This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
10638 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 1 | Park, Chul Woo John |
10639 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 1 | Phan, William |
10640 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yeom, Seong Won |
10641 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yeom, Seungyo |
10642 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yong, Son Shin |
10643 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Bai, Tianshu |
10644 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Cheng, Elton |
10645 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Fu, James |
10646 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Kim, Ban Suk Paul |
10647 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Kim, Sung Bin ( Edmond ) |
10648 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Kim, Yeunsu |
10649 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Yeom, Seungyo |
10650 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics Extension 2 | Yong, Son Shin |
10651 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics General 2 | Keskin, Alpay |
10652 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics General 2 | Miller, Craig |
10653 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Mathematics General 2 | Zraika, Tarek |
10654 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Modern History | Kiritharan, Keshaven |
10655 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Keskin, Alpay |
10656 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Kiritharan, Shankaran |
10657 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Selverajoo, Arivindraan |
10658 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Zraika, Tarek |
10659 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Physics | Bai, Tianshu |
10660 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Physics | Cheng, Elton |
10661 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Tamil Continuers | Selvanantham, Thayakan |
10662 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Visual Arts | Cheng, Calvin |
10663 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Visual Arts | Ju, Hyungbin |
10664 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Visual Arts | Kiritharan, Keshaven |
10665 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Visual Arts | Lin, Dion |
10666 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Visual Arts | Lu, Andy |
10667 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Visual Arts | Qin, Sheng Kang Kevin |
10668 | Homebush Boys High School | Homebush | Visual Arts | Rampal, Raghav |
10669 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Ancient History | D'Souza, Chantelle |
10670 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Ancient History | Lee, Hannah Hee-Yeon |
10671 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Ancient History | Lee, June |
10672 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Ancient History | Shanker, Mekala |
10673 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Ancient History | Xu, Yuanze |
10674 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Ancient History | Zhou, Weinnie |
10675 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Balakumar, Shobitha |
10676 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Chen, Li-Xuan Sharron |
10677 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Hili, Jessica |
10678 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Horsburgh, Annabel Mae |
10679 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Patel, Maya |
10680 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Qiu, Xiao Lu |
10681 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Seery, Ailise Claire |
10682 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Tey, Hui Suan Celeste |
10683 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Wright, Andrea |
10684 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Yam, Isabelle Yeo Ki |
10685 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Yan, Alice |
10686 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Yang, Lin Yalinna |
10687 | Hornsby Girls High School | Hornsby | Biology | Yao, Sofia |