Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2013

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2013.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34684 entries are shown.
7680 - 7729
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7680 Engadine High School Engadine English (Standard) Keen, Amber Rochelle
7681 Engadine High School Engadine General Mathematics Barford, Rachele Therese
7682 Engadine High School Engadine General Mathematics Davies, Jordan Andrew
7683 Engadine High School Engadine General Mathematics Fernandes, Nicola Kimberley
7684 Engadine High School Engadine General Mathematics Fogg, Madison
7685 Engadine High School Engadine General Mathematics Johnson, Kimberley Ellen Rose
7686 Engadine High School Engadine General Mathematics McKay, Torii
7687 Engadine High School Engadine Industrial Technology Micallef, Jackson Gregory
7688 Engadine High School Engadine Information Processes and Technology Corby, Samuel Michael Ling
7689 Engadine High School Engadine Mathematics Atkins, Leigh George
7690 Engadine High School Engadine Mathematics Robertson, Mitchell Jarred
7691 Engadine High School Engadine Mathematics Extension 1 Robertson, Mitchell Jarred
7692 Engadine High School Engadine Modern History Bullen, Lachlan Gregory
7693 Engadine High School Engadine Music 1 Ridge, Zoe Michelle
7694 Engadine High School Engadine Physics Robertson, Mitchell Jarred
7695 Engadine High School Engadine Senior Science Adams, Elloise Caitlin
7696 Engadine High School Engadine Senior Science Cope, Brianna Leigh
7697 Engadine High School Engadine Senior Science King, Daniel
7698 Engadine High School Engadine Society and Culture O'Connor, Trelby
7699 Engadine High School Engadine Textiles and Design Keen, Amber Rochelle
7700 Engadine High School Engadine Textiles and Design Wardrop, Brooke Isabella
7701 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Cina, Nawid
7702 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Jayaweera, Rushantha Udayanka
7703 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Miller, Daniel Josiah
7704 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Vignando, Luca Rhys
7705 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Biology Alfonzetti, Matthew Anthony
7706 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Biology Lo, Kelvin Shyi-En
7707 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Biology Qasim, Asad
7708 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Business Studies Hanna, Shaddy
7709 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Business Studies Morian, Peter
7710 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Business Studies Ruggles, Guy
7711 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Business Studies Singhdhillon, Prabhjot
7712 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Chen, Kunhong Edward
7713 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Dutta, Rik
7714 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Hanna, Shaddy
7715 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Iranpour, Nima
7716 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Kokuleraj, Vihan
7717 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Lau, Goffery Yin Kong
7718 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Lo, Kelvin Shyi-En
7719 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Nguyen, Michael
7720 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Pattekar, Anurag
7721 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Tanza, Matthew
7722 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Wi, Minhyuk Harry
7723 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Xu, Brendan
7724 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chinese Background Speakers Chen, Kunhong Edward
7725 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Design and Technology Alfonzetti, Matthew Anthony
7726 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Drama Lewis, Adam Jay
7727 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Economics Dhorajiwala, Anuj Ali
7728 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Economics Diez Del Corral Dominguez, Jorge
7729 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Economics Hartley, Joshua David
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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