Consistent High Achievers, Western Australia, 2023

This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2023, along with the school that they attended.

These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.

Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.

200 of 3483 entries are shown.
201 - 400
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201 Cert of Distinction Coulson, Matilda Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Gelorup
202 Cert of Distinction Cousins, Gabrielle Narrogin Senior High School Narrogin
203 Cert of Distinction Cowell, Ewan Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
204 Cert of Distinction Cowin, Declan Kalamunda Senior High School Kalamunda
205 Cert of Distinction Cozza, Aria Servite College Tuart Hill
206 Cert of Distinction Cradock, Nicholas Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
207 Cert of Distinction Craig, Oliver Sacred Heart College Sorrento
208 Cert of Distinction Creasy, Kate Santa Maria College Attadale
209 Cert of Distinction Croft, Sienna La Salle College Middle Swan
210 Cert of Distinction Crombie, Bryce Prendiville Catholic College Ocean Reef
211 Cert of Distinction Crowe, Danielle Seton Catholic College Samson
212 Cert of Distinction Crowley, Lucy Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
213 Cert of Distinction Cugley, Fletcher Great Southern Grammar School Kalgan
214 Cert of Distinction Cullen, Luke John XXIII College Mount Claremont
215 Cert of Distinction Cunningham, Annabel St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
216 Cert of Distinction Cureton, Xavier Kennedy Baptist College Murdoch
217 Cert of Distinction Curtis, Asha Penrhos College Como
218 Cert of Distinction Curtis, Macy Penrhos College Como
219 Cert of Distinction Curtis, Sienna Santa Maria College Attadale
220 Cert of Distinction Cutbush, Stuart Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
221 Cert of Distinction Cvitanovich, Julian Hale School Wembley Downs
222 Cert of Distinction Cypher, Clio Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
223 Cert of Distinction D'Cruz, Zara St Norbert College Queens Park
224 Cert of Distinction Dai, Nianyi Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
225 Cert of Distinction Dalglish, Anya Peter Moyes Anglican Community School Mindarie
226 Cert of Distinction Dallimore, Zoe All Saints College Bull Creek
227 Cert of Distinction Danicic, Elena Melville Senior High School Melville
228 Cert of Distinction Darlow, William Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Gelorup
229 Cert of Distinction Darr, Campbell Harrisdale Senior High School Harrisdale
230 Cert of Distinction Dass, Annabel Methodist Ladies College Claremont
231 Cert of Distinction Davidson, Ari Kalamunda Senior High School Kalamunda
232 Cert of Distinction Davidson, David Wesley College South Perth
233 Cert of Distinction Davies, Jack Wesley College South Perth
234 Cert of Distinction Davies-Mele, Ruby Esperance Senior High School Esperance
235 Cert of Distinction Davis, Hamish Hale School Wembley Downs
236 Cert of Distinction Daw, Jai Albany Senior High School Albany
237 Cert of Distinction Dawson, Holly St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
238 Cert of Distinction Dawson, Zahra Canning Vale College Canning Vale
239 Cert of Distinction Day, George Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
240 Cert of Distinction Dayanandan, Avicknash Perth Modern School Subiaco
241 Cert of Distinction De Boer, Katja St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
242 Cert of Distinction De Luca, Anton Wesley College South Perth
243 Cert of Distinction De Luca, Stephanie Corpus Christi College Bateman
244 Cert of Distinction De Zoysa, Agampodi Perth Modern School Subiaco
245 Cert of Distinction Dean, Claire Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
246 Cert of Distinction Dean, Harry Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
247 Cert of Distinction DEGLI ESPOSTI, Willem Mazenod College Lesmurdie
248 Cert of Distinction Dekenah, Sophie St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
249 Cert of Distinction den Boer, Melissa John Calvin Christian College Armadale
250 Cert of Distinction Denham, Erin Mindarie Senior College Mindarie
251 Cert of Distinction Derrick, Jaylen John Forrest Secondary College Morley
252 Cert of Distinction Devereux, Charlotte Methodist Ladies College Claremont
253 Cert of Distinction Devisser, Kalvin Willetton Senior High School Willetton
254 Cert of Distinction Dharmapuri, Kundan Trinity College East Perth
255 Cert of Distinction Dhawan, Dhruv Ashdale Secondary College Darch
256 Cert of Distinction Dhepnorrarat, Aoibheann Shenton College Shenton Park
257 Cert of Distinction Dixon, Ethan Aquinas College Salter Point
258 Cert of Distinction Djakaria, Ashley St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
259 Cert of Distinction Dodangoda Hewage, Naveesh Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
260 Cert of Distinction Doherty, Anna Santa Maria College Attadale
261 Cert of Distinction Dong, Yunfei Perth Modern School Subiaco
262 Cert of Distinction Doran, Daniel John XXIII College Mount Claremont
263 Cert of Distinction Dorfman, Maxim Hale School Wembley Downs
264 Cert of Distinction Doukidis, Lydia Mount Lawley Senior High School Mount Lawley
265 Cert of Distinction Dowden, Michael Hale School Wembley Downs
266 Cert of Distinction Downey, Callum Hale School Wembley Downs
267 Cert of Distinction Doyle, Hannah Mercedes College Perth
268 Cert of Distinction Draffin, Tyneale OneSchool Global WA Willetton
269 Cert of Distinction Du, Sean Hale School Wembley Downs
270 Cert of Distinction Duarte, Jason Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
271 Cert of Distinction Ducasse, Molly St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
272 Cert of Distinction Duff, Eloise Mater Dei College Edgewater
273 Cert of Distinction Dufty, Russell Perth Modern School Subiaco
274 Cert of Distinction Duke-Yonge, Nathan Wesley College South Perth
275 Cert of Distinction Dunn, Elliott Perth Modern School Subiaco
276 Cert of Distinction Dunne, Kai St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
277 Cert of Distinction Dwivedi, Tanay Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
278 Cert of Distinction Eder, Shin Hale School Wembley Downs
279 Cert of Distinction Edgar, Talia Applecross Senior High School Ardross
280 Cert of Distinction Edibam, Thomas Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
281 Cert of Distinction Edwards, Lauren Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
282 Cert of Distinction Edwards, Sage St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
283 Cert of Distinction Effendi, Rafael Perth Modern School Subiaco
284 Cert of Distinction El-Wardani, Zahra Methodist Ladies College Claremont
285 Cert of Distinction Eleftheriou, Chrysie St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
286 Cert of Distinction Elliott, Sachi Perth Modern School Subiaco
287 Cert of Distinction Elrashid, Sarah Australian Islamic College Kewdale Kewdale
288 Cert of Distinction Eric, Sidney Perth Modern School Subiaco
289 Cert of Distinction Espinosa-Lopez, Leire Shenton College Shenton Park
290 Cert of Distinction Evans, Amber Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
291 Cert of Distinction Evans, Jade Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
292 Cert of Distinction Evans, Olivia Penrhos College Como
293 Cert of Distinction Eyssautier, Albert Perth Modern School Subiaco
294 Cert of Distinction Fairweather, Jack Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
295 Cert of Distinction FARRAR, Sean Mazenod College Lesmurdie
296 Cert of Distinction Fatima, Rehaab Willetton Senior High School Willetton
297 Cert of Distinction Fawkes, Chantelle OneSchool Global WA Willetton
298 Cert of Distinction Fazzari, Christian Sacred Heart College Sorrento
299 Cert of Distinction Feist, Jai Prendiville Catholic College Ocean Reef
300 Cert of Distinction Feng, Kaelyn Willetton Senior High School Willetton
301 Cert of Distinction Feng, Mingyue St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
302 Cert of Distinction Feng, Yuet Long Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
303 Cert of Distinction Fenner, Jasmine Mount Lawley Senior High School Mount Lawley
304 Cert of Distinction Ferdinando, Rhiannon Perth College Mount Lawley
305 Cert of Distinction Fernando, Ajini Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
306 Cert of Distinction Fernando, Welisarage Perth Modern School Subiaco
307 Cert of Distinction Ferreira, Diemont St Stephens School Carramar Tapping
308 Cert of Distinction Field, Riley Margaret River Senior High School Margaret River
309 Cert of Distinction Finlay-Collins, Sascha Santa Maria College Attadale
310 Cert of Distinction Finlayson, Matilda St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
311 Cert of Distinction Finos, Zia Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
312 Cert of Distinction Fiorenza, Alex Servite College Tuart Hill
313 Cert of Distinction Firns, Layla Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
314 Cert of Distinction Fitzgerald, Ruby Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
315 Cert of Distinction Flahive, Sarah St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
316 Cert of Distinction Flanagan, Molly Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
317 Cert of Distinction Flannagan, Saxon Hale School Wembley Downs
318 Cert of Distinction Fleming, Georgina St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
319 Cert of Distinction Fogarty, Delilah Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
320 Cert of Distinction Foley, Isaac Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
321 Cert of Distinction Forbes, Farrah Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
322 Cert of Distinction Forrester, Caleb Nagle Catholic College Geraldton
323 Cert of Distinction Forsyth, Sam Hale School Wembley Downs
324 Cert of Distinction Forward, Ella Perth Modern School Subiaco
325 Cert of Distinction Foster, Finlay Penrhos College Como
326 Cert of Distinction Foundas, Emanuel Perth Modern School Subiaco
327 Cert of Distinction Fowler, Lachlan Hale School Wembley Downs
328 Cert of Distinction Freegard, Bronagh Shenton College Shenton Park
329 Cert of Distinction Fricke, Emily Methodist Ladies College Claremont
330 Cert of Distinction Fry, Jessica Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
331 Cert of Distinction Fujinami, Kai Helena College Glen Forrest
332 Cert of Distinction Furfaro, Tioni Emmanuel Catholic College Success
333 Cert of Distinction Furness, Melody Willetton Senior High School Willetton
334 Cert of Distinction Galipo, Mia Santa Maria College Attadale
335 Cert of Distinction Gallen, Kynan Sacred Heart College Sorrento
336 Cert of Distinction Gao, Nikki Como Secondary College Como
337 Cert of Distinction Gao, Ze Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
338 Cert of Distinction Gardiner, Matilda Perth College Mount Lawley
339 Cert of Distinction Gardner, Matthew Aquinas College Salter Point
340 Cert of Distinction Garepo, Charlotte Duncraig Senior High School Duncraig
341 Cert of Distinction Gavshon, Jessica Carmel School Dianella
342 Cert of Distinction George, Amber Mercedes College Perth
343 Cert of Distinction Ghiselli, Marco Scotch College Swanbourne
344 Cert of Distinction Gianotti, Sophia Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
345 Cert of Distinction Gibson, Kayla Duncraig Senior High School Duncraig
346 Cert of Distinction Gibson, Mila St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
347 Cert of Distinction Gilchrist, Charlotte Perth College Mount Lawley
348 Cert of Distinction Gillmore, Madeleine St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
349 Cert of Distinction Giltrow, Kiana Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
350 Cert of Distinction Girdwood, Lily Shenton College Shenton Park
351 Cert of Distinction Giuffre, Lucas Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
352 Cert of Distinction Giumelli, Benjamin Newman College Churchlands
353 Cert of Distinction Glazebrook, Sienna St Brigids College Lesmurdie
354 Cert of Distinction Glynn, Prue St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
355 Cert of Distinction Gobalakrishnan, Nikhil Hale School Wembley Downs
356 Cert of Distinction Goel, Pratyush Wesley College South Perth
357 Cert of Distinction Goh, Jayden Perth Modern School Subiaco
358 Cert of Distinction Goodin, Nicholas Emmanuel Catholic College Success
359 Cert of Distinction Goodlad, Connor Bunbury Senior High School Bunbury
360 Cert of Distinction Goodwin, Velvet St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
361 Cert of Distinction Goody, Grace Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
362 Cert of Distinction Gostlow, Braden St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
363 Cert of Distinction Gough, Mary John Paul College Kalgoorlie
364 Cert of Distinction Gounder, Dharmini Penrhos College Como
365 Cert of Distinction Gover, Elizabeth Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
366 Cert of Distinction Gracie, Lily-Rose Kearnan College Manjimup
367 Cert of Distinction Grandy, Toby John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
368 Cert of Distinction Gray, Annabelle Mercedes College Perth
369 Cert of Distinction Gray, Holly Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
370 Cert of Distinction Gray, Vanessa Frederick Irwin Anglican School Mandurah
371 Cert of Distinction Gregory, Alana St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
372 Cert of Distinction Grewal, Tejasvir Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
373 Cert of Distinction Gribble, Abbey Methodist Ladies College Claremont
374 Cert of Distinction Griffin, Ebonee Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury
375 Cert of Distinction Griffin, Joshua Scotch College Swanbourne
376 Cert of Distinction Gulev, Catherine St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
377 Cert of Distinction Guo, Yixin Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
378 Cert of Distinction Gvozdin, Luka Corpus Christi College Bateman
379 Cert of Distinction Gwatimba, Alvin Carey Baptist College Harrisdale
380 Cert of Distinction Hada, Roopanshi Mercedes College Perth
381 Cert of Distinction Hadian, Briana Como Secondary College Como
382 Cert of Distinction Haider, Hussain Australian Islamic College Kewdale Kewdale
383 Cert of Distinction Hall, William Trinity College East Perth
384 Cert of Distinction Hamilton, Madison St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
385 Cert of Distinction Hamilton, Siena St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
386 Cert of Distinction Hampson, Antoine Sacred Heart College Sorrento
387 Cert of Distinction Hampson, Ava Mercedes College Perth
388 Cert of Distinction Hamza, Maryam St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
389 Cert of Distinction Han, Jiayang Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
390 Cert of Distinction Han, Tian Hale School Wembley Downs
391 Cert of Distinction Han, Yiming Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
392 Cert of Distinction HANANTO, ZAKI MUHAMMAD Al-Ameen College Langford
393 Cert of Distinction Hannaford, Lily St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
394 Cert of Distinction Harding, Isabella Methodist Ladies College Claremont
395 Cert of Distinction Harris, Helena Applecross Senior High School Ardross
396 Cert of Distinction Hart, Amelia St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
397 Cert of Distinction Hart, Hannah Shenton College Shenton Park
398 Cert of Distinction Harvey, Alysha Baldivis Secondary College Baldivis
399 Cert of Distinction Harvey, Ella Mandurah Baptist College Lakelands
400 Cert of Distinction Harvey, Tess St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2023
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