Consistent High Achievers, Western Australia, 2011

This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2011, along with the school that they attended.

These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.

Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.

200 of 1236 entries are shown.
601 - 800
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601 Cert of Excellence MALONE, DERMOT JAMES Aquinas College Salter Point
602 Cert of Excellence MALWAL, ANSHUL Balga Senior High School Balga
603 Cert of Excellence MAMMONE, DANA MARIE Pinjarra Senior High School Pinjarra
604 Cert of Excellence MANEV, BRANDON Mount Lawley Senior High School Mount Lawley
605 Cert of Excellence MANGANO, MICHAEL GAETANO Belmont City College Belmont
606 Cert of Excellence MANYOK, CHOL AYIEI Aranmore Catholic College Leederville
607 Cert of Excellence MARCH-ANTHONY, MADELEINE John XXIII College Mount Claremont
608 Cert of Excellence MARCHETTI, ANDREW FRANK La Salle College Middle Swan
609 Cert of Excellence MARINICH, TARA JANE South Fremantle Senior High School Beaconsfield
610 Cert of Excellence MARK, JOSEPHINE CLARE Santa Maria College Attadale
611 Cert of Excellence MARPER-BATLEY, SHARNI Carey Baptist College Harrisdale
612 Cert of Excellence MARR, ELENA Sacred Heart College Sorrento
613 Cert of Excellence MARSHALL, DANIEL JAMES Hale School Wembley Downs
614 Cert of Excellence MARSHALL, LAURA GRACE Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
615 Cert of Excellence MARSHALL, SYBILLA MARY St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
616 Cert of Excellence MARTIN, AMBER MCFARLANE Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
617 Cert of Excellence MARTINEAU, SASCHA JEANINE CLAIRE Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
618 Cert of Excellence MASON, GEORGIA GRACE St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
619 Cert of Excellence MASSAM, BENJAMIN DANIEL Trinity College East Perth
620 Cert of Excellence MASUDA, HIRO Wesley College South Perth
621 Cert of Excellence MATTHEWS, GRACE EMMA Mercedes College Perth
622 Cert of Excellence MATTHEWS, SIMON CHRISTOPHER Wesley College South Perth
623 Cert of Excellence MATTOCK, NICHOLAS GLYN John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School Mirrabooka
624 Cert of Excellence MAXTED, ANNA CHRISTINE Shenton College Shenton Park
625 Cert of Excellence MCALPINE, BRENDON SHANE Hale School Wembley Downs
626 Cert of Excellence MCCABE, KYLE JAMES Great Southern Grammar School Kalgan
627 Cert of Excellence MCCAFFERTY, RACHEL KATHLEEN Sacred Heart College Sorrento
628 Cert of Excellence MCCASKIE, JAQUELYN St Lukes College Karratha
629 Cert of Excellence MCCORMICK, RACHEL HELEN Carine Senior High School Carine
630 Cert of Excellence MCDONALD, ELLIE-ANN Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
631 Cert of Excellence MCGLASHAN, CALLUM ALEXANDER Hale School Wembley Downs
632 Cert of Excellence MCGRATH, CLAUDIA SUZANNE John Forrest Secondary College Morley
633 Cert of Excellence MCGRATH, GABRIELLE CHARLOTTE Perth Modern School Subiaco
634 Cert of Excellence MCGREGOR, DYLAN ROSS Busselton Senior High School Busselton
635 Cert of Excellence MCGUINNESS, ERIN BRIDGET Kolbe Catholic College Rockingham
636 Cert of Excellence MCGURK, SAMUEL JAMES Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
637 Cert of Excellence MCINTOSH, KAMDYN JOHN Pinjarra Senior High School Pinjarra
638 Cert of Excellence MCKAY, DAVID JAMES WA College of Agriculture Harvey Wokalup
639 Cert of Excellence MCKEITH, TAMSYN ANNE St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
640 Cert of Excellence MCKENZIE, VERITY HANNAH Manjimup Senior High School Manjimup
641 Cert of Excellence MCKIBBIN, MEGHAN FAYTH St Marks Anglican Community School Hillarys
642 Cert of Excellence MCLAUGHLIN, BRIANNA JANE St Brigids College Lesmurdie
643 Cert of Excellence MCNULTY, OSCAR JOHN Scotch College Swanbourne
644 Cert of Excellence MCWHAE, MAX BASIL LUKE Applecross Senior High School Ardross
645 Cert of Excellence MEAD, TIMOTHY BEAU Scotch College Swanbourne
646 Cert of Excellence MEHRA, ROHAN Hale School Wembley Downs
647 Cert of Excellence MEI, CLARK Hale School Wembley Downs
648 Cert of Excellence MELICAN, SHANNON JO Swan Valley Anglican Community School Aveley
649 Cert of Excellence MENAGE, LOUIS Helena College Glen Forrest
650 Cert of Excellence METZKE, SAMUEL DAVID John Paul College Kalgoorlie
651 Cert of Excellence MEWS, SIOBHAN MARGUERITE Presbyterian Ladies College Peppermint Grove
652 Cert of Excellence MICHEL, LUKAS JOHN Hale School Wembley Downs
653 Cert of Excellence MIDDLETON, ELLA GRACE Swan Christian College Middle Swan
654 Cert of Excellence MIDDLETON, GEMMA CLARE Santa Maria College Attadale
655 Cert of Excellence MILLAR, THOMAS JARRYD Guildford Grammar School Guildford
656 Cert of Excellence MILLEN, BRIDGETTE Dianella Secondary College Dianella
657 Cert of Excellence MILLER, TIMOTHY JOHN John Paul College Kalgoorlie
658 Cert of Excellence MILLMAN, MICHAEL RODERIC Shenton College Shenton Park
659 Cert of Excellence MILLS, OLIVER CHARLES Scotch College Swanbourne
660 Cert of Excellence MILLS, SARAH JAYNE Kiara College Kiara
661 Cert of Excellence MILLWARD, TAYLA LOUISE Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
662 Cert of Excellence MILNES, SASHA JANE Hampton Senior High School Morley
663 Cert of Excellence MINOSORA, NICHOLAS JAMES Scotch College Swanbourne
664 Cert of Excellence MITCHELL, ALEXANDRA KRISTINE Penrhos College Como
665 Cert of Excellence MOHARANA, NAMRATA Applecross Senior High School Ardross
666 Cert of Excellence MOLINARI, CAILIN MICHELLE Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
667 Cert of Excellence MOLLOY MENCSHELYI, ZACCARY Bunbury Senior High School Bunbury
668 Cert of Excellence MONAHAN, CONOR LORCAN Mandurah Catholic College Mandurah
669 Cert of Excellence MONISSE, LAURA ROSE Mercedes College Perth
670 Cert of Excellence MONKS, REBECCA EMILY John XXIII College Mount Claremont
671 Cert of Excellence MONTEATH, ISAAC St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
672 Cert of Excellence MOOG, ELEANOR ROSE Lumen Christi College Martin
673 Cert of Excellence MOON, SEO YUN Perth College Mount Lawley
674 Cert of Excellence MOREY, MARIAH JAYDE Mindarie Senior College Mindarie
675 Cert of Excellence MORGAN, ASHLEE RENEE Woodvale Secondary College Woodvale
676 Cert of Excellence MORIARTY, JACQUELINE LEIGH Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
677 Cert of Excellence MORRIS, ADAM CHARLES Mercy College Koondoola
678 Cert of Excellence MORRIS, BRENDAN CRAIG Busselton Senior High School Busselton
679 Cert of Excellence MOSES, KASEY LAURA-JEAN St Stephens School Carramar Tapping
680 Cert of Excellence MOSTACCIO, FLORENCIA Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
681 Cert of Excellence MOUSSA, MARIO Irene Mccormack Catholic College Butler
682 Cert of Excellence MOUSTAKA, MOLLY ROSE Geraldton Grammar School Geraldton
683 Cert of Excellence MOUSTAKA, SOPHIE ELISE Geraldton Grammar School Geraldton
684 Cert of Excellence MOYLAN, MORIAH JANE Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
685 Cert of Excellence MRSA, ALANA LAUREN Seton Catholic College Samson
686 Cert of Excellence MUIA, TOBY ANTONY La Salle College Middle Swan
687 Cert of Excellence MULLER, STEPHANI Irene Mccormack Catholic College Butler
688 Cert of Excellence MULLIGAN, JESSICA ASHLEY Mandurah Baptist College Lakelands
689 Cert of Excellence MULRONEY, CHRISTOPHER PAUL Willetton Senior High School Willetton
690 Cert of Excellence MUNDAY, SAKINAH NADIAH Perth Modern School Subiaco
691 Cert of Excellence MURPHEY, STEPHANIE ELVENA Kalamunda Senior High School Kalamunda
692 Cert of Excellence MURPHY, TEGAN LOUISE Mandurah Catholic College Mandurah
693 Cert of Excellence MUSULIN, MARK Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
694 Cert of Excellence MYBURGH, JOSTEN JOHANN Frederick Irwin Anglican School Mandurah
695 Cert of Excellence NADESAN, MAYOORI Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
696 Cert of Excellence NAGAPPA, JOSEPHINE ANNE Perth Modern School Subiaco
697 Cert of Excellence NAIRN, ALEXANDER IAN Perth Modern School Subiaco
698 Cert of Excellence NARULA, SIDDARTH LUKE Aquinas College Salter Point
699 Cert of Excellence NAVEH, NAOMI Carine Senior High School Carine
700 Cert of Excellence NEIL, ASHLEIGH LOUISE Como Secondary College Como
701 Cert of Excellence NEOH, ANDREA HUI ERN Willetton Senior High School Willetton
702 Cert of Excellence NESBITT, DANIEL JOHN St Stephens School Carramar Tapping
703 Cert of Excellence NEWLAND, TALIA GRACE Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
704 Cert of Excellence NEWMAN, JOSEPHINE LETITIA Kent Street Senior High School Kensington
705 Cert of Excellence NG, DARREN KAH All Saints College Bull Creek
706 Cert of Excellence NG, JULIE Emmanuel Catholic College Success
707 Cert of Excellence NG, WILSON YEN HAN Perth Modern School Subiaco
708 Cert of Excellence NGO, BELINDA Shenton College Shenton Park
709 Cert of Excellence NGUYEN, AARON MING Wesley College South Perth
710 Cert of Excellence NGUYEN, CATHERINE Dianella Secondary College Dianella
711 Cert of Excellence NGUYEN, CHRISTINE Mercedes College Perth
712 Cert of Excellence NGUYEN, DANIEL Shenton College Shenton Park
713 Cert of Excellence NGUYEN, EDWARD TAM THUONG TRAN Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
714 Cert of Excellence NGUYEN, MONICA HOANG Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
715 Cert of Excellence NGUYEN, THOM Como Secondary College Como
716 Cert of Excellence NICHOLSON, JAMES BRYCE Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury
717 Cert of Excellence NIDD, DARCY GRACE ANSELL Perth Modern School Subiaco
718 Cert of Excellence NORDHOLM, EVELINA MATILDA Willetton Senior High School Willetton
719 Cert of Excellence NORDMANN, HANNAH MARIE St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
720 Cert of Excellence NORFOLK, GEORGIA Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
721 Cert of Excellence NORMAN, MATTHEW JAMES Trinity College East Perth
722 Cert of Excellence NORTHCOTT, HANNAH VICTORIA Santa Maria College Attadale
723 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Albany Senior High School Albany
724 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Ballajura Community College Ballajura
725 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Boddington District High School Boddington
726 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Broome Senior High School Broome
727 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Broome Senior High School Broome
728 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Broome Senior High School Broome
729 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Gelorup
730 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Bunbury Senior High School Bunbury
731 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Carine Senior High School Carine
732 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Cecil Andrews College Armadale
733 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Darling Range Sports College Forrestfield
734 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Denmark Senior High School Denmark
735 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Ellenbrook Secondary College Ellenbrook
736 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Esperance Senior High School Esperance
737 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Governor Stirling Senior High School Woodbridge
738 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Governor Stirling Senior High School Woodbridge
739 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION John Calvin Christian College Armadale
740 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
741 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
742 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
743 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
744 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
745 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
746 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott
747 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kununurra District High School Kununurra
748 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Kununurra District High School Kununurra
749 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Lakeland Senior High School South Lake
750 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Leeming Senior High School Leeming
751 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Melville Senior High School Melville
752 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Melville Senior High School Melville
753 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Newton Moore Senior High School South Bunbury
754 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION North Albany Senior High School Albany
755 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION North Albany Senior High School Albany
756 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Ocean Reef Senior High School Ocean Reef
757 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Ocean Reef Senior High School Ocean Reef
758 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Perth Modern School Subiaco
759 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Rockingham Senior High School Rockingham
760 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
761 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
762 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Safety Bay Senior High School Safety Bay
763 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Scotch College Swanbourne
764 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Scotch College Swanbourne
765 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Scotch College Swanbourne
766 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Sevenoaks Senior College Cannington
767 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Shenton College Shenton Park
768 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION St Clares School Lathlain
769 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION St Lukes College Karratha
770 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
771 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION St Stephens School Duncraig Duncraig
772 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Swan Christian College Middle Swan
773 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Trinity College East Perth
774 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Trinity College East Perth
775 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION WA College of Agriculture Cunderdin Cunderdin
776 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION WA College of Agriculture Cunderdin Cunderdin
777 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION WA College of Agriculture Cunderdin Cunderdin
778 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Wanneroo Secondary College Wanneroo
779 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Wanneroo Secondary College Wanneroo
780 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Willetton Senior High School Willetton
781 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Willetton Senior High School Willetton
782 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Willetton Senior High School Willetton
783 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Willetton Senior High School Willetton
784 Cert of Excellence NOT FOR PUBLICATION Woodvale Secondary College Woodvale
785 Cert of Excellence NOYE, CAITLIN BROOKE John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School Mirrabooka
786 Cert of Excellence NUNN, ELLIOT HENRY Seton Catholic College Samson
787 Cert of Excellence NURGALIEVA, KAMILYA Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
788 Cert of Excellence O'BRIEN, KAELEE MONIQUE Santa Maria College Attadale
789 Cert of Excellence O'BRIEN, ZACHARY PHILLIP Sacred Heart College Sorrento
790 Cert of Excellence O'BRIEN-SMITH, MOIRA ELISA Penrhos College Como
791 Cert of Excellence O'CALLAGHAN, ELEANOR FRANCES Sacred Heart College Sorrento
792 Cert of Excellence O'CONNOR, SHANNON MARIE Santa Maria College Attadale
793 Cert of Excellence O'DEA, SINEAD MADELIENE North Lake Senior Campus Kardinya
794 Cert of Excellence O'DONOGHUE, RACHEL ELIZABETH Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury
795 Cert of Excellence O'KEEFFE, CHRISTOPHER JAMES Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
796 Cert of Excellence O'LOUGHLIN-EAMES, TEGAN LEIGH Woodvale Secondary College Woodvale
797 Cert of Excellence O'NEIL, CAMERON ANDREW Sacred Heart College Sorrento
798 Cert of Excellence O'SHAUGHNESSY, MAEVE CREHAN Corpus Christi College Bateman
799 Cert of Excellence O'SHEA, LIAM JOHN Hale School Wembley Downs
800 Cert of Excellence OCHEA, KATHLINE ROSE John Forrest Secondary College Morley
Last Updated: 4 Jan 2017
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