clifford, Steven Mathew
22445 Orange High School Orange Biology Collins, Molly Elizabeth
22446 Orange High School Orange Business Studies Clifford, Steven Mathew
22447 Orange High School Orange English (Advanced) Delaney, Eleanor Ashley
22448 Orange High School Orange English Extension 1 Bankovic, Isabella Molly
22449 Orange High School Orange English Extension 1 Delaney, Eleanor Ashley
22450 Orange High School Orange French Beginners Bankovic, Isabella Molly
22451 Orange High School Orange Hospitality Examination Pilossof, Jemma Leigh
22452 Orange High School Orange Legal Studies Clifford, Steven Mathew
22453 Orange High School Orange Mathematics White, Cooper James
22454 Orange High School Orange Modern History Delaney, Eleanor Ashley
22455 Orange High School Orange Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Boyd, Alexandra Elizabeth
22456 Orange High School Orange Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Swords, Gabrielle Eloise
22457 Orange High School Orange Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tufuga, Neve Marilyn
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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