Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34282 entries are shown.
8689 - 8738
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8689 Girraween High School Girraween Visual Arts Chen, Jennifer Sang
8690 Girraween High School Girraween Visual Arts Jansz, Anika Eisha
8691 Girraween High School Girraween Visual Arts Razzak, Atef
8692 Girraween High School Girraween Visual Arts Virata, Jamiel Rhalp
8693 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Agriculture Miller, Scott Anthony
8694 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Community and Family Studies Cupitt, Carrie-Anne Elaine
8695 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes English (Advanced) Landers, Rebecca Frances
8696 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Food Technology Cupitt, Carrie-Anne Elaine
8697 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Food Technology Kilner, Samantha Leigh
8698 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Mathematics Brown, Kim Jonathan
8699 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Mathematics Landers, Rebecca Frances
8700 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Mathematics Extension 1 Brown, Kim Jonathan
8701 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Croft, Sophie Ellen
8702 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Landers, Rebecca Frances
8703 Glen Innes High School Glen Innes Visual Arts Gerke, Catherine Lesley
8704 Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Middle Cove Ancient History Lazarevic, Toya
8705 Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Middle Cove Design and Technology Mikschofsky, Nicole
8706 Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Middle Cove Drama Bissell, Georgina
8707 Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Middle Cove Drama Restifo, Antony Josef
8708 Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Middle Cove Mathematics Mikschofsky, Nicole
8709 Glendale Technology High School Glendale Biology McDonnell, Kelly Maree
8710 Glendale Technology High School Glendale Community and Family Studies McDonnell, Kelly Maree
8711 Glendale Technology High School Glendale English (Advanced) McDonnell, Kelly Maree
8712 Glendale Technology High School Glendale English Extension 1 McDonnell, Kelly Maree
8713 Glendale Technology High School Glendale General Mathematics McDonnell, Kelly Maree
8714 Glenmore Park High School Glenmore Park Ancient History Watkins, Ashleigh Maree
8715 Glenwood High School Glenwood Hindi Continuers Singh, Kabir
8716 Gloucester High School Gloucester Engineering Studies Hile, Brendan James
8717 Gloucester High School Gloucester General Mathematics Ferris, Mark Alexander
8718 Gloucester High School Gloucester Mathematics Extension 1 Hile, Brendan James
8719 Gloucester High School Gloucester Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hitchcock, Amber Jane
8720 Gloucester High School Gloucester Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wise, Jessica Christine
8721 Gloucester High School Gloucester Software Design and Development Hile, Brendan James
8722 Gloucester High School Gloucester Software Design and Development King, Thomas Michael
8723 Gloucester High School Gloucester Visual Arts Hitchcock, Amber Jane
8724 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Ancient History Coluccio, Elyce
8725 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Armenian Continuers Hanna, Silva
8726 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook English Extension 1 Jajou, Sandra
8727 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook English Extension 2 Jajou, Sandra
8728 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook English Extension 2 Wright, Maryann
8729 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook General Mathematics Tummarello, Natasha
8730 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Legal Studies Romeo, Tiana
8731 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Mathematics Tran, Nhi
8732 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Mathematics Extension 1 Tran, Nhi
8733 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Music 1 Do, Phillip
8734 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Music 1 Phantharangsi, Vivian
8735 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Music 1 Wright, Maryann
8736 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Personal Development, Health and Physical Education El-Zakhem, Andrew
8737 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Stikovic, Michael
8738 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Studies of Religion I Coluccio, Elyce
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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