This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2011, along with the school that they attended.
These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.
Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.
601 | Cert of Excellence | MALONE, DERMOT JAMES | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
602 | Cert of Excellence | MALWAL, ANSHUL | Balga Senior High School | Balga |
603 | Cert of Excellence | MAMMONE, DANA MARIE | Pinjarra Senior High School | Pinjarra |
604 | Cert of Excellence | MANEV, BRANDON | Mount Lawley Senior High School | Mount Lawley |
605 | Cert of Excellence | MANGANO, MICHAEL GAETANO | Belmont City College | Belmont |
606 | Cert of Excellence | MANYOK, CHOL AYIEI | Aranmore Catholic College | Leederville |
607 | Cert of Excellence | MARCH-ANTHONY, MADELEINE | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
608 | Cert of Excellence | MARCHETTI, ANDREW FRANK | La Salle College | Middle Swan |
609 | Cert of Excellence | MARINICH, TARA JANE | South Fremantle Senior High School | Beaconsfield |
610 | Cert of Excellence | MARK, JOSEPHINE CLARE | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
611 | Cert of Excellence | MARPER-BATLEY, SHARNI | Carey Baptist College | Harrisdale |
612 | Cert of Excellence | MARR, ELENA | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
613 | Cert of Excellence | MARSHALL, DANIEL JAMES | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
614 | Cert of Excellence | MARSHALL, LAURA GRACE | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
615 | Cert of Excellence | MARSHALL, SYBILLA MARY | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
616 | Cert of Excellence | MARTIN, AMBER MCFARLANE | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
617 | Cert of Excellence | MARTINEAU, SASCHA JEANINE CLAIRE | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
618 | Cert of Excellence | MASON, GEORGIA GRACE | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
619 | Cert of Excellence | MASSAM, BENJAMIN DANIEL | Trinity College | East Perth |
620 | Cert of Excellence | MASUDA, HIRO | Wesley College | South Perth |
621 | Cert of Excellence | MATTHEWS, GRACE EMMA | Mercedes College | Perth |
622 | Cert of Excellence | MATTHEWS, SIMON CHRISTOPHER | Wesley College | South Perth |
623 | Cert of Excellence | MATTOCK, NICHOLAS GLYN | John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School | Mirrabooka |
624 | Cert of Excellence | MAXTED, ANNA CHRISTINE | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
625 | Cert of Excellence | MCALPINE, BRENDON SHANE | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
626 | Cert of Excellence | MCCABE, KYLE JAMES | Great Southern Grammar School | Kalgan |
627 | Cert of Excellence | MCCAFFERTY, RACHEL KATHLEEN | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
628 | Cert of Excellence | MCCASKIE, JAQUELYN | St Lukes College | Karratha |
629 | Cert of Excellence | MCCORMICK, RACHEL HELEN | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
630 | Cert of Excellence | MCDONALD, ELLIE-ANN | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
631 | Cert of Excellence | MCGLASHAN, CALLUM ALEXANDER | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
632 | Cert of Excellence | MCGRATH, CLAUDIA SUZANNE | John Forrest Secondary College | Morley |
633 | Cert of Excellence | MCGRATH, GABRIELLE CHARLOTTE | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
634 | Cert of Excellence | MCGREGOR, DYLAN ROSS | Busselton Senior High School | Busselton |
635 | Cert of Excellence | MCGUINNESS, ERIN BRIDGET | Kolbe Catholic College | Rockingham |
636 | Cert of Excellence | MCGURK, SAMUEL JAMES | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
637 | Cert of Excellence | MCINTOSH, KAMDYN JOHN | Pinjarra Senior High School | Pinjarra |
638 | Cert of Excellence | MCKAY, DAVID JAMES | WA College of Agriculture Harvey | Wokalup |
639 | Cert of Excellence | MCKEITH, TAMSYN ANNE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
640 | Cert of Excellence | MCKENZIE, VERITY HANNAH | Manjimup Senior High School | Manjimup |
641 | Cert of Excellence | MCKIBBIN, MEGHAN FAYTH | St Marks Anglican Community School | Hillarys |
642 | Cert of Excellence | MCLAUGHLIN, BRIANNA JANE | St Brigids College | Lesmurdie |
643 | Cert of Excellence | MCNULTY, OSCAR JOHN | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
644 | Cert of Excellence | MCWHAE, MAX BASIL LUKE | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
645 | Cert of Excellence | MEAD, TIMOTHY BEAU | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
646 | Cert of Excellence | MEHRA, ROHAN | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
647 | Cert of Excellence | MEI, CLARK | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
648 | Cert of Excellence | MELICAN, SHANNON JO | Swan Valley Anglican Community School | Aveley |
649 | Cert of Excellence | MENAGE, LOUIS | Helena College | Glen Forrest |
650 | Cert of Excellence | METZKE, SAMUEL DAVID | John Paul College | Kalgoorlie |
651 | Cert of Excellence | MEWS, SIOBHAN MARGUERITE | Presbyterian Ladies College | Peppermint Grove |
652 | Cert of Excellence | MICHEL, LUKAS JOHN | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
653 | Cert of Excellence | MIDDLETON, ELLA GRACE | Swan Christian College | Middle Swan |
654 | Cert of Excellence | MIDDLETON, GEMMA CLARE | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
655 | Cert of Excellence | MILLAR, THOMAS JARRYD | Guildford Grammar School | Guildford |
656 | Cert of Excellence | MILLEN, BRIDGETTE | Dianella Secondary College | Dianella |
657 | Cert of Excellence | MILLER, TIMOTHY JOHN | John Paul College | Kalgoorlie |
658 | Cert of Excellence | MILLMAN, MICHAEL RODERIC | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
659 | Cert of Excellence | MILLS, OLIVER CHARLES | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
660 | Cert of Excellence | MILLS, SARAH JAYNE | Kiara College | Kiara |
661 | Cert of Excellence | MILLWARD, TAYLA LOUISE | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
662 | Cert of Excellence | MILNES, SASHA JANE | Hampton Senior High School | Morley |
663 | Cert of Excellence | MINOSORA, NICHOLAS JAMES | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
664 | Cert of Excellence | MITCHELL, ALEXANDRA KRISTINE | Penrhos College | Como |
665 | Cert of Excellence | MOHARANA, NAMRATA | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
666 | Cert of Excellence | MOLINARI, CAILIN MICHELLE | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
667 | Cert of Excellence | MOLLOY MENCSHELYI, ZACCARY | Bunbury Senior High School | Bunbury |
668 | Cert of Excellence | MONAHAN, CONOR LORCAN | Mandurah Catholic College | Mandurah |
669 | Cert of Excellence | MONISSE, LAURA ROSE | Mercedes College | Perth |
670 | Cert of Excellence | MONKS, REBECCA EMILY | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont |
671 | Cert of Excellence | MONTEATH, ISAAC | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
672 | Cert of Excellence | MOOG, ELEANOR ROSE | Lumen Christi College | Martin |
673 | Cert of Excellence | MOON, SEO YUN | Perth College | Mount Lawley |
674 | Cert of Excellence | MOREY, MARIAH JAYDE | Mindarie Senior College | Mindarie |
675 | Cert of Excellence | MORGAN, ASHLEE RENEE | Woodvale Secondary College | Woodvale |
676 | Cert of Excellence | MORIARTY, JACQUELINE LEIGH | Ursula Frayne Catholic College | Victoria Park |
677 | Cert of Excellence | MORRIS, ADAM CHARLES | Mercy College | Koondoola |
678 | Cert of Excellence | MORRIS, BRENDAN CRAIG | Busselton Senior High School | Busselton |
679 | Cert of Excellence | MOSES, KASEY LAURA-JEAN | St Stephens School Carramar | Tapping |
680 | Cert of Excellence | MOSTACCIO, FLORENCIA | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
681 | Cert of Excellence | MOUSSA, MARIO | Irene Mccormack Catholic College | Butler |
682 | Cert of Excellence | MOUSTAKA, MOLLY ROSE | Geraldton Grammar School | Geraldton |
683 | Cert of Excellence | MOUSTAKA, SOPHIE ELISE | Geraldton Grammar School | Geraldton |
684 | Cert of Excellence | MOYLAN, MORIAH JANE | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
685 | Cert of Excellence | MRSA, ALANA LAUREN | Seton Catholic College | Samson |
686 | Cert of Excellence | MUIA, TOBY ANTONY | La Salle College | Middle Swan |
687 | Cert of Excellence | MULLER, STEPHANI | Irene Mccormack Catholic College | Butler |
688 | Cert of Excellence | MULLIGAN, JESSICA ASHLEY | Mandurah Baptist College | Lakelands |
689 | Cert of Excellence | MULRONEY, CHRISTOPHER PAUL | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
690 | Cert of Excellence | MUNDAY, SAKINAH NADIAH | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
691 | Cert of Excellence | MURPHEY, STEPHANIE ELVENA | Kalamunda Senior High School | Kalamunda |
692 | Cert of Excellence | MURPHY, TEGAN LOUISE | Mandurah Catholic College | Mandurah |
693 | Cert of Excellence | MUSULIN, MARK | Ursula Frayne Catholic College | Victoria Park |
694 | Cert of Excellence | MYBURGH, JOSTEN JOHANN | Frederick Irwin Anglican School | Mandurah |
695 | Cert of Excellence | NADESAN, MAYOORI | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
696 | Cert of Excellence | NAGAPPA, JOSEPHINE ANNE | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
697 | Cert of Excellence | NAIRN, ALEXANDER IAN | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
698 | Cert of Excellence | NARULA, SIDDARTH LUKE | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
699 | Cert of Excellence | NAVEH, NAOMI | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
700 | Cert of Excellence | NEIL, ASHLEIGH LOUISE | Como Secondary College | Como |
701 | Cert of Excellence | NEOH, ANDREA HUI ERN | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
702 | Cert of Excellence | NESBITT, DANIEL JOHN | St Stephens School Carramar | Tapping |
703 | Cert of Excellence | NEWLAND, TALIA GRACE | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
704 | Cert of Excellence | NEWMAN, JOSEPHINE LETITIA | Kent Street Senior High School | Kensington |
705 | Cert of Excellence | NG, DARREN KAH | All Saints College | Bull Creek |
706 | Cert of Excellence | NG, JULIE | Emmanuel Catholic College | Success |
707 | Cert of Excellence | NG, WILSON YEN HAN | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
708 | Cert of Excellence | NGO, BELINDA | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
709 | Cert of Excellence | NGUYEN, AARON MING | Wesley College | South Perth |
710 | Cert of Excellence | NGUYEN, CATHERINE | Dianella Secondary College | Dianella |
711 | Cert of Excellence | NGUYEN, CHRISTINE | Mercedes College | Perth |
712 | Cert of Excellence | NGUYEN, DANIEL | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
713 | Cert of Excellence | NGUYEN, EDWARD TAM THUONG TRAN | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
714 | Cert of Excellence | NGUYEN, MONICA HOANG | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
715 | Cert of Excellence | NGUYEN, THOM | Como Secondary College | Como |
716 | Cert of Excellence | NICHOLSON, JAMES BRYCE | Bunbury Catholic College | Bunbury |
717 | Cert of Excellence | NIDD, DARCY GRACE ANSELL | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
718 | Cert of Excellence | NORDHOLM, EVELINA MATILDA | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
719 | Cert of Excellence | NORDMANN, HANNAH MARIE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
720 | Cert of Excellence | NORFOLK, GEORGIA | Iona Presentation College | Mosman Park |
721 | Cert of Excellence | NORMAN, MATTHEW JAMES | Trinity College | East Perth |
722 | Cert of Excellence | NORTHCOTT, HANNAH VICTORIA | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
723 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Albany Senior High School | Albany |
724 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Ballajura Community College | Ballajura |
725 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Boddington District High School | Boddington |
726 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Broome Senior High School | Broome |
727 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Broome Senior High School | Broome |
728 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Broome Senior High School | Broome |
729 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School | Gelorup |
730 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Bunbury Senior High School | Bunbury |
731 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
732 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Cecil Andrews College | Armadale |
733 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Darling Range Sports College | Forrestfield |
734 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Denmark Senior High School | Denmark |
735 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Ellenbrook Secondary College | Ellenbrook |
736 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Esperance Senior High School | Esperance |
737 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Governor Stirling Senior High School | Woodbridge |
738 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Governor Stirling Senior High School | Woodbridge |
739 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | John Calvin Christian College | Armadale |
740 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
741 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
742 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
743 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
744 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
745 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
746 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
747 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kununurra District High School | Kununurra |
748 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Kununurra District High School | Kununurra |
749 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Lakeland Senior High School | South Lake |
750 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Leeming Senior High School | Leeming |
751 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Melville Senior High School | Melville |
752 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Melville Senior High School | Melville |
753 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Newton Moore Senior High School | South Bunbury |
754 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | North Albany Senior High School | Albany |
755 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | North Albany Senior High School | Albany |
756 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Ocean Reef Senior High School | Ocean Reef |
757 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Ocean Reef Senior High School | Ocean Reef |
758 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
759 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Rockingham Senior High School | Rockingham |
760 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
761 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
762 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Safety Bay Senior High School | Safety Bay |
763 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
764 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
765 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
766 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Sevenoaks Senior College | Cannington |
767 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
768 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | St Clares School | Lathlain |
769 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | St Lukes College | Karratha |
770 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
771 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
772 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Swan Christian College | Middle Swan |
773 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Trinity College | East Perth |
774 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Trinity College | East Perth |
775 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | WA College of Agriculture Cunderdin | Cunderdin |
776 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | WA College of Agriculture Cunderdin | Cunderdin |
777 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | WA College of Agriculture Cunderdin | Cunderdin |
778 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Wanneroo Secondary College | Wanneroo |
779 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Wanneroo Secondary College | Wanneroo |
780 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
781 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
782 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
783 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
784 | Cert of Excellence | NOT FOR PUBLICATION | Woodvale Secondary College | Woodvale |
785 | Cert of Excellence | NOYE, CAITLIN BROOKE | John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School | Mirrabooka |
786 | Cert of Excellence | NUNN, ELLIOT HENRY | Seton Catholic College | Samson |
787 | Cert of Excellence | NURGALIEVA, KAMILYA | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
788 | Cert of Excellence | O'BRIEN, KAELEE MONIQUE | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
789 | Cert of Excellence | O'BRIEN, ZACHARY PHILLIP | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
790 | Cert of Excellence | O'BRIEN-SMITH, MOIRA ELISA | Penrhos College | Como |
791 | Cert of Excellence | O'CALLAGHAN, ELEANOR FRANCES | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
792 | Cert of Excellence | O'CONNOR, SHANNON MARIE | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
793 | Cert of Excellence | O'DEA, SINEAD MADELIENE | North Lake Senior Campus | Kardinya |
794 | Cert of Excellence | O'DONOGHUE, RACHEL ELIZABETH | Bunbury Catholic College | Bunbury |
795 | Cert of Excellence | O'KEEFFE, CHRISTOPHER JAMES | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
796 | Cert of Excellence | O'LOUGHLIN-EAMES, TEGAN LEIGH | Woodvale Secondary College | Woodvale |
797 | Cert of Excellence | O'NEIL, CAMERON ANDREW | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
798 | Cert of Excellence | O'SHAUGHNESSY, MAEVE CREHAN | Corpus Christi College | Bateman |
799 | Cert of Excellence | O'SHEA, LIAM JOHN | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
800 | Cert of Excellence | OCHEA, KATHLINE ROSE | John Forrest Secondary College | Morley |