This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
22408 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Van Niekerk, Sure |
22409 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Viertel, Lauren |
22410 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | White, Chloe |
22411 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion II | D'Souza, Matthew |
22412 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion II | Isaac, Daniel Stephen |
22413 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion II | Lowe, Daniel |
22414 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion II | Tan, Olivia |
22415 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Visual Arts | Baird, Mitchell |
22416 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Visual Arts | O'Reilly, Sophie |
22417 | Oberon High School | Oberon | Biology | Hopson, Ryan |
22418 | Oberon High School | Oberon | Physics | Hopson, Ryan |
22419 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Ancient History | Hadley, Ciara |
22420 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Chemistry | Hanrahan, Timothy Arnold |
22421 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | English Extension 1 | Hadley, Ciara |
22422 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Hospitality Examination | Harper, Emily |
22423 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Legal Studies | Doyle, Sophie |
22424 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Legal Studies | Lee, Jarrod |
22425 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Mathematics General 2 | Doyle, Sophie |
22426 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Mathematics General 2 | Lee, Jarrod |
22427 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Modern History | Sharman, Laura Amie |
22428 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Hull, Julia |
22429 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Physics | Hanrahan, Timothy Arnold |
22430 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Studies of Religion I | Hadley, Ciara |
22431 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Studies of Religion I | Hanrahan, Timothy Arnold |
22432 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Studies of Religion I | Lee, Jarrod |
22433 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Studies of Religion I | Sharman, Laura Amie |
22434 | OConnor Catholic College | Armidale | Visual Arts | Dennehy, Faith |
22435 | Orange Anglican Grammar School | Orange | Design and Technology | Elliott, Tom |
22436 | Orange Anglican Grammar School | Orange | Design and Technology | Robinson, Luke |
22437 | Orange Anglican Grammar School | Orange | Design and Technology | Skinner, Lachlan |
22438 | Orange Christian School | Orange | Ancient History | Rawson, Emily |
22439 | Orange Christian School | Orange | Biology | Kent, Amber |
22440 | Orange Christian School | Orange | Biology | Ostini, Bethany |
22441 | Orange Christian School | Orange | Community and Family Studies | Pierce, Emily |
22442 | Orange Christian School | Orange | Community and Family Studies | Rawson, Emily |
22443 | Orange Christian School | Orange | Legal Studies | Kent, Amber |
22444 | Orange High School | Orange | Biology | Clifford, Steven Mathew |
22445 | Orange High School | Orange | Biology | Collins, Molly Elizabeth |
22446 | Orange High School | Orange | Business Studies | Clifford, Steven Mathew |
22447 | Orange High School | Orange | English (Advanced) | Delaney, Eleanor Ashley |
22448 | Orange High School | Orange | English Extension 1 | Bankovic, Isabella Molly |
22449 | Orange High School | Orange | English Extension 1 | Delaney, Eleanor Ashley |
22450 | Orange High School | Orange | French Beginners | Bankovic, Isabella Molly |
22451 | Orange High School | Orange | Hospitality Examination | Pilossof, Jemma Leigh |
22452 | Orange High School | Orange | Legal Studies | Clifford, Steven Mathew |
22453 | Orange High School | Orange | Mathematics | White, Cooper James |
22454 | Orange High School | Orange | Modern History | Delaney, Eleanor Ashley |
22455 | Orange High School | Orange | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Boyd, Alexandra Elizabeth |
22456 | Orange High School | Orange | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Swords, Gabrielle Eloise |
22457 | Orange High School | Orange | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Tufuga, Neve Marilyn |