Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34718 entries are shown.
1251 - 1300
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1251 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Mathematics Extension 1 Cheng, Joyce Man-Lai
1252 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Mathematics Extension 1 Chui-Cheng-Lam, Natalie
1253 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Mathematics Extension 1 Do, Ji Hyun
1254 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Mathematics Extension 1 Shen, Ning
1255 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Mathematics Extension 1 Teh, Kimberley Kim
1256 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Mathematics Extension 1 Zhang, Jing
1257 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Mathematics Extension 2 Do, Ji Hyun
1258 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Modern History Dubler, Roslyn Elizabeth
1259 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Modern History Harris, Jacinta Joy
1260 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Music 1 Bolonina, Viktoria
1261 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Music 1 Harris, Jacinta Joy
1262 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Music 1 Lorenzo, Alison Coral
1263 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Music 1 Mullan, Emma Katherine
1264 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Music 1 Sheridan, Jennifer Jane
1265 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Music 1 Steele, Lara Blair
1266 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Allan, Rebecca Louise
1267 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Carr, Elizabeth May
1268 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Chui-Cheng-Lam, Natalie
1269 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hayes, Lina Patricia
1270 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lamberton, Monica Kathleen
1271 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lee, Sophia
1272 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mullan, Emma Katherine
1273 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mulvogue, Michayla Lee
1274 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Society and Culture Venman, Kate
1275 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Textiles and Design Burch, Danica
1276 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Textiles and Design De Vin, Sharni
1277 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Textiles and Design Venman, Kate
1278 Auburn Girls High School Auburn Biology Cicek, Nadiye
1279 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music 1 Abdelghani, Nadia
1280 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music 1 Meng, Danielle
1281 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music 1 Rorke, Liam
1282 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music 1 Stace, Erin
1283 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music 2 Li, Jun Jun
1284 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music 2 Lin, Yanqing Emily
1285 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music 2 Moore, James Lionel
1286 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music Extension Li, Jun Jun
1287 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music Extension Lin, Yanqing Emily
1288 Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondary College Surry Hills Music Extension Moore, James Lionel
1289 Australian International High School Sydney Chinese Background Speakers Lin, Yuanyuan
1290 Australian International High School Sydney Mathematics Lin, Yuanyuan
1291 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Ancient History Hanssen, Adam Alexander
1292 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Biology Hanssen, Adam Alexander
1293 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Biology Ku, Dominic Joey
1294 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Biology Rivalland, Alexandra Natalie
1295 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Business Studies Boyd, Nelson Victor
1296 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Business Studies Cheng, Cathy Ka Lee
1297 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Business Studies Yap, Kitty Li Vern
1298 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Business Studies Zhao, Geoff Zhefu
1299 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Chinese Continuers Lam, Kiki Wing Kee
1300 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Chinese Continuers Pickering, Shaun Victor
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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