Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2012

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2012.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 35055 entries are shown.
20549 - 20598
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20549 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 1 Spoelma, Michael
20550 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 1 Su, Elton
20551 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 1 Zhang, Richard
20552 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 2 Miltchinov, Nick
20553 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 2 Zhang, Richard
20554 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern Greek Beginners Theos, Jordan
20555 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern History Giordano, Jake
20556 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern History Jack, Brandon
20557 Oakhill College Castle Hill Modern History Maher, Joelle
20558 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Austin, Carley
20559 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Bosen, Patrick
20560 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Charles, Stephen
20561 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Francis, Daniel
20562 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Marshall, Mitchell
20563 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Mylott, Emma
20564 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Ross, Jackson
20565 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music 1 Tuttle, Brandon
20566 Oakhill College Castle Hill Music Extension Sayah, David
20567 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bailey, Samantha
20568 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Baker, Shinelle
20569 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Burke, Cormac
20570 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Creighton, Josephine
20571 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gavin, Shane
20572 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jack, Brandon
20573 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kalcic, Emmaline
20574 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Michie, Jack
20575 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Noble, Meghan
20576 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Oksinski, Michael
20577 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ross, Jackson
20578 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rylance, Jarryd
20579 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Stenglin, Kristina
20580 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tuttle, Brandon
20581 Oakhill College Castle Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ugarkovic, Tomislav
20582 Oakhill College Castle Hill Physics Miltchinov, Nick
20583 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Clagnan, Vanessa
20584 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science McLennan, Jade
20585 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Richardson, Erin
20586 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Rylance, Jarryd
20587 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Serrano, Christopher
20588 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Van Treeck, Jessica
20589 Oakhill College Castle Hill Senior Science Wilson, Chanelle
20590 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Anisse, Claudia
20591 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Clagnan, Vanessa
20592 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Creighton, Josephine
20593 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Croxen, Georgia
20594 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Dick, Matthew
20595 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Dome, Dominika
20596 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I George, Caroleena
20597 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Gialouris, Christopher
20598 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Jack, Brandon
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2022
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