This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2023, along with the school that they attended.
These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.
Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.
501 | Cert of Distinction | Kenworthy, Parker | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
502 | Cert of Distinction | Kerai, Neha | Ellenbrook Secondary College | Ellenbrook |
503 | Cert of Distinction | Kerr, Amy | Georgiana Molloy Anglican School | Busselton |
504 | Cert of Distinction | Kerr, Charlotte | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
505 | Cert of Distinction | Kerr, Chloe | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
506 | Cert of Distinction | Kester, Alisabeth | Perth College | Mount Lawley |
507 | Cert of Distinction | Ketterer, Jonah | John Forrest Secondary College | Morley |
508 | Cert of Distinction | Khan, Mohammed | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
509 | Cert of Distinction | Kho, Ee Jay | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
510 | Cert of Distinction | Khor, Chern Yue | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
511 | Cert of Distinction | Kiggins, Ava | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
512 | Cert of Distinction | Kim, Angelica | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
513 | Cert of Distinction | Kim, Nathan | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
514 | Cert of Distinction | King, Travis | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
515 | Cert of Distinction | Kinninmont, William | Governor Stirling Senior High School | Woodbridge |
516 | Cert of Distinction | Kirby-Smith, Nicole | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
517 | Cert of Distinction | Knight, Jacob | Wesley College | South Perth |
518 | Cert of Distinction | Koh, Lucas | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
519 | Cert of Distinction | Komakech, Janelle | Carey Baptist College | Harrisdale |
520 | Cert of Distinction | Kong, Daniel | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
521 | Cert of Distinction | Kong, Xianchong | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
522 | Cert of Distinction | Koong, Rebecca | Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Joondalup |
523 | Cert of Distinction | Kosok, Matilda | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
524 | Cert of Distinction | Kronja, Georgia | Presbyterian Ladies College | Peppermint Grove |
525 | Cert of Distinction | Kruza, Miriam | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
526 | Cert of Distinction | Kugarajan, Henarai | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
527 | Cert of Distinction | Kulkarni, Ria | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
528 | Cert of Distinction | Kurniawan, Elizabeth | Penrhos College | Como |
529 | Cert of Distinction | Kwan, Winston | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
530 | Cert of Distinction | Kway, Ryan | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
531 | Cert of Distinction | Kwei, Ava | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
532 | Cert of Distinction | Kynoch, Hector | Ocean Reef Senior High School | Ocean Reef |
533 | Cert of Distinction | La Ferla, Ava | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
534 | Cert of Distinction | Lagana, Kate | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
535 | Cert of Distinction | Lai, Amelia | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
536 | Cert of Distinction | Laing, Samuel | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
537 | Cert of Distinction | Lalor, Marshall | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
538 | Cert of Distinction | Lam, Nam | Trinity College | East Perth |
539 | Cert of Distinction | Lamattina, Delia | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
540 | Cert of Distinction | Landau, Toby | All Saints College | Bull Creek |
541 | Cert of Distinction | Lane, Liliana | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
542 | Cert of Distinction | Langsford, Nicolas | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
543 | Cert of Distinction | Latchem, Elena | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
544 | Cert of Distinction | Lathia, Neemyana | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
545 | Cert of Distinction | Lau, Zhong Cheng | Canning Vale College | Canning Vale |
546 | Cert of Distinction | Lawrence, Ian | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
547 | Cert of Distinction | Lawson, James | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
548 | Cert of Distinction | Lay, Jordan | Cape Naturaliste College | Vasse |
549 | Cert of Distinction | Le, Jennifer | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
550 | Cert of Distinction | Le, Rachel | Mercedes College | Perth |
551 | Cert of Distinction | Leach, Thomas | Cape Naturaliste College | Vasse |
552 | Cert of Distinction | Leask-Copeman, Rue | Frederick Irwin Anglican School | Mandurah |
553 | Cert of Distinction | Leathard, Zachary | Kingsway Christian College | Darch |
554 | Cert of Distinction | LeClezio, Sophie | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
555 | Cert of Distinction | Lee, Anson | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
556 | Cert of Distinction | Lee, Caitlyn | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
557 | Cert of Distinction | Lee, Chelsea | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
558 | Cert of Distinction | Lee, Ci Ai Joanna | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
559 | Cert of Distinction | Lee, Jeremy | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
560 | Cert of Distinction | Lee, Kiona | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
561 | Cert of Distinction | Lee, Yee-Wen | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
562 | Cert of Distinction | Leggatt, Cameron | Wesley College | South Perth |
563 | Cert of Distinction | Leibowitz, Demi | Carmel School | Dianella |
564 | Cert of Distinction | Leivers, Jaime | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
565 | Cert of Distinction | Leong, Jing Lin | Penrhos College | Como |
566 | Cert of Distinction | Lester, Ruby | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
567 | Cert of Distinction | Leung, Kei | Mount Lawley Senior High School | Mount Lawley |
568 | Cert of Distinction | Leutheusser, Carina | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
569 | Cert of Distinction | Levkovskaya, Arina | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
570 | Cert of Distinction | Levy, David | Carmel School | Dianella |
571 | Cert of Distinction | Levy, Emma | Carmel School | Dianella |
572 | Cert of Distinction | Lewis, Taiyah | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
573 | Cert of Distinction | Li, Jimu | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
574 | Cert of Distinction | Li, Minxuan | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
575 | Cert of Distinction | Lilley, Alexandra | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
576 | Cert of Distinction | Lim, Jenice | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
577 | Cert of Distinction | Lim, Jin Yu | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
578 | Cert of Distinction | Lim, Natasha | St Marks Anglican Community School | Hillarys |
579 | Cert of Distinction | Lim, Noah | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
580 | Cert of Distinction | Lim, Sophie | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
581 | Cert of Distinction | Lim, Wesley | Cyril Jackson Senior Campus | Bassendean |
582 | Cert of Distinction | Lin, Maximilian | Ursula Frayne Catholic College | Victoria Park |
583 | Cert of Distinction | Lin, Sze Ying | Morley Senior High School | Noranda |
584 | Cert of Distinction | Lin, Yanxi | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
585 | Cert of Distinction | Lismann, Maurice | Melville Senior High School | Melville |
586 | Cert of Distinction | Lismann, Robin | Melville Senior High School | Melville |
587 | Cert of Distinction | Liu Si Yu, Linda | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
588 | Cert of Distinction | Liu, Catherine | Perth College | Mount Lawley |
589 | Cert of Distinction | Liu, Huimin | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
590 | Cert of Distinction | Liyanage, Janindu | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
591 | Cert of Distinction | Lockwood, Elizabeth | Carey Baptist College | Harrisdale |
592 | Cert of Distinction | Loft, Maddie | Joseph Banks Secondary College | Banksia Grove |
593 | Cert of Distinction | Logue, Kate | Frederick Irwin Anglican School | Mandurah |
594 | Cert of Distinction | Lorbeer, Oscar | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
595 | Cert of Distinction | Lorber Remskar, Tesa | Kent Street Senior High School | Kensington |
596 | Cert of Distinction | Lord, Matthew | Ursula Frayne Catholic College | Victoria Park |
597 | Cert of Distinction | Lornie, Jamie | Australind Senior High School | Australind |
598 | Cert of Distinction | Love, Isabella | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
599 | Cert of Distinction | Lowe, Mia | All Saints College | Bull Creek |
600 | Cert of Distinction | Luchoomun, Pratishee | Southern River College | Gosnells |
601 | Cert of Distinction | Ludovico, Christian | Trinity College | East Perth |
602 | Cert of Distinction | Lummis, Daniel | Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Joondalup |
603 | Cert of Distinction | Lynch, Amy | St Brigids College | Lesmurdie |
604 | Cert of Distinction | Lynch, Greta | Iona Presentation College | Mosman Park |
605 | Cert of Distinction | MacDonald, Ryan | Peter Moyes Anglican Community School | Mindarie |
606 | Cert of Distinction | MacLeod, Ewan | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
607 | Cert of Distinction | Macpherson, Kate | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
608 | Cert of Distinction | Madden, Stefan | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
609 | Cert of Distinction | Maddigan, Sebastian | Gilmore College | Orelia |
610 | Cert of Distinction | Madhan Sangeetha, Dhanalakshmi | Fremantle College | Beaconsfield |
611 | Cert of Distinction | Magpily, Karoline | Mandurah Catholic College | Mandurah |
612 | Cert of Distinction | Mahapatunage, Vishmi | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
613 | Cert of Distinction | Mahmood, Hamdan | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
614 | Cert of Distinction | Makita, Kenichi | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
615 | Cert of Distinction | Maksymova, Anastasiia | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
616 | Cert of Distinction | Malik, Nitya | Corpus Christi College | Bateman |
617 | Cert of Distinction | Malinton, Indiana | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
618 | Cert of Distinction | Maliszewski, Matthew | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
619 | Cert of Distinction | Mallawa Thanthrige, Nirmanee | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
620 | Cert of Distinction | Mallikarachchi, Thesath | Carey Baptist College | Harrisdale |
621 | Cert of Distinction | Manasseh, Dominique | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
622 | Cert of Distinction | Mandal, Aaryan | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
623 | Cert of Distinction | Mansfield, Lucas | Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Joondalup |
624 | Cert of Distinction | Marin Martin, Daniel | Melville Senior High School | Melville |
625 | Cert of Distinction | Marinko, Tess | Presbyterian Ladies College | Peppermint Grove |
626 | Cert of Distinction | Mark-Amin, Natasha | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
627 | Cert of Distinction | Marra, Sophia | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
628 | Cert of Distinction | Marshall, Daniel | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
629 | Cert of Distinction | Martin, Luke | Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Joondalup |
630 | Cert of Distinction | Martinez Sanchez, Sofia | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
631 | Cert of Distinction | Martino, Ella | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
632 | Cert of Distinction | Martinoski, Simon | Morley Senior High School | Noranda |
633 | Cert of Distinction | Masel, Benjamin | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
634 | Cert of Distinction | Mason, Amelia | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
635 | Cert of Distinction | Mathews, Jerone | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
636 | Cert of Distinction | Mattin, Samsara | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
637 | Cert of Distinction | May, Branson | Trinity College | East Perth |
638 | Cert of Distinction | McAuliffe, Chelsea | Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Joondalup |
639 | Cert of Distinction | McCarthy, Matthew | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
640 | Cert of Distinction | McCaul, Maisie | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
641 | Cert of Distinction | McClelland, George | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
642 | Cert of Distinction | McClements, Mia | Mandurah Catholic College | Mandurah |
643 | Cert of Distinction | McCormick, Conor | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
644 | Cert of Distinction | McDermid, Charlotte | Iona Presentation College | Mosman Park |
645 | Cert of Distinction | McDonald, Harrison | Kennedy Baptist College | Murdoch |
646 | Cert of Distinction | McFadgen, Corey | Newman College | Churchlands |
647 | Cert of Distinction | McGilvray, Joanne | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
648 | Cert of Distinction | McGlew, Caitlin | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
649 | Cert of Distinction | McGlew, Natasha | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
650 | Cert of Distinction | McGoldrick, Bronte | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
651 | Cert of Distinction | McGoldrick, Niamh | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
652 | Cert of Distinction | McGowan, James | Holy Cross College | Ellenbrook |
653 | Cert of Distinction | McGrath, Thomas | Trinity College | East Perth |
654 | Cert of Distinction | McGregor, Alan | Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School | Gelorup |
655 | Cert of Distinction | McGregor, Jacob | Aranmore Catholic College | Leederville |
656 | Cert of Distinction | McInnes, Sam | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
657 | Cert of Distinction | McIntosh, Fletcher | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
658 | Cert of Distinction | McIntyre, Thomas | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
659 | Cert of Distinction | McKrill, Cassandra | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
660 | Cert of Distinction | McLellan, Alice | Presbyterian Ladies College | Peppermint Grove |
661 | Cert of Distinction | McLernon, Ava | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
662 | Cert of Distinction | McNamee, Oliver | All Saints College | Bull Creek |
663 | Cert of Distinction | McSkimming, Sorcha | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
664 | Cert of Distinction | Mealor, Lei | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
665 | Cert of Distinction | Mearns, Sage | Georgiana Molloy Anglican School | Busselton |
666 | Cert of Distinction | Mee, Maggie | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
667 | Cert of Distinction | Meghani, Krittika | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
668 | Cert of Distinction | Mehboob, Mehvish | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
669 | Cert of Distinction | Mehta, Nayan | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
670 | Cert of Distinction | Melang, Tobias | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
671 | Cert of Distinction | Meloncelli, Bella | Belmont City College | Belmont |
672 | Cert of Distinction | Merenda, Alexis | Mercedes College | Perth |
673 | Cert of Distinction | Merrells, Joshua | Swan Christian College | Middle Swan |
674 | Cert of Distinction | Merrells, Thomas | Swan Christian College | Middle Swan |
675 | Cert of Distinction | Miao, En-Mei | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
676 | Cert of Distinction | Mignacca, Benjamin | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
677 | Cert of Distinction | Mikuti, Providence | St Andrews Grammar | Dianella |
678 | Cert of Distinction | Mill, Charles | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
679 | Cert of Distinction | Millen, Hayley | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
680 | Cert of Distinction | Miller, Daniel | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
681 | Cert of Distinction | Mills, Alexander | Wesley College | South Perth |
682 | Cert of Distinction | Milner, Ethan | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
683 | Cert of Distinction | Minty, Aaisha | Harrisdale Senior High School | Harrisdale |
684 | Cert of Distinction | Mishani, Arsalan | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
685 | Cert of Distinction | Mitchell, Callum | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
686 | Cert of Distinction | Mitchell, James | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
687 | Cert of Distinction | Mitchell, Matilda | Mercedes College | Perth |
688 | Cert of Distinction | Mobilia, Joshua | John Forrest Secondary College | Morley |
689 | Cert of Distinction | Mohite, Samruddhi | Harrisdale Senior High School | Harrisdale |
690 | Cert of Distinction | Monastra, Jozef | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
691 | Cert of Distinction | Monk, Scarlett | Iona Presentation College | Mosman Park |
692 | Cert of Distinction | Monteiro Pais, Daniel | Tranby College | Baldivis |
693 | Cert of Distinction | Moore, Denham | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
694 | Cert of Distinction | Morelli, Luca | Trinity College | East Perth |
695 | Cert of Distinction | Morison, Samuel | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
696 | Cert of Distinction | Morris, Amy | John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School | Mirrabooka |
697 | Cert of Distinction | Morris, Mitchell | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
698 | Cert of Distinction | Morton, Joseph | Lumen Christi College | Martin |
699 | Cert of Distinction | Mosbergen-Smith, Tamiya | La Salle College | Middle Swan |
700 | Cert of Distinction | Mowday, Isabella | Santa Maria College | Attadale |