Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 37779 entries are shown.
22337 - 22386
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22337 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics General 2 Perez-Christie, Alejandro
22338 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics General 2 Raic, Kristian
22339 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics General 2 Walsh, Catherine
22340 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern History Gracie, Nicholas
22341 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern History Joseph, Michaela
22342 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern History Lai, Olivia
22343 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern History Shields, Bridget
22344 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Dolahenty, Riley
22345 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Hawkins, Mitchell
22346 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Murdica, Antony
22347 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Nasello, Damian
22348 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Park, Chan Seok
22349 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Tan, Olivia
22350 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Woodhead, Cooper
22351 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music Extension Corso, Domenic
22352 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music Extension DiDio, Luke
22353 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bamford, Chloe
22354 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bond, Isabelle
22355 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Burland, Charlotte
22356 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Coombs, Jameson
22357 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dooley, Luke
22358 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Duncan, Isabella
22359 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hare, Madison
22360 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Harrington, Jacob
22361 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Murrie, Matthew
22362 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Suters, Anna
22363 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Van Niekerk, Sure
22364 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wiggins, Hugo
22365 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Zychowska, Gabriela Emilia
22366 Oakhill College Castle Hill Physics D'Souza, Matthew
22367 Oakhill College Castle Hill Physics Matthews, Patrick
22368 Oakhill College Castle Hill Physics Murphy, Andrew
22369 Oakhill College Castle Hill Polish Continuers Zychowska, Gabriela Emilia
22370 Oakhill College Castle Hill Primary Industries Examination Adler, Lauren
22371 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Attard, Maree
22372 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Ferguson, Madeleine
22373 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Finch, Charlotte
22374 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Gobbe, Emily
22375 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Greenwood, Marcus
22376 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Helsham, Rachael
22377 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Isaac, Daniel Stephen
22378 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Massoud, Sam
22379 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Shields, Ryan
22380 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science White, Jacqueline
22381 Oakhill College Castle Hill Society and Culture Bonello, Rachel
22382 Oakhill College Castle Hill Society and Culture Hare, Madison
22383 Oakhill College Castle Hill Society and Culture Millauro, Liana
22384 Oakhill College Castle Hill Society and Culture Rayment, Liam
22385 Oakhill College Castle Hill Society and Culture Shields, Bridget
22386 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Adler, Lauren
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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