Subject/Course High Achievers, Western Australia, 2020

This report lists the winners of Subject Certificate of Excellence awards (formerly Certificate of Distinction awards) in 2020, along with the school that they attended.

These awards are granted by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority to the top 0.5% of students in each tertiary entrance subject based on their examination marks.

Special Subject Certificates of Excellence may be awarded to a student who is ineligible for a Subject Certificate of Excellence but who has otherwise satisfied all other requirements for the award.

25 of 300 entries are shown.
1 - 25
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1 Applied Information Technology Subject Cert of Excellence Abdullahi, Abdi-Wadud Awil Australian Islamic College Kewdale Kewdale
2 Physical Education Studies Subject Cert of Excellence Acciari, Marco Servite College Tuart Hill
3 Dance Subject Cert of Excellence Acott, Emma John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
4 Health Studies Subject Cert of Excellence Al Awadi, Zahraa Australian Islamic College Kewdale Kewdale
5 Mathematics Applications Subject Cert of Excellence Allison, Sophie Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
6 Materials Design and Technology Subject Cert of Excellence Andrawes, Rachel St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
7 Materials Design and Technology Subject Cert of Excellence Aniere, Annique St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
8 Chemistry Subject Cert of Excellence Annadurai, Aakash Perth Modern School Subiaco
9 Mathematics Methods Subject Cert of Excellence Annadurai, Aakash Perth Modern School Subiaco
10 Media Production and Analysis Subject Cert of Excellence Anson, Rebekah Eastern Hills Senior High School Mount Helena
11 Biology Subject Cert of Excellence Arvino, Lucas Trinity College East Perth
12 Chemistry Subject Cert of Excellence Arvino, Lucas Trinity College East Perth
13 English Subject Cert of Excellence Arvino, Lucas Trinity College East Perth
14 Mathematics Applications Subject Cert of Excellence Arvino, Lucas Trinity College East Perth
15 English Subject Cert of Excellence Banda, Sandile Peter Carnley Anglican Community School Wellard
16 English Subject Cert of Excellence Barry, Megan Penrhos College Como
17 Modern History Subject Cert of Excellence Barry, Megan Penrhos College Como
18 English Subject Cert of Excellence Bergsma, Jackson Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
19 Mathematics Applications Subject Cert of Excellence Bergsma, Jackson Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
20 English Subject Cert of Excellence Bew, Indigo Albany Senior High School Albany
21 Economics Special Subject Cert of Excellence Billingham, James Christ Church Grammar School Claremont
22 Geography Subject Cert of Excellence Bishop, Chloe Butler College Butler
23 English Subject Cert of Excellence Blache, Salila Shenton College Shenton Park
24 Literature Subject Cert of Excellence Boog, Elani Methodist Ladies College Claremont
25 Mathematics Applications Subject Cert of Excellence Borshoff, Imogen Methodist Ladies College Claremont
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2020
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