This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
25789 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Biology | Bradford, Melissa Therese |
25790 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Biology | Kavanagh, Tomas Winton |
25791 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Business Studies | Purcell, Brenden Patrick |
25792 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Chemistry | Kavanagh, Tomas Winton |
25793 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Bradford, Melissa Therese |
25794 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Ellis, Jaden Jessica |
25795 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Kavanagh, Tomas Winton |
25796 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Kenny, Jane Holly |
25797 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | King, Madeleine Anne |
25798 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | King, Olivia Margaret |
25799 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Launt, Kelly |
25800 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Nolan, Majella |
25801 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Pascolini, Kate Elaine |
25802 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Romeyn, Arie |
25803 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Wallace, Emily Rose |
25804 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Watt, Sophie Letitia |
25805 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | White, Jacob Victor William |
25806 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English (Advanced) | Wyburn, Gemma Louise |
25807 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 1 | King, Madeleine Anne |
25808 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 1 | King, Olivia Margaret |
25809 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 2 | Balzer, Nicholas Andrew |
25810 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 2 | Ellis, Jaden Jessica |
25811 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 2 | King, Madeleine Anne |
25812 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 2 | King, Olivia Margaret |
25813 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 2 | Sidoti, Dominic John |
25814 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | English Extension 2 | Watt, Sophie Letitia |
25815 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | General Mathematics | Black, Jason James |
25816 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | General Mathematics | Geerligs, Johanna Carina |
25817 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | General Mathematics | Pascolini, Kate Elaine |
25818 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | General Mathematics | Stewart, Joanna Christine |
25819 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | History Extension | King, Olivia Margaret |
25820 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Industrial Technology | Frazer, Benjamin James |
25821 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Japanese Continuers | Kavanagh, Tomas Winton |
25822 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Japanese Continuers | King, Madeleine Anne |
25823 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Japanese Continuers | White, Jacob Victor William |
25824 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Japanese Extension | King, Madeleine Anne |
25825 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Japanese Extension | White, Jacob Victor William |
25826 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Legal Studies | White, Jacob Victor William |
25827 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics | Bradford, Melissa Therese |
25828 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics | Kenny, Jane Holly |
25829 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics | Kidd, Christine Anne |
25830 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics | Wyburn, Gemma Louise |
25831 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics Extension 1 | Romeyn, Arie |
25832 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics Extension 1 | White, Jacob Victor William |
25833 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics Extension 2 | Romeyn, Arie |
25834 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Mathematics Extension 2 | White, Jacob Victor William |
25835 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Modern History | King, Olivia Margaret |
25836 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Modern History | Pascolini, Kate Elaine |
25837 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Music 1 | Glynn, Elizabeth Rose |
25838 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Music 1 | Kenny, Jane Holly |
25839 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Purcell, Brenden Patrick |
25840 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Sidoti, Patrick |
25841 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Standen, Sarah Bridget |
25842 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Voura, Corey Michael |
25843 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Primary Industries Examination | Wyburn, Gemma Louise |
25844 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Society and Culture | Pascolini, Kate Elaine |
25845 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Society and Culture | Sidoti, Dominic John |
25846 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion I | Bradford, Melissa Therese |
25847 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion I | Kavanagh, Tomas Winton |
25848 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion I | Kidd, Christine Anne |
25849 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion I | King, Madeleine Anne |
25850 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion I | King, Olivia Margaret |
25851 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion I | White, Jacob Victor William |
25852 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion I | Wyburn, Gemma Louise |
25853 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion II | Ellis, Jaden Jessica |
25854 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion II | Howells, Isabella Jesse |
25855 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion II | Launt, Kelly |
25856 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion II | Nolan, Majella |
25857 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion II | Pascolini, Kate Elaine |
25858 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion II | Sidoti, Patrick |
25859 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Studies of Religion II | Wallace, Emily Rose |
25860 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | Calavassy, Talara Ann |
25861 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | Glynn, Elizabeth Rose |
25862 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | Kenny, Jane Holly |
25863 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | King, Madeleine Anne |
25864 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | King, Olivia Margaret |
25865 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | Launt, Kelly |
25866 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | Standen, Sarah Bridget |
25867 | St Columbas Catholic College | Springwood | Visual Arts | Wallace, Emily Rose |
25868 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Ancient History | Camilleri, Daniel |
25869 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Ancient History | D'Souza, Daniel |
25870 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Ancient History | Fam, Peter |
25871 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Ancient History | Henry, Alex |
25872 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Business Studies | Bishop, Bradley |
25873 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Business Studies | Hall, Aaron |
25874 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Chemistry | Armstrong, Christopher |
25875 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Chemistry | Impelido, Martin |
25876 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Design and Technology | Iraheta, Jimmy |
25877 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Economics | Ali, Farhan |
25878 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Economics | Armstrong, Christopher |
25879 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Economics | Dimech, Dominic |
25880 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Economics | Impelido, Martin |
25881 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Economics | Schild, Matthew |
25882 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | English (Advanced) | Ali, Farhan |
25883 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | English (Advanced) | Dimech, Dominic |
25884 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | English (Advanced) | Fam, Peter |
25885 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | English Extension 1 | Fam, Peter |
25886 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | General Mathematics | Eastham, Mitchell |
25887 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | General Mathematics | Zieba, Matthew |
25888 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | History Extension | Ali, Farhan |
25889 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | History Extension | Fam, Peter |
25890 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | History Extension | Zadravec, Thomas |
25891 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Industrial Technology | Dingemans, Travis |
25892 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Industrial Technology | Hopkins, Ryan |
25893 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Industrial Technology | Organ, Alexander |
25894 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Legal Studies | Dimech, Dominic |
25895 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Legal Studies | Fam, Peter |
25896 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Legal Studies | Glover, Mitchell |
25897 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics | Ali, Farhan |
25898 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics | Armstrong, Christopher |
25899 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics | Dimech, Dominic |
25900 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics | Impelido, Martin |
25901 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics | Muscat, Stephen |
25902 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics | Strong, Jacob |
25903 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ali, Farhan |
25904 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | Armstrong, Christopher |
25905 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | Muscat, Stephen |
25906 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Mathematics Extension 1 | Stanojevic, Alexander |
25907 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Modern History | Ali, Farhan |
25908 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Music 1 | Hopkins, Ryan |
25909 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Music 1 | Kerr, Haydn |
25910 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Bishop, Bradley |
25911 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Hall, Aaron |
25912 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Mugica, Aaron |
25913 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Tareen, Waqas |
25914 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Physics | Impelido, Martin |
25915 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Physics | Simmonds, Alec |
25916 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion I | Ali, Farhan |
25917 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion I | Camilleri, Daniel |
25918 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion I | Hall, Aaron |
25919 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion I | Impelido, Martin |
25920 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion I | Law, Scott |
25921 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion I | Schild, Matthew |
25922 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion I | Strong, Jacob |
25923 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion II | Dimech, Dominic |
25924 | St Dominics College | Kingswood | Studies of Religion II | Fam, Peter |
25925 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Business Studies | Briggs, Adam |
25926 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Business Studies | Stewart-Baker, Cameron |
25927 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | General Mathematics | English, Joshua |
25928 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Hospitality Examination | Ho, William |
25929 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Industrial Technology | Reynolds, Robert |
25930 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Information Processes and Technology | Briggs, Adam |
25931 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Legal Studies | Briggs, Adam |
25932 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Mathematics | Briggs, Adam |
25933 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Music 1 | Isaac, Gareth |
25934 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Music 1 | Johnson, Leigh |
25935 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Music 1 | Mackay, Samuel |
25936 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Music 1 | Ryan, Matthew |
25937 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | English, Joshua |
25938 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | White, Daniel |
25939 | St Edwards Christian Brothers College | East Gosford | Visual Arts | Barkel, Christian |
25940 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Business Studies | Hadjidemetri, Andrew |
25941 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Chemistry | Arronis, Connie Marie |
25942 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Agathocleous, Andrea |
25943 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Chrisafis, Priscilla Persephonie |
25944 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Korkidas, Kaliopi |
25945 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Stathakis, Dennise |
25946 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Voudouris, Alana |
25947 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | English (Advanced) | Alevizos, Christopher Michael |
25948 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | English (Advanced) | Arronis, Connie Marie |
25949 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | English Extension 1 | Arronis, Connie Marie |
25950 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | History Extension | Dobric, Dragan |
25951 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Hospitality Examination | Gribilas, Joanna |
25952 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Hospitality Examination | Matakakis, Krissi |
25953 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Hospitality Examination | Papadam, Angela |
25954 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Hospitality Examination | Voudouris, Alana |
25955 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Information Processes and Technology | Agathocleous, Andrea |
25956 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Information Processes and Technology | Alevizos, Christopher Michael |
25957 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Information Processes and Technology | Anaxagorou, Michael |
25958 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Information Processes and Technology | Dobric, Dragan |
25959 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Legal Studies | Alevizos, Christopher Michael |
25960 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Mathematics | Arronis, Connie Marie |
25961 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Continuers | Arronis, Connie Marie |
25962 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Continuers | Chrysou, Anthi |
25963 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Continuers | Himonitis, Maria |
25964 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Continuers | Kordas, Evanthia |
25965 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Continuers | Mitsinga, Marina |
25966 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Continuers | Stathakis, Dennise |
25967 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Chrysou, Anthi |
25968 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Ermilos, Michael |
25969 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Himonitis, Maria |
25970 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Kavadas, Isodia |
25971 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Mitsinga, Marina |
25972 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Mouyiaris, Andrew |
25973 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Poulos, Joel Emmanuel |
25974 | St Euphemia College | Bankstown | Modern Greek Extension | Stathakis, Dennise |
25975 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | Ancient History | Marshall, Samantha |
25976 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | Biology | Cai, Angela |
25977 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | Business Studies | Cai, Angela |
25978 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | Chemistry | Teusner, Adam |
25979 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | Drama | Coelli, Vanessa |
25980 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | English (Advanced) | Coelli, Vanessa |
25981 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | English (Advanced) | Commins, Nicole |
25982 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | English (Advanced) | Nardi, Andrew |
25983 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | English (Advanced) | Nardi, Emma |
25984 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | English (Advanced) | Teusner, Adam |
25985 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | English (Standard) | Ierano, Courtney |
25986 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | General Mathematics | Babbs, Mitchell |
25987 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | General Mathematics | Carroll, Annalyse |
25988 | St Francis De Sales Regional College | Leeton | General Mathematics | Hoysted, Alice |