Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 34282 entries are shown.
1750 - 1799
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1750 Barker College Hornsby Music 1 Walsh, Emma
1751 Barker College Hornsby Music 1 Webber, Mark
1752 Barker College Hornsby Music 1 Woods, Nicholas
1753 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Hunter, Catriona
1754 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Loder, Alexander
1755 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Morgan, Nicholas
1756 Barker College Hornsby Music 2 Openshaw, Alexander
1757 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Hunter, Catriona
1758 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Loder, Alexander
1759 Barker College Hornsby Music Extension Openshaw, Alexander
1760 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ahern, Lauren
1761 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Blair, Stuart
1762 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Borrell, Alison
1763 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Elvy, Claudia
1764 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Evans, Martin
1765 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ford, Alicia
1766 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gibbons, Mitchell
1767 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Huang, Nicholas
1768 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Johnson, Matthew
1769 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Johnston, Miriam
1770 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kaylinger, Sarah
1771 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Krynauw, Jessica
1772 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Melrose, Brittany
1773 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pallier, Naomi
1774 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pope, Rachel
1775 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Reynolds, Bradley
1776 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rost, Jessica
1777 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Thompson, Alexander
1778 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ward, Samuel
1779 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Watson, Philip
1780 Barker College Hornsby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wright, Sophie
1781 Barker College Hornsby Physics Asher, Michael
1782 Barker College Hornsby Physics Cruickshank, Matthew
1783 Barker College Hornsby Physics Henderson, William
1784 Barker College Hornsby Physics Hill, Simon
1785 Barker College Hornsby Physics Palesy, Tom
1786 Barker College Hornsby Physics Williams, Rhys
1787 Barker College Hornsby Visual Arts Carter, Anna
1788 Barker College Hornsby Visual Arts Colnan, Shaun
1789 Barker College Hornsby Visual Arts Elvy, Claudia
1790 Barker College Hornsby Visual Arts Incoll, Grace
1791 Barker College Hornsby Visual Arts Jacquet, Sarah
1792 Barker College Hornsby Visual Arts Maher, Corinna
1793 Barker College Hornsby Visual Arts Solar, Simone
1794 Barraba Central School Barraba Biology Ferris, Clare Anthea
1795 Barraba Central School Barraba Chemistry Ferris, Clare Anthea
1796 Barrenjoey High School Avalon Business Studies Brinkmann, Robert Benjamin
1797 Barrenjoey High School Avalon Business Studies Lenart, Josef
1798 Barrenjoey High School Avalon Drama Harrison, Lucy
1799 Barrenjoey High School Avalon Earth and Environmental Science Lenart, Josef
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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