Subject/Course High Achievers, Western Australia, 2020

This report lists the winners of Subject Certificate of Excellence awards (formerly Certificate of Distinction awards) in 2020, along with the school that they attended.

These awards are granted by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority to the top 0.5% of students in each tertiary entrance subject based on their examination marks.

Special Subject Certificates of Excellence may be awarded to a student who is ineligible for a Subject Certificate of Excellence but who has otherwise satisfied all other requirements for the award.

25 of 300 entries are shown.
276 - 300
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276 Physics Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication Willetton Senior High School Willetton
277 Physics Subject Cert of Excellence Ravikumara, Raghav Wesley College South Perth
278 Physics Subject Cert of Excellence Thexeira, Zachery Perth Modern School Subiaco
279 Physics Subject Cert of Excellence Trushin, Alexey Perth Modern School Subiaco
280 Physics Subject Cert of Excellence Tsang Kwong Hong, Caroline Perth Modern School Subiaco
281 Politics and Law Subject Cert of Excellence Coulson, Lilli Applecross Senior High School Ardross
282 Politics and Law Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication Shenton College Shenton Park
283 Politics and Law Subject Cert of Excellence Williams, Lisa All Saints College Bull Creek
284 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Bowling, Maia St Hildas Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park
285 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Browne, Kayla Duncraig Senior High School Duncraig
286 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Dunuwille, Tanisha Perth Modern School Subiaco
287 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Gibson, Ella-Margaret John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
288 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Mayes, Samantha Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
289 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Morgan, Shannon Methodist Ladies College Claremont
290 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Pupovac, Peter John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
291 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Riordan, Jenna Corpus Christi College Bateman
292 Psychology Subject Cert of Excellence Wood-Gush, Ella Perth College Mount Lawley
293 Religion and Life Subject Cert of Excellence Broderick, Zoe John XXIII College Mount Claremont
294 Religion and Life Subject Cert of Excellence Hughes, Genevieve St Brigids College Lesmurdie
295 Religion and Life Subject Cert of Excellence Rangé, Jacob Carmel School Dianella
296 Religion and Life Subject Cert of Excellence Smith, Ashleigh John XXIII College Mount Claremont
297 Religion and Life Subject Cert of Excellence Woodward, Lara Sacred Heart College Sorrento
298 Visual Arts Subject Cert of Excellence Carapetis, Evelyn Methodist Ladies College Claremont
299 Visual Arts Subject Cert of Excellence Eyssautier, Suzan Applecross Senior High School Ardross
300 Visual Arts Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2020
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