Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34718 entries are shown.
33739 - 33788
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33739 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Visual Arts Vallentin, Alice Amanda
33740 Warrawong High School Warrawong Food Technology Matar, Manal
33741 Warrawong High School Warrawong Industrial Technology Giardini, Robert
33742 Warren Central School Warren Hospitality Examination Stephens, Rhiannon Louise
33743 Wauchope High School Wauchope Agriculture Anderson, Kirra June
33744 Wauchope High School Wauchope Biology Anderson, Kirra June
33745 Wauchope High School Wauchope Dance Magnus, Tiarna Lynda
33746 Wauchope High School Wauchope English Extension 2 Beames, Joanne Rose
33747 Wauchope High School Wauchope English Extension 2 Strawbridge, Melissa
33748 Wauchope High School Wauchope Food Technology Beames, Joanne Rose
33749 Wauchope High School Wauchope Food Technology Gillan, Kirsty Ann
33750 Wauchope High School Wauchope General Mathematics Anderson, Kirra June
33751 Wauchope High School Wauchope General Mathematics Imrie, Gemma Danielle
33752 Wauchope High School Wauchope Music 1 Johnson, Jaimie Leigh
33753 Wauchope High School Wauchope Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Anderson, Kirra June
33754 Wauchope High School Wauchope Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Beames, Joanne Rose
33755 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Andrianakos, George
33756 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Greer, Justin
33757 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Malidin, Julien
33758 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Sukas, Kieran
33759 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Wilson, Trent
33760 Waverley College Waverley Chemistry Higgins, Rupert
33761 Waverley College Waverley Construction Examination Mellick, Nicholas
33762 Waverley College Waverley Economics McGann, Nicholas
33763 Waverley College Waverley Engineering Studies Munk, David
33764 Waverley College Waverley Engineering Studies Turner, Jesse
33765 Waverley College Waverley English (Advanced) Greer, Justin
33766 Waverley College Waverley English (Advanced) Newling, Oliver
33767 Waverley College Waverley English (Advanced) Sukas, Kieran
33768 Waverley College Waverley English (Advanced) Wilson, Trent
33769 Waverley College Waverley English Extension 1 Higgins, Rupert
33770 Waverley College Waverley English Extension 1 Malidin, Julien
33771 Waverley College Waverley English Extension 1 Newling, Oliver
33772 Waverley College Waverley English Extension 1 Wilson, Trent
33773 Waverley College Waverley English Extension 2 Cousins, John
33774 Waverley College Waverley English Extension 2 Greer, Justin
33775 Waverley College Waverley English Extension 2 Newling, Oliver
33776 Waverley College Waverley General Mathematics Ashcroft, Tyler
33777 Waverley College Waverley General Mathematics Bennett, Azuma
33778 Waverley College Waverley General Mathematics Nakic, Dimitrie
33779 Waverley College Waverley General Mathematics Ramirez, Marcus
33780 Waverley College Waverley Geography Andrianakos, George
33781 Waverley College Waverley Geography Scarf, Thomas
33782 Waverley College Waverley Geography Wakim, Charles
33783 Waverley College Waverley Industrial Technology Endicott, Lane
33784 Waverley College Waverley Industrial Technology Gillian, Lochlainn
33785 Waverley College Waverley Industrial Technology Marais, Ryan
33786 Waverley College Waverley Industrial Technology Moriarty, Keegan
33787 Waverley College Waverley Information Processes and Technology Hanrahan, Rhys
33788 Waverley College Waverley Legal Studies Jeffries, Nicholas
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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