Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2007

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2007.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 31627 entries are shown.
31233 - 31282
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31233 Wingham High School Wingham Food Technology Saxby, Carina Lee
31234 Wingham High School Wingham Geography Dowswell, Emily Jane
31235 Wingham High School Wingham Geography Ruprecht, Kareena Maree
31236 Wingham High School Wingham Legal Studies Taylor, Jessica Kate
31237 Wingham High School Wingham Music 1 Everingham, Benjamin
31238 Wingham High School Wingham Music 1 Gaudron, Aidan Michael
31239 Wingham High School Wingham Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ballard, Elsie Mary
31240 Wingham High School Wingham Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Saxby, Carina Lee
31241 Wingham High School Wingham Swedish Continuers Brodin, Annica
31242 Winmalee High School Winmalee Ancient History Gibbs, Laura Patricia
31243 Winmalee High School Winmalee Ancient History Harris, Laura Rae
31244 Winmalee High School Winmalee Ancient History Parry, Rebecca Anne
31245 Winmalee High School Winmalee Biology Collins, Madeliene
31246 Winmalee High School Winmalee Biology Parry, Rebecca Anne
31247 Winmalee High School Winmalee Business Studies Newton, Anthony Paul
31248 Winmalee High School Winmalee Community and Family Studies White, Rachel Catherine
31249 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 2 Hume, Jordan Ashley
31250 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 2 Wenman, Andrew Steven
31251 Winmalee High School Winmalee Food Technology Janovsky, Taran Kait
31252 Winmalee High School Winmalee General Mathematics Spratt, Nicholas Mitchell
31253 Winmalee High School Winmalee Industrial Technology Birkner, Alexander
31254 Winmalee High School Winmalee Industrial Technology Hodgins-Lucas, Sean Thomas
31255 Winmalee High School Winmalee Information Processes and Technology Fulthorp, Michael John
31256 Winmalee High School Winmalee Information Processes and Technology Sanders, Taren Grant
31257 Winmalee High School Winmalee Information Processes and Technology Spark, Sean Allan
31258 Winmalee High School Winmalee Legal Studies Parry, Rebecca Anne
31259 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Bevis, Dylan Johnson
31260 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Fornasari, Sonia Rebecca
31261 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Lekkas, Jared
31262 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Extension 1 Lekkas, Jared
31263 Winmalee High School Winmalee Metal and Engineering Examination MacKenzie, Joshua Alexander
31264 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Harrison, William James
31265 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Hume, Jordan Ashley
31266 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Maloney, Paul Timothy
31267 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Spark, Sean Allan
31268 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Whichello, Alexander Anthony
31269 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Collins, Madeliene
31270 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Harris, Laura Rae
31271 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pollard, Madeleine Noela Amy
31272 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Taylor, Jessica Anne
31273 Winmalee High School Winmalee Senior Science Pollard, Madeleine Noela Amy
31274 Winmalee High School Winmalee Software Design and Development Bevis, Dylan Johnson
31275 Winmalee High School Winmalee Software Design and Development Fulthorp, Michael John
31276 Winmalee High School Winmalee Software Design and Development Hume, Jordan Ashley
31277 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Evans, Sophie Elizabeth
31278 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Fornasari, Sonia Rebecca
31279 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Harris, Laura Rae
31280 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Hunter, Rebecca Anne
31281 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Smith, Jane Rhiana
31282 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Taylor, Jessica Anne
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2021
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