Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34282 entries are shown.
3583 - 3632
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3583 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Bhowmik, Shubhra
3584 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Deshpande, Vinita
3585 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Donis, Alexandra
3586 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Hong, Mingzi
3587 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Khan, Sarah Anwar
3588 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Hye Lim
3589 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Michelle
3590 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Ko, Jun Hee
3591 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Low, Winnie
3592 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Lu, Rui Xin (Emma)
3593 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Mitsopoulos, Nicoletta
3594 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Sriramula, Mounica
3595 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Wang, Shi Qiao Sarah
3596 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Wu, Qian Vicky
3597 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Zhang, Jing
3598 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Deshpande, Vinita
3599 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Donis, Alexandra
3600 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Kim, Hye Lim
3601 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Low, Winnie
3602 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Sriramula, Mounica
3603 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Wang, Li Jin Gloria
3604 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Modern History Yang, Allina
3605 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music 1 Dharamdas, Sarah
3606 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music 1 Kiely, Lucy
3607 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music 1 Malmberg, Lila Mae
3608 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music 1 McCarthy, Catherine
3609 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music 1 McIntosh, Isabella
3610 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music 1 Zeichner, Josephine
3611 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music 2 Lu, Pei-Hsuan Peddy
3612 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Music Extension Lu, Pei-Hsuan Peddy
3613 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Johnson, Cathryn
3614 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Sim, Georgina
3615 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Physics Canaris, Sophie
3616 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Physics Deshpande, Vinita
3617 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Physics Donis, Alexandra
3618 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Physics Khan, Sarah Anwar
3619 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Physics Kim, Michelle
3620 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Physics Low, Winnie
3621 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Physics Sriramula, Mounica
3622 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Russian Background Speakers Donis, Alexandra
3623 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Society and Culture Helper, Nicola
3624 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Society and Culture Lukins, Stephanie
3625 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Society and Culture McCarthy, Catherine
3626 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Society and Culture Menyam, Chitabha
3627 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Software Design and Development Deshpande, Vinita
3628 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Spanish Continuers Lima, Evelyn
3629 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Textiles and Design Colbeck-Pilling, Zoe
3630 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Textiles and Design Serratore, Giovanna
3631 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Visual Arts Helper, Nicola
3632 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Visual Arts Menyam, Chitabha
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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