Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2014

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2014.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 35980 entries are shown.
2029 - 2078
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2029 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Bottomley, Elizabeth Alice
2030 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Dauth, Darcy Sean
2031 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Davis, Adam Joseph
2032 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Keeler, Katherine Melissa
2033 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Lee, Justin Ka-Chi
2034 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Nicol, Harry Murray
2035 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Palmer, Christopher James
2036 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Sercombe, Jayden Paul
2037 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Smith, William Thomas
2038 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Ye, Raymond
2039 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Abagi, Mitchell Sam
2040 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Bennett, Nicholas John
2041 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Bottomley, Elizabeth Alice
2042 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Dauth, Darcy Sean
2043 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Davis, Adam Joseph
2044 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Ford, Sarah Margaret
2045 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Hulst, Angus James
2046 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Jones, Ryan Donald
2047 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Keeler, Katherine Melissa
2048 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Lee, Justin Ka-Chi
2049 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Nicol, Harry Murray
2050 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Sercombe, Jayden Paul
2051 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Ye, Raymond
2052 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Abagi, Mitchell Sam
2053 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Angus, Jessica Kate
2054 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Brell, Savannah Jessie
2055 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Defina, Luke Mikhael
2056 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hall, Perry James
2057 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ivimey, Simon Rhys
2058 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jamieson, Sarah Madeleine
2059 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jeffery, James Steven
2060 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Johnston, Charles David
2061 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Matthews, Georgia Ellen
2062 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Middlebrook, Harrison James
2063 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mueller, Michela Emmi
2064 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Nevison, Scott Huntley
2065 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ross, Ashleigh
2066 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Slack-Smith, William Oliver
2067 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Smerdon, David Andrew
2068 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tan, Daniel Lewis
2069 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education White, Cassandra Leigh
2070 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Williams, Amelia Jordan
2071 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wilson, Harry Blake
2072 Barker College Hornsby Physics Berkley, Marcus Alexander
2073 Barker College Hornsby Physics Chye, Alexander Wen Tzen
2074 Barker College Hornsby Physics Davis, Adam Joseph
2075 Barker College Hornsby Physics Davis, Jack Mitchell
2076 Barker College Hornsby Physics Johnston, Charles David
2077 Barker College Hornsby Physics Lapechi, Arman
2078 Barker College Hornsby Physics Ye, Raymond
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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