This report lists the winners of Certificates of Distinction and Certificates of Merit for 2011, along with the school that they attended.
These certificates are awarded to students who achieve at least 150 points (Certificate of Merit) or 190 points (Certificate of Distinction) across 20 year 11 and year 12 course units or equivalents, of which 10 are at year 12 level.
Formerly these awards were named Certificates of Commendation (2012-2015) or Certificates of Excellence (prior to 2012), and were based on achievements of at least 20 'A' grades in course units or equivalents.
1051 | Cert of Excellence | TAN, XIN ZHENG | All Saints College | Bull Creek |
1052 | Cert of Excellence | TANCABEL, CLARE | Winthrop Baptist College | Murdoch |
1053 | Cert of Excellence | TANG, DANIEL HO YIN | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
1054 | Cert of Excellence | TANNER, MARTIN DANIEL | John Forrest Secondary College | Morley |
1055 | Cert of Excellence | TAPSELL, ELLEN GRACE | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1056 | Cert of Excellence | TARVER, LAUREN ASHLEY | Wanneroo Secondary College | Wanneroo |
1057 | Cert of Excellence | TAYLOR, CHELSEA LOUISE | Leeming Senior High School | Leeming |
1058 | Cert of Excellence | TAYLOR, KATELIN JAYNE | Bunbury Catholic College | Bunbury |
1059 | Cert of Excellence | TAYLOR, LEIGHTON JON | Trinity College | East Perth |
1060 | Cert of Excellence | TEAKLE, KATHERINE SALLY | Newman College | Churchlands |
1061 | Cert of Excellence | TEGOV, ANDON | Hampton Senior High School | Morley |
1062 | Cert of Excellence | TEH, HUI YAN | Aranmore Catholic College | Leederville |
1063 | Cert of Excellence | TEH, RYAN LONG WEI | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
1064 | Cert of Excellence | TEMPLEMAN, HOLLY APRIL | Eastern Hills Senior High School | Mount Helena |
1065 | Cert of Excellence | TENG, SAMANTHA MIN YII | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1066 | Cert of Excellence | TENNENT, SORAYA FAI | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
1067 | Cert of Excellence | TERPSTRA, STEPHANIE SHARON | John Calvin Christian College | Armadale |
1068 | Cert of Excellence | TERRANOVA, ANTHONY | Mercy College | Koondoola |
1069 | Cert of Excellence | THAKER, SHASHVADUTT NILESH | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1070 | Cert of Excellence | THAM, JODIE LI MEI | Corpus Christi College | Bateman |
1071 | Cert of Excellence | THAN, DAWN NAYCHI | Perth College | Mount Lawley |
1072 | Cert of Excellence | THETHY, BHAVRAJ SINGH | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
1073 | Cert of Excellence | THILLAINATH, TARA MISTY | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
1074 | Cert of Excellence | THOMAS, KATHRYN SARAH | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1075 | Cert of Excellence | THOMAS, RACHEL SHOBA | Corpus Christi College | Bateman |
1076 | Cert of Excellence | THOMPSON, ALAN ANTHONY | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
1077 | Cert of Excellence | THOMPSON, BLAKE DANIEL | CBC Fremantle | Fremantle |
1078 | Cert of Excellence | THOMPSON, JESSICAH MARY | La Salle College | Middle Swan |
1079 | Cert of Excellence | THOMPSON, SAMANTHA JAYNE | Penrhos College | Como |
1080 | Cert of Excellence | THORNE, STEPHANIE MARINA | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
1081 | Cert of Excellence | THORNTON, ROSE MAREE | Dianella Secondary College | Dianella |
1082 | Cert of Excellence | THORP, DANIELLE MARIE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
1083 | Cert of Excellence | THUIJS, SIMON THOMAS | Nagle Catholic College | Geraldton |
1084 | Cert of Excellence | TIBBITT, ALEX ROBERT | Guildford Grammar School | Guildford |
1085 | Cert of Excellence | TIDY, REBECCA JAYNE | Lumen Christi College | Martin |
1086 | Cert of Excellence | TILLEY, ANDREW ROBERT | All Saints College | Bull Creek |
1087 | Cert of Excellence | TIONG, WEI YANG AARON | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
1088 | Cert of Excellence | TIRABOSCO, EMMA LOUISE | Perth College | Mount Lawley |
1089 | Cert of Excellence | TITAN, KIARA LEE | Kolbe Catholic College | Rockingham |
1090 | Cert of Excellence | TJAHJONO, DARREN ANDHIKA | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1091 | Cert of Excellence | TJOENG, ANDY YONG LI | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
1092 | Cert of Excellence | TOLCON, EBONY JADE | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1093 | Cert of Excellence | TOMLINSON, DANIEL STEVEN | Peter Moyes Anglican Community School | Mindarie |
1094 | Cert of Excellence | TOMLINSON, WILLIAM JOHN | Guildford Grammar School | Guildford |
1095 | Cert of Excellence | TOOGOOD, CAITLIN MEI | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
1096 | Cert of Excellence | TOTH-JOHNSON, NOEMI ROMADHANIE | Woodvale Secondary College | Woodvale |
1097 | Cert of Excellence | TRANCHITA, AMARA ANNE | Iona Presentation College | Mosman Park |
1098 | Cert of Excellence | TRENCH, MORGAN WILLIAM | Woodvale Secondary College | Woodvale |
1099 | Cert of Excellence | TRINH, KATHY | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1100 | Cert of Excellence | TROUCHET, FERN MARIE | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
1101 | Cert of Excellence | TRUONG, JASON | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
1102 | Cert of Excellence | TRUSLOVE, COURTNEY | Irene Mccormack Catholic College | Butler |
1103 | Cert of Excellence | TU, MARGARET | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
1104 | Cert of Excellence | TURNER, BENJAMIN STEPHEN | Trinity College | East Perth |
1105 | Cert of Excellence | TWIGGER, EMILY ROSE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
1106 | Cert of Excellence | TWISS, RACHEL MICHELLE | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
1107 | Cert of Excellence | TYNAS, ADAM JASON | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
1108 | Cert of Excellence | TYSON, THOMAS MAXIMILLIAN | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
1109 | Cert of Excellence | UMRANI, RAHUL PRAVIN | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1110 | Cert of Excellence | UNDERWOOD, DANIELLE BROOKE | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
1111 | Cert of Excellence | UNWIN-HATTON, RACHEL LOUISE | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott |
1112 | Cert of Excellence | URE, SARAH LOUISE | Mount Lawley Senior High School | Mount Lawley |
1113 | Cert of Excellence | URS, RHEA CAROLINE | Ursula Frayne Catholic College | Victoria Park |
1114 | Cert of Excellence | VALERIO, REBEKAH | Seton Catholic College | Samson |
1115 | Cert of Excellence | VALLI, ELOISE RHIANNON | Carine Senior High School | Carine |
1116 | Cert of Excellence | VAN DEN BOK, DANIELLE KATE | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
1117 | Cert of Excellence | VAN DER MOEZEL, RACHAEL ELIZABETH | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
1118 | Cert of Excellence | VAN DER SPIL, TASHA BREEANNE | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
1119 | Cert of Excellence | VAN DER VEEN, LILLIAN | Cornerstone Christian College | Busselton |
1120 | Cert of Excellence | VAN DUYN, CHELSEA ANNE | John Calvin Christian College | Armadale |
1121 | Cert of Excellence | VAN DUYN, RYAN HENDRIK | Newton Moore Senior High School | South Bunbury |
1122 | Cert of Excellence | VAN STADEN, KIRSTYN | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1123 | Cert of Excellence | VARUGHESE, STEFAN PHILIP | Carey Baptist College | Harrisdale |
1124 | Cert of Excellence | VASANTHARAO, PRAMOD SHIVRAM | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1125 | Cert of Excellence | VASIKARAN, ANJALI SARAH | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
1126 | Cert of Excellence | VAUGHAN, ISAAC | Mindarie Senior College | Mindarie |
1127 | Cert of Excellence | VEACH, AMY ELAINE | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
1128 | Cert of Excellence | VELLA, ALICE ROSE | La Salle College | Middle Swan |
1129 | Cert of Excellence | VENKATRAMAN, RAJIV | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1130 | Cert of Excellence | VERHOOGT, WYATT BRENNAN | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
1131 | Cert of Excellence | VETTEN, GENEVIEVE BEATRICE | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
1132 | Cert of Excellence | VINCI, GIOVANNI | Newman College | Churchlands |
1133 | Cert of Excellence | VLAHOS, ALEXIA VICTORIA | Edmund Rice College | Bindoon |
1134 | Cert of Excellence | VOJDANI, MELISSA SOPHIE | Leeming Senior High School | Leeming |
1135 | Cert of Excellence | VU, CHRISTOPHER TRI DZUNG | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
1136 | Cert of Excellence | VU, JESSICA MARY | Servite College | Tuart Hill |
1137 | Cert of Excellence | WAKEFIELD, SHERRILYNN KATE | Lumen Christi College | Martin |
1138 | Cert of Excellence | WALKER, ADAM JOHN | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
1139 | Cert of Excellence | WALKER, KIPLING ROWAN | Wesley College | South Perth |
1140 | Cert of Excellence | WALKER, RYAN LESLIE | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
1141 | Cert of Excellence | WALLACE, FRASER ROBERT | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
1142 | Cert of Excellence | WALLER, KIARA SKIE | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1143 | Cert of Excellence | WALSH, ANDREW CLAYTON | Kolbe Catholic College | Rockingham |
1144 | Cert of Excellence | WALTHEW, PHILIP ANDREW | Peter Moyes Anglican Community School | Mindarie |
1145 | Cert of Excellence | WALTMAN, RAPHAELLA | Perth College | Mount Lawley |
1146 | Cert of Excellence | WANG, ANGELA | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
1147 | Cert of Excellence | WARD, AARON JAY | WA College of Agriculture Narrogin | Narrogin |
1148 | Cert of Excellence | WARD, EMILY LOUISE | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
1149 | Cert of Excellence | WARD-TYRRELL, NATHAN MICHAEL | Living Waters Lutheran College | Warnbro |
1150 | Cert of Excellence | WARNOCK, SAMUEL FRANCIS | Newton Moore Senior High School | South Bunbury |
1151 | Cert of Excellence | WARREN, HAYLEY LOUISE | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
1152 | Cert of Excellence | WARTON, EMILY | Presbyterian Ladies College | Peppermint Grove |
1153 | Cert of Excellence | WATKINS, JOEL BRIAN | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
1154 | Cert of Excellence | WATSON-RICHARDS, MADISON | Georgiana Molloy Anglican School | Busselton |
1155 | Cert of Excellence | WATT, BONNIE MARY | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
1156 | Cert of Excellence | WATTERS, JACOB | St Marys College | Broome |
1157 | Cert of Excellence | WATTS, ELIZABETH LUCINDA MAEVE | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
1158 | Cert of Excellence | WATTS, HANNAH MAY-HWA | Maranatha Christian College | Waikiki |
1159 | Cert of Excellence | WEBB, CALLUM JOHN | Duncraig Senior High School | Duncraig |
1160 | Cert of Excellence | WEBBER, JORDAN AARON | Wesley College | South Perth |
1161 | Cert of Excellence | WEBER, MADELEINE GRACE | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
1162 | Cert of Excellence | WEE, DARREN TSAI-CHI | Wesley College | South Perth |
1163 | Cert of Excellence | WEEDA, ELIZABETH JANTINE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
1164 | Cert of Excellence | WEINERT, KATELYN SIAN | WA College of Agriculture Denmark | Denmark |
1165 | Cert of Excellence | WELLS, LAURA ANNETTE | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
1166 | Cert of Excellence | WESSON, LIAM JOHN | Albany Senior High School | Albany |
1167 | Cert of Excellence | WESTERSIDE, AMELIA YVETTE | Mercy College | Koondoola |
1168 | Cert of Excellence | WHELAN, DANIEL ASHLEY | Hampton Senior High School | Morley |
1169 | Cert of Excellence | WHITE, AARON CHRISTOPHER | Morley Senior High School | Noranda |
1170 | Cert of Excellence | WHITE, CAMILLE MARCELLINE | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1171 | Cert of Excellence | WHITE, CHAD PATRICK | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
1172 | Cert of Excellence | WHITE, LAUREN ELAINE | Lumen Christi College | Martin |
1173 | Cert of Excellence | WHITE, ROSEMAREE | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford |
1174 | Cert of Excellence | WHITEHORN, RACHEL JANE | Mandurah Catholic College | Mandurah |
1175 | Cert of Excellence | WHITTLE, RENITA AINSLEY | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
1176 | Cert of Excellence | WICKS, NARIKA ERIN | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1177 | Cert of Excellence | WIELAND, JAEGER SALLY | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross |
1178 | Cert of Excellence | WILCOX, MELINDA LISA | Georgiana Molloy Anglican School | Busselton |
1179 | Cert of Excellence | WILES, ALEC JOHN | Mazenod College | Lesmurdie |
1180 | Cert of Excellence | WILLIAMS, AMY NICOLE | Kalamunda Senior High School | Kalamunda |
1181 | Cert of Excellence | WILLIAMS, JAYMEE | Warwick Senior High School | Warwick |
1182 | Cert of Excellence | WILLIAMS, MARTIN | Mandurah Senior College | Mandurah |
1183 | Cert of Excellence | WILLIAMS, ROSE-ANNA MARGARET | Wanneroo Secondary College | Wanneroo |
1184 | Cert of Excellence | WILLIAMSON, BENJAMIN COLIN | Mount Lawley Senior High School | Mount Lawley |
1185 | Cert of Excellence | WILLIAMSON, RUARIDH PARESH | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
1186 | Cert of Excellence | WILLS, ALISON JOY | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
1187 | Cert of Excellence | WILLS, JOSHUA DAVID | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
1188 | Cert of Excellence | WILSON, CHANELLE TAMARA | Lynwood Senior High School | Parkwood |
1189 | Cert of Excellence | WILSON, CHELSEA LAUREN | Mercedes College | Perth |
1190 | Cert of Excellence | WILSON, DIANNE NENA | Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School | Gelorup |
1191 | Cert of Excellence | WILSON, ERIN | Duncraig Senior High School | Duncraig |
1192 | Cert of Excellence | WILSON, MICHAEL YEUNG-TAY | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
1193 | Cert of Excellence | WINTER, ALEXANDER JAMES | Duncraig Senior High School | Duncraig |
1194 | Cert of Excellence | WOLOSZYN, ALEXANDER GEORGE | Sacred Heart College | Sorrento |
1195 | Cert of Excellence | WOLPERS, MICHAELA TESS | Mercedes College | Perth |
1196 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, AARON WAI | Aquinas College | Salter Point |
1197 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, BRIAN GEORGE | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
1198 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, CLAIRE ERMELINDA | Newman College | Churchlands |
1199 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, DILLON DARD-SING | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1200 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, ISABELLE ONN YEE | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
1201 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, JANIS WAN-QIAN | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup |
1202 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, LAWRENCE | John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School | Mirrabooka |
1203 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, PEARL PHILINA | John Curtin College of the Arts | Fremantle |
1204 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, ROBIN LOK-BUN | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1205 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, WILLIAM YOU KWONG | Morley Senior High School | Noranda |
1206 | Cert of Excellence | WONG, ZHI-YONG | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
1207 | Cert of Excellence | WOOD, EMILY JANE | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig |
1208 | Cert of Excellence | WOOD, RENEE PALLAS | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
1209 | Cert of Excellence | WOODS, SHANNEN RACHEL | Sevenoaks Senior College | Cannington |
1210 | Cert of Excellence | WOOLLEY, HANNAH IMOGEN | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1211 | Cert of Excellence | WRIGHT, CASSANDRA ANN | Thornlie Senior High School | Thornlie |
1212 | Cert of Excellence | WUNDERSITZ, AMY ESTELLE | Perth College | Mount Lawley |
1213 | Cert of Excellence | XANTHIS, ELLIS LEIGH | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
1214 | Cert of Excellence | XIA, YANG | Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School | Gelorup |
1215 | Cert of Excellence | XIAO, LILY YI-NAN | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
1216 | Cert of Excellence | XIE, BELINDA | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
1217 | Cert of Excellence | YANG, SHUO | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1218 | Cert of Excellence | YAP, MAY YEE | Lynwood Senior High School | Parkwood |
1219 | Cert of Excellence | YATES, SARAH MARIE | Newton Moore Senior High School | South Bunbury |
1220 | Cert of Excellence | YE, XIAODAN | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
1221 | Cert of Excellence | YEAP, EMMA COURTNEY | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
1222 | Cert of Excellence | YEOH, ROBERT CHUNG | Hale School | Wembley Downs |
1223 | Cert of Excellence | YEW, SARAH SIAU YI | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
1224 | Cert of Excellence | YOONG, SEAN MAXIMILIAN | Corpus Christi College | Bateman |
1225 | Cert of Excellence | YU, ANGEL | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1226 | Cert of Excellence | ZABCZYK, CAROLINE PIA | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1227 | Cert of Excellence | ZAPPACOSTA, JASAMYN MARCELLA | Mount Lawley Senior High School | Mount Lawley |
1228 | Cert of Excellence | ZAREIE, PARNIAN | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands |
1229 | Cert of Excellence | ZHANG, MAROUSIA | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1230 | Cert of Excellence | ZHAO, SARAH | Como Secondary College | Como |
1231 | Cert of Excellence | ZHENG, REN TIAN | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
1232 | Cert of Excellence | ZHU, RONGDUAN | Como Secondary College | Como |
1233 | Cert of Excellence | ZIEGELAAR, LAUREN THERESE | Santa Maria College | Attadale |
1234 | Cert of Excellence | ZUBAIR, DANIAL | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne |
1235 | Cert of Excellence | ZUBONJA, MARIN | Seton Catholic College | Samson |
1236 | Cert of Excellence | ZUIDERSMA, MELISSA ANNE | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |