Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34718 entries are shown.
25789 - 25838
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25789 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Biology Bradford, Melissa Therese
25790 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Biology Kavanagh, Tomas Winton
25791 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Business Studies Purcell, Brenden Patrick
25792 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Chemistry Kavanagh, Tomas Winton
25793 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Bradford, Melissa Therese
25794 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Ellis, Jaden Jessica
25795 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Kavanagh, Tomas Winton
25796 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Kenny, Jane Holly
25797 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) King, Madeleine Anne
25798 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) King, Olivia Margaret
25799 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Launt, Kelly
25800 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Nolan, Majella
25801 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Pascolini, Kate Elaine
25802 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Romeyn, Arie
25803 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Wallace, Emily Rose
25804 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Watt, Sophie Letitia
25805 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) White, Jacob Victor William
25806 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English (Advanced) Wyburn, Gemma Louise
25807 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 1 King, Madeleine Anne
25808 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 1 King, Olivia Margaret
25809 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 2 Balzer, Nicholas Andrew
25810 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 2 Ellis, Jaden Jessica
25811 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 2 King, Madeleine Anne
25812 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 2 King, Olivia Margaret
25813 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 2 Sidoti, Dominic John
25814 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood English Extension 2 Watt, Sophie Letitia
25815 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood General Mathematics Black, Jason James
25816 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood General Mathematics Geerligs, Johanna Carina
25817 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood General Mathematics Pascolini, Kate Elaine
25818 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood General Mathematics Stewart, Joanna Christine
25819 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood History Extension King, Olivia Margaret
25820 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Industrial Technology Frazer, Benjamin James
25821 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Japanese Continuers Kavanagh, Tomas Winton
25822 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Japanese Continuers King, Madeleine Anne
25823 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Japanese Continuers White, Jacob Victor William
25824 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Japanese Extension King, Madeleine Anne
25825 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Japanese Extension White, Jacob Victor William
25826 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Legal Studies White, Jacob Victor William
25827 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Bradford, Melissa Therese
25828 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Kenny, Jane Holly
25829 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Kidd, Christine Anne
25830 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Wyburn, Gemma Louise
25831 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Extension 1 Romeyn, Arie
25832 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Extension 1 White, Jacob Victor William
25833 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Extension 2 Romeyn, Arie
25834 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Mathematics Extension 2 White, Jacob Victor William
25835 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Modern History King, Olivia Margaret
25836 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Modern History Pascolini, Kate Elaine
25837 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Music 1 Glynn, Elizabeth Rose
25838 St Columbas Catholic College Springwood Music 1 Kenny, Jane Holly
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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