Subject/Course High Achievers, Western Australia, 2020

This report lists the winners of Subject Certificate of Excellence awards (formerly Certificate of Distinction awards) in 2020, along with the school that they attended.

These awards are granted by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority to the top 0.5% of students in each tertiary entrance subject based on their examination marks.

Special Subject Certificates of Excellence may be awarded to a student who is ineligible for a Subject Certificate of Excellence but who has otherwise satisfied all other requirements for the award.

25 of 300 entries are shown.
101 - 125
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101 English Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication Canning Vale College Canning Vale
102 English Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication Churchlands Senior High School Churchlands
103 English Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication John Curtin College of the Arts Fremantle
104 English Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication Manea Senior College Bunbury
105 English Subject Cert of Excellence Not For Publication Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
106 English Subject Cert of Excellence Orlando, Tyana Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
107 English Subject Cert of Excellence Paltridge, Giorgia Santa Maria College Attadale
108 English Subject Cert of Excellence Peters, Bethan Iona Presentation College Mosman Park
109 English Subject Cert of Excellence Pile, Catherine St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
110 English Subject Cert of Excellence Robertson, Meg Austin Cove Baptist College South Yunderup
111 English Subject Cert of Excellence Sharp, Macy Perth Modern School Subiaco
112 English Subject Cert of Excellence Simpson, Emma St Brigids College Lesmurdie
113 English Subject Cert of Excellence Somerville, Alexandra St Marys Anglican Girls School Karrinyup
114 English Subject Cert of Excellence Valverde, Zachary Ursula Frayne Catholic College Victoria Park
115 English Subject Cert of Excellence WALSH, Jessica Seton Catholic College Samson
116 English Subject Cert of Excellence Watson, Amy Chisholm Catholic College Bedford
117 English Subject Cert of Excellence Wijesuriya, Budmi Rossmoyne Senior High School Rossmoyne
118 English Subject Cert of Excellence Wong, Paris Mindarie Senior College Mindarie
119 English Subject Cert of Excellence Zalewski, Maddison Leeming Senior High School Leeming
120 English Subject Cert of Excellence Zuiderduyn, Mikaela Mercedes College Perth
121 English as an Additional Language or Dialect Special Subject Cert of Excellence Ng, Kah Lok Sunway College Malaysia
122 English as an Additional Language or Dialect Special Subject Cert of Excellence Ravindran, Avinash Rvan Sunway College Malaysia
123 English as an Additional Language or Dialect Special Subject Cert of Excellence Reyes, Justine Marissa Sunway College Malaysia
124 English as an Additional Language or Dialect Special Subject Cert of Excellence Tan, Caleb En Hong Sunway College Malaysia
125 English as an Additional Language or Dialect Special Subject Cert of Excellence Teoh, Alyssa Ze Shuen Sunway College Malaysia
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2020
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