Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34718 entries are shown.
20682 - 20731
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20682 Oxley High School North Tamworth Software Design and Development Mortimer, Joshua
20683 Oxley High School North Tamworth Textiles and Design Ryan, Sarah
20684 Oxley High School North Tamworth Textiles and Design Wilcher, Rebekah
20685 Oxley High School North Tamworth Visual Arts Fisher, Priscilla
20686 Oxley High School North Tamworth Visual Arts Ryan, Sarah
20687 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Biology Genovese, Bianca
20688 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Biology Rajaratnam, Elisha
20689 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Biology Sharpe, Monica
20690 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Business Studies Gangemi, Scott
20691 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Cheung, Timothy
20692 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry George, Daniel
20693 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Pal, Kaveeth
20694 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Wong, Hannah
20695 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Community and Family Studies Carter, Amelia
20696 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Economics O'Doherty, James
20697 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Economics Pal, Kaveeth
20698 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English (Advanced) O'Doherty, James
20699 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 2 O'Doherty, James
20700 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension Mills, Nyssa
20701 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension O'Doherty, James
20702 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Information Processes and Technology Parsons, Luke
20703 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Japanese Continuers Lee, Cho Rok
20704 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Legal Studies Lim, See Whye Sophia
20705 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Berry, Thomas
20706 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Chan, Henry
20707 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Chandler, Allison
20708 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Cheung, Timothy
20709 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Chow, Matthew
20710 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Fa, Joelle
20711 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Fiorentino, Michele
20712 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics George, Daniel
20713 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Innes, Amelia
20714 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Lee, Ashling
20715 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Lee, Bronwyn
20716 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Lee, Sebe
20717 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Lim, Lael
20718 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Lim, See Whye Sophia
20719 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Mok, Alex
20720 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Nugent, Jeremy
20721 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Rau, Chantelle
20722 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Tsang, Gilbert
20723 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Wong, Andrew Ka Lok
20724 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Wong, Hannah
20725 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Cheung, Timothy
20726 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Chow, Matthew
20727 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Fiorentino, Michele
20728 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 George, Daniel
20729 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Goh, Matthew
20730 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Innes, Amelia
20731 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, Ashling
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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