This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
22337 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics General 2 | Perez-Christie, Alejandro |
22338 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics General 2 | Raic, Kristian |
22339 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics General 2 | Walsh, Catherine |
22340 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Modern History | Gracie, Nicholas |
22341 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Modern History | Joseph, Michaela |
22342 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Modern History | Lai, Olivia |
22343 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Modern History | Shields, Bridget |
22344 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Dolahenty, Riley |
22345 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Hawkins, Mitchell |
22346 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Murdica, Antony |
22347 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Nasello, Damian |
22348 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Park, Chan Seok |
22349 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Tan, Olivia |
22350 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Woodhead, Cooper |
22351 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music Extension | Corso, Domenic |
22352 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Music Extension | DiDio, Luke |
22353 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Bamford, Chloe |
22354 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Bond, Isabelle |
22355 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Burland, Charlotte |
22356 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Coombs, Jameson |
22357 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Dooley, Luke |
22358 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Duncan, Isabella |
22359 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Hare, Madison |
22360 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Harrington, Jacob |
22361 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Murrie, Matthew |
22362 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Suters, Anna |
22363 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Van Niekerk, Sure |
22364 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Wiggins, Hugo |
22365 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Zychowska, Gabriela Emilia |
22366 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Physics | D'Souza, Matthew |
22367 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Physics | Matthews, Patrick |
22368 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Physics | Murphy, Andrew |
22369 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Polish Continuers | Zychowska, Gabriela Emilia |
22370 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Primary Industries Examination | Adler, Lauren |
22371 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Attard, Maree |
22372 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Ferguson, Madeleine |
22373 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Finch, Charlotte |
22374 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Gobbe, Emily |
22375 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Greenwood, Marcus |
22376 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Helsham, Rachael |
22377 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Isaac, Daniel Stephen |
22378 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Massoud, Sam |
22379 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | Shields, Ryan |
22380 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Senior Science | White, Jacqueline |
22381 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Society and Culture | Bonello, Rachel |
22382 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Society and Culture | Hare, Madison |
22383 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Society and Culture | Millauro, Liana |
22384 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Society and Culture | Rayment, Liam |
22385 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Society and Culture | Shields, Bridget |
22386 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Adler, Lauren |