Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2014

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2014.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 35980 entries are shown.
7189 - 7238
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7189 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics General 2 Carter, Simone
7190 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics General 2 Chilvers, Libby Claire
7191 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics General 2 Garlick, Kate Eloise
7192 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics General 2 Kent, Joshua William
7193 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics General 2 Khan, Momin Ali
7194 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics General 2 McNamara, Patrick Liam
7195 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics General 2 Vrtaric, David
7196 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Modern History Killeen, Matthew James
7197 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Modern History Wijesuriya, Maheasha Udula
7198 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Music 1 Bonic, Emilia
7199 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Music 1 Heywood, Erin
7200 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Chesher, Anna Louise
7201 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Physics Meng, Haoran
7202 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Society and Culture Foster, Madeline McSeveny
7203 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Society and Culture McCammon, Amy Louise
7204 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Visual Arts Chilvers, Libby Claire
7205 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Visual Arts Garlick, Kate Eloise
7206 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Visual Arts Kwon, Caitlin Yong-Eun
7207 Cronulla High School Cronulla Ancient History Bryant, Melanie
7208 Cronulla High School Cronulla Ancient History Cherry, Anja
7209 Cronulla High School Cronulla Ancient History Cooper, Sally
7210 Cronulla High School Cronulla Ancient History Loomes, Carmen
7211 Cronulla High School Cronulla Ancient History Workman, Renee
7212 Cronulla High School Cronulla Ancient History Wyllie, Jack
7213 Cronulla High School Cronulla Biology Jones, Tessa
7214 Cronulla High School Cronulla Biology Kuznetsova, Ksenia
7215 Cronulla High School Cronulla Business Studies Cherry, Anja
7216 Cronulla High School Cronulla Chemistry Bryant, Melanie
7217 Cronulla High School Cronulla Design and Technology Roach, Sophie
7218 Cronulla High School Cronulla Drama Jones, Tessa
7219 Cronulla High School Cronulla Economics Cherry, Anja
7220 Cronulla High School Cronulla English (Advanced) Cherry, Anja
7221 Cronulla High School Cronulla English (Advanced) Jones, Tessa
7222 Cronulla High School Cronulla English (Advanced) Kentwell, Jamison
7223 Cronulla High School Cronulla Industrial Technology Foster, Liam
7224 Cronulla High School Cronulla Industrial Technology Goodman, Mark
7225 Cronulla High School Cronulla Industrial Technology Nalty, Christopher
7226 Cronulla High School Cronulla Mathematics Bryant, Melanie
7227 Cronulla High School Cronulla Mathematics Extension 1 Wyllie, Jack
7228 Cronulla High School Cronulla Mathematics General 2 Cherry, Anja
7229 Cronulla High School Cronulla Mathematics General 2 Smith, Izaak
7230 Cronulla High School Cronulla Modern History Jones, Tessa
7231 Cronulla High School Cronulla Modern History Loomes, Carmen
7232 Cronulla High School Cronulla Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Nguyen, Stephanie
7233 Cronulla High School Cronulla Society and Culture Cooper, Sally
7234 Cronulla High School Cronulla Society and Culture Nguyen, Stephanie
7235 Cronulla High School Cronulla Swedish Continuers Aneman, Ingrid
7236 Cronulla High School Cronulla Swedish Continuers Sodermark, Lucas
7237 Cronulla High School Cronulla Visual Arts Kentwell, Jamison
7238 Cronulla High School Cronulla Visual Arts Workman, Renee
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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