Consistent High Achievers, Western Australia, 2022

This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2022, along with the school that they attended.

These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.

Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.

200 of 3247 entries are shown.
251 - 450
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251 Cert of Distinction Donaghy, Erin WA College of Agriculture Harvey Wokalup
252 Cert of Distinction Donovan, Zoe Santa Maria College Attadale
253 Cert of Distinction Dore, Sophie Methodist Ladies College Claremont
254 Cert of Distinction Dour, Charlie Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
255 Cert of Distinction Dowd, Riley Perth Modern School Subiaco
256 Cert of Distinction Duncan, Reuben Helena College Glen Forrest
257 Cert of Distinction Dunuwille, Chandev John XXIII College Mount Claremont
258 Cert of Distinction Duong, Tianna John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School Mirrabooka
259 Cert of Distinction Edwards, Charlotte Albany Senior High School Albany
260 Cert of Distinction Edwards, Georgia Albany Senior High School Albany
261 Cert of Distinction Edwards, Jasmyn Greenwood College Greenwood
262 Cert of Distinction Edwards, Perri John XXIII College Mount Claremont
263 Cert of Distinction Egodage, Chamudi Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
264 Cert of Distinction Ellepola, Samadhi St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
265 Cert of Distinction Ellis, Heath Willetton Senior High School Willetton
266 Cert of Distinction Ellul, Amy Applecross Senior High School Ardross
267 Cert of Distinction Embry, Amelie St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
268 Cert of Distinction Emery, Meaghan Sacred Heart College Sorrento
269 Cert of Distinction Endro, Marvin Morley Senior High School Noranda
270 Cert of Distinction ENGBERINK, Luke Mazenod College Lesmurdie
271 Cert of Distinction England, Fleta St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
272 Cert of Distinction English, Samuel Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
273 Cert of Distinction Enrilsen, Keenan Harrisdale Senior High School Harrisdale
274 Cert of Distinction Ewington, Ryan Applecross Senior High School Ardross
275 Cert of Distinction Eylward, Quinlyn Kennedy Baptist College Murdoch
276 Cert of Distinction Fairbanks, Tate Perth Modern School Subiaco
277 Cert of Distinction Fan, Yue Willetton Senior High School Willetton
278 Cert of Distinction Fardon, Ashlee Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
279 Cert of Distinction Farrington, Cara Perth College Mount Lawley
280 Cert of Distinction Fasher, Neeve Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
281 Cert of Distinction Fegan, Ruby All Saints College Bull Creek
282 Cert of Distinction Fernandez, Joshua All Saints College Bull Creek
283 Cert of Distinction Ferreira, Abigail Kingsway Christian College Darch
284 Cert of Distinction Few, Sarah Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
285 Cert of Distinction Field, Beatrice Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
286 Cert of Distinction Filez, Maya Canning Vale College Canning Vale
287 Cert of Distinction Fitzgerald, Olivia St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
288 Cert of Distinction Fletcher, Blake St Stephens School Carramar Tapping
289 Cert of Distinction Fletcher-Harrison, Nina St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
290 Cert of Distinction Flint, Michael Perth Modern School Subiaco
291 Cert of Distinction Fong, Kaylee Santa Maria College Attadale
292 Cert of Distinction Foo, Mao Wen Corpus Christi College Bateman
293 Cert of Distinction Formilan, Kyle Carine Senior High School Carine
294 Cert of Distinction Forsythe, Emily St Stephens School Carramar Tapping
295 Cert of Distinction Foster, Benjamin Eastern Hills Senior High School Mount Helena
296 Cert of Distinction Fowler, Sophie Santa Maria College Attadale
297 Cert of Distinction Francis, Luke Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
298 Cert of Distinction Frank, Lucy Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
299 Cert of Distinction Franse, Stephen Trinity College East Perth
300 Cert of Distinction Fuller, Liam Hale School Wembley Downs
301 Cert of Distinction Fung, Ella Perth Modern School Subiaco
302 Cert of Distinction Galipo, Lilianna Santa Maria College Attadale
303 Cert of Distinction Galvin, Hayley Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
304 Cert of Distinction Gan, Bellamy St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
305 Cert of Distinction Ganapathy, Raghav Perth Modern School Subiaco
306 Cert of Distinction Ganghas, Hursh Willetton Senior High School Willetton
307 Cert of Distinction Garas, Rebecca St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
308 Cert of Distinction Garcia, Nicolas Perth Modern School Subiaco
309 Cert of Distinction Gardner, Hayley Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
310 Cert of Distinction Gardner, Timothy John XXIII College Mount Claremont
311 Cert of Distinction Gee, Christine Kennedy Baptist College Murdoch
312 Cert of Distinction Ghaleigh, Jeeia Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
313 Cert of Distinction Ghali, Xena Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
314 Cert of Distinction Gibbs, Otto John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
315 Cert of Distinction Gibson, Maya Denmark Senior High School Denmark
316 Cert of Distinction Gifford, Timothy Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
317 Cert of Distinction Gilchrist, Annie Methodist Ladies College Claremont
318 Cert of Distinction Gill, Saahil Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
319 Cert of Distinction Gillmore, Benjamin Broome Senior High School Broome
320 Cert of Distinction Gillon, Keeley Ocean Reef Senior High School Ocean Reef
321 Cert of Distinction Goel, Anuvrat Willetton Senior High School Willetton
322 Cert of Distinction Gogulakrishnan, Anushree Perth Modern School Subiaco
323 Cert of Distinction Gojkovic, Tara John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
324 Cert of Distinction Gokidi, Ravichandra John Paul College Kalgoorlie
325 Cert of Distinction Goodall, Jasmine Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
326 Cert of Distinction Goode, Camryn St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
327 Cert of Distinction Gopalakrishnan, Karishma Mount Lawley Senior High School Mount Lawley
328 Cert of Distinction Gorman, Sophie St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
329 Cert of Distinction Gosatti, Luca Trinity College East Perth
330 Cert of Distinction Gosper, Amalina Perth Modern School Subiaco
331 Cert of Distinction Gouldthorp, Alexis Nagle Catholic College Geraldton
332 Cert of Distinction Gray, Isabel Lake Joondalup Baptist College Joondalup
333 Cert of Distinction Gray, Nyah Perth Modern School Subiaco
334 Cert of Distinction Grayson, Charli Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
335 Cert of Distinction Green, Cara Irene Mccormack Catholic College Butler
336 Cert of Distinction Green, Roman Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
337 Cert of Distinction Greenlaw, Caitlin St Brigids College Lesmurdie
338 Cert of Distinction Greenshields, James Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
339 Cert of Distinction GREENWOOD, Darcy Mazenod College Lesmurdie
340 Cert of Distinction Gregorio, Kathrine Duncraig Senior High School Duncraig
341 Cert of Distinction Gregory, Sophie Perth Modern School Subiaco
342 Cert of Distinction Groth, Alexander Hale School Wembley Downs
343 Cert of Distinction Grubb, Sienna Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
344 Cert of Distinction Gunatilaka, Tharushi Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
345 Cert of Distinction Gunawan, Marco Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
346 Cert of Distinction Gupta, Madhav Perth Modern School Subiaco
347 Cert of Distinction Hackett, Alexandra Santa Maria College Attadale
348 Cert of Distinction Hadi, Lara St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
349 Cert of Distinction Hall, Lucas Guildford Grammar School Guildford
350 Cert of Distinction Hall, Noah Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
351 Cert of Distinction Hall, Trinity St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
352 Cert of Distinction Han, Chloe Perth College Mount Lawley
353 Cert of Distinction Han, Jiaqi Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
354 Cert of Distinction Han, Juseong Willetton Senior High School Willetton
355 Cert of Distinction Han, Matthew Perth Modern School Subiaco
356 Cert of Distinction Han, Truman Aquinas College Salter Point
357 Cert of Distinction Hancock, Emma Ocean Reef Senior High School Ocean Reef
358 Cert of Distinction Hancock, Tayla St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
359 Cert of Distinction Harben, Grace Corpus Christi College Bateman
360 Cert of Distinction Harbord, Blake Canning Vale College Canning Vale
361 Cert of Distinction Hardcastle-Sharp, Niamh Shenton College Shenton Park
362 Cert of Distinction Harris, Claire Perth Modern School Subiaco
363 Cert of Distinction Harris, Thomas Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
364 Cert of Distinction Harrison, Emily Sevenoaks Senior College Cannington
365 Cert of Distinction Hart, Patrick Hale School Wembley Downs
366 Cert of Distinction Hart, Sienna Santa Maria College Attadale
367 Cert of Distinction Hatchett, Elijah Irene Mccormack Catholic College Butler
368 Cert of Distinction Hauck, Marc Perth Modern School Subiaco
369 Cert of Distinction Havas, Lara Carmel School Dianella
370 Cert of Distinction Hawke, Mia Great Southern Grammar School Kalgan
371 Cert of Distinction Hawkesford, Kate St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
372 Cert of Distinction Hegney, Lachlan Emmanuel Catholic College Success
373 Cert of Distinction Hemetsberger, Kiara Mater Dei College Edgewater
374 Cert of Distinction Henry, Kristin Methodist Ladies College Claremont
375 Cert of Distinction Heu, Gladys Melville Senior High School Melville
376 Cert of Distinction Hia, Shen-Kit Perth Modern School Subiaco
377 Cert of Distinction Hickman, Catherine Shenton College Shenton Park
378 Cert of Distinction Hii, Ashley Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
379 Cert of Distinction Hill, Adam St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
380 Cert of Distinction Hill, Natasha John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
381 Cert of Distinction Hillbeck, Madeleine St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
382 Cert of Distinction Hinch-Woods, Dakota Carine Senior High School Carine
383 Cert of Distinction Hirte, Amelia Penrhos College Como
384 Cert of Distinction Ho, Audrey Corpus Christi College Bateman
385 Cert of Distinction Ho, Gabrielle All Saints College Bull Creek
386 Cert of Distinction Ho, Lucas Applecross Senior High School Ardross
387 Cert of Distinction Hoang, Kaylah Mercedes College Perth
388 Cert of Distinction Hobday, Emily Mercedes College Perth
389 Cert of Distinction Hogan, Gabriella Methodist Ladies College Claremont
390 Cert of Distinction Hogan, Thomas Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury
391 Cert of Distinction Hogarth, Grant Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
392 Cert of Distinction Holden, Tobias John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
393 Cert of Distinction Holton, Adam Perth Modern School Subiaco
394 Cert of Distinction Hood, Lucy Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
395 Cert of Distinction Hopwood, Thomas Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
396 Cert of Distinction Hou, Chenjun Melville Senior High School Melville
397 Cert of Distinction Hoye, Darcy Trinity College East Perth
398 Cert of Distinction Hu, Jerome Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
399 Cert of Distinction Hu, Yin Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
400 Cert of Distinction Hudson, Tessa St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
401 Cert of Distinction Hughes, Isabelle Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
402 Cert of Distinction Hughes, Jack Perth Modern School Subiaco
403 Cert of Distinction Hunt, Sophie Perth Modern School Subiaco
404 Cert of Distinction Hunter, Chloe Leeming Senior High School Leeming
405 Cert of Distinction Huntley, Zoe Methodist Ladies College Claremont
406 Cert of Distinction Hutchison, Aidan Duncraig Senior High School Duncraig
407 Cert of Distinction Huynh, Harrison Hale School Wembley Downs
408 Cert of Distinction Huynh, Lauren Perth College Mount Lawley
409 Cert of Distinction Hynes, Mary Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury
410 Cert of Distinction Iannantuoni, Jacob Newman College Churchlands
411 Cert of Distinction Ingram, Harrison Mindarie Senior College Mindarie
412 Cert of Distinction Irving, Emma Merredin College Merredin
413 Cert of Distinction Ismail, Zafar Byford Secondary College Byford
414 Cert of Distinction Jacobs, Michael Guildford Grammar School Guildford
415 Cert of Distinction Jang, Yukyung Mercedes College Perth
416 Cert of Distinction Jarmale Arunkumar, Akaash Perth Modern School Subiaco
417 Cert of Distinction Jarvis, Kieran Hale School Wembley Downs
418 Cert of Distinction Jarvis, Sarah Methodist Ladies College Claremont
419 Cert of Distinction Jayatilaka, Shanika St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
420 Cert of Distinction Jeelaga, Kuladeep Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
421 Cert of Distinction Jeffcote, Joseph Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
422 Cert of Distinction Jha, Pratyush Willetton Senior High School Willetton
423 Cert of Distinction Ji, William Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
424 Cert of Distinction Jin, Ruofan Shenton College Shenton Park
425 Cert of Distinction Jing, Wentao Shenton College Shenton Park
426 Cert of Distinction Jiow, Sarah Perth Modern School Subiaco
427 Cert of Distinction Johl, Mehtab Leeming Senior High School Leeming
428 Cert of Distinction John, Jacob Perth Modern School Subiaco
429 Cert of Distinction Johnson, James All Saints College Bull Creek
430 Cert of Distinction Johnston, Jack Aquinas College Salter Point
431 Cert of Distinction Johnston, Sienna Applecross Senior High School Ardross
432 Cert of Distinction Jolly, Jessel Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
433 Cert of Distinction Jonasson, Hrafn Broome Senior High School Broome
434 Cert of Distinction Jones, Annabelle Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
435 Cert of Distinction Jones, Ashley Santa Maria College Attadale
436 Cert of Distinction Jones, Liah Shenton College Shenton Park
437 Cert of Distinction Jong, Patrick Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
438 Cert of Distinction Jubb, Mackenzie Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
439 Cert of Distinction Jung, Natalie Woodvale Secondary College Woodvale
440 Cert of Distinction Kain, Julius Scotch College Swanbourne
441 Cert of Distinction Kallawk, Jackson Newman College Churchlands
442 Cert of Distinction Kamugisha, Eve Mindarie Senior College Mindarie
443 Cert of Distinction Kanapeddala Gamage, Sandalu Perth Modern School Subiaco
444 Cert of Distinction Kanganas, Elijah Wesley College South Perth
445 Cert of Distinction Kannan, Navaneeth Perth Modern School Subiaco
446 Cert of Distinction Kanpariya, Paramkumar Perth Modern School Subiaco
447 Cert of Distinction Kanz, Kiera Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
448 Cert of Distinction Karamfiles, Owen Newman College Churchlands
449 Cert of Distinction Karimi, Tej Como Secondary College Como
450 Cert of Distinction Kathal, Arush Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2023
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