Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2011

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2011.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 36190 entries are shown.
24254 - 24303
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24254 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill Biology Johns, Kathryn
24255 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill Business Studies Delos Santos, Danica
24256 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill Food Technology Quattromani, Brenda
24257 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill General Mathematics Manipud, Charlie
24258 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill Hospitality Examination King, Tayla
24259 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Duque, Kimberly
24260 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill Visual Arts Duque, Kimberly
24261 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Ancient History Burns, Campbell Hume
24262 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Biology Bardsley, Maxwell
24263 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Biology Krajewski, Adam Karol
24264 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Biology Leidl, Dana
24265 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Chinese Beginners Hur, Sooji
24266 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Engineering Studies Davies, Karl
24267 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Engineering Studies Dobronevsky, Pavlo
24268 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Engineering Studies Nobis, Harrison
24269 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Baillie, Greta
24270 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Burns, Campbell Hume
24271 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Bye, Dylan John
24272 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Leidl, Dana
24273 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Nobis, Harrison
24274 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Smith, Elizabeth
24275 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Steigrad, Livya Rebekka
24276 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Wu, Pamela
24277 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English as a Second Language Hur, Sooji
24278 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English as a Second Language Nguyen, Chi Hieu
24279 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English as a Second Language Tran, Huong Giang
24280 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English Extension 2 Burns, Campbell Hume
24281 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English Extension 2 Steigrad, Livya Rebekka
24282 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights French Continuers Heron, Paul Francis Whiteford
24283 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Industrial Technology Braid, Jackson
24284 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Italian Continuers Burns, Campbell Hume
24285 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Legal Studies Wu, Pamela
24286 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Delley, Jonathan Gordon
24287 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Livits, Allan Michael
24288 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Soh, Pamela
24289 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Tran, Huong Giang
24290 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Wilson, Andrew
24291 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Nobis, Harrison
24292 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Salmon, Frank Oliver
24293 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Tran, Huong Giang
24294 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Vu, Nhat Hong
24295 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Nobis, Harrison
24296 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Salmon, Frank Oliver
24297 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Modern Hebrew Continuers Samocha, Shira
24298 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Modern History Bardsley, Maxwell
24299 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Modern History Burns, Campbell Hume
24300 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Modern History Tsor, Shaul
24301 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Physics Delley, Jonathan Gordon
24302 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Physics Nobis, Harrison
24303 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Physics Salmon, Frank Oliver
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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