Subject/Course High Achievers, Western Australia, 2015

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the winners of Subject Certificate of Excellence awards (formerly Certificate of Distinction awards) in 2015, along with the school that they attended.

These awards are granted by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority to the top 0.5% of students in each tertiary entrance subject based on their examination marks.

Special Subject Certificates of Excellence may be awarded to a student who is ineligible for a Subject Certificate of Excellence but who has otherwise satisfied all other requirements for the award.

43 of 43 entries are shown.
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1 Ancient History Subject Cert of Distinction NG, GWENETH MIN WEI Perth Modern School Subiaco
2 Ancient History Subject Cert of Distinction TAY, HUI MIN Perth Modern School Subiaco
3 Biological Sciences Subject Cert of Distinction JIANG, EMILY Perth Modern School Subiaco
4 Biological Sciences Subject Cert of Distinction NG, GWENETH MIN WEI Perth Modern School Subiaco
5 Chemistry Subject Cert of Distinction GAO, HONGYI Perth Modern School Subiaco
6 Chemistry Subject Cert of Distinction KNIGHT, JESSICA LEONIE Perth Modern School Subiaco
7 Chemistry Subject Cert of Distinction MCMILLAN, HAYLEY JENNIFER Perth Modern School Subiaco
8 Chemistry Subject Cert of Distinction ONGKO, EMILY Perth Modern School Subiaco
9 Chemistry Subject Cert of Distinction TAY, HUI MIN Perth Modern School Subiaco
10 Design Subject Cert of Distinction LAMONT, FRANCES MAREE Perth Modern School Subiaco
11 Economics Subject Cert of Distinction ONGKO, EMILY Perth Modern School Subiaco
12 English Subject Cert of Distinction DOUGLAS, MARNIE LOUISE Perth Modern School Subiaco
13 English Subject Cert of Distinction EDGAR, MORGAN FAYE Perth Modern School Subiaco
14 English Subject Cert of Distinction KAILA, ROSHNI Perth Modern School Subiaco
15 English Subject Cert of Distinction LONERAGAN, ALEXANDRA IRENE Perth Modern School Subiaco
16 English Subject Cert of Distinction NG, GWENETH MIN WEI Perth Modern School Subiaco
17 French Subject Cert of Distinction GAO, HONGYI Perth Modern School Subiaco
18 Human Biological Science Subject Cert of Distinction BAXTER, MADELEINE LOUISE Perth Modern School Subiaco
19 Human Biological Science Subject Cert of Distinction CONRADIE, ANNA SUSAN Perth Modern School Subiaco
20 Human Biological Science Subject Cert of Distinction KNIGHT, JESSICA LEONIE Perth Modern School Subiaco
21 Human Biological Science Subject Cert of Distinction MCHALE, EMILY ROSE Perth Modern School Subiaco
22 Human Biological Science Subject Cert of Distinction MCMILLAN, HAYLEY JENNIFER Perth Modern School Subiaco
23 Human Biological Science Subject Cert of Distinction SULLIVAN, LUCY VICTORIA Perth Modern School Subiaco
24 Human Biological Science Subject Cert of Distinction THIAN, AURELNE Perth Modern School Subiaco
25 Japanese: Second Language Subject Cert of Distinction JIANG, EMILY Perth Modern School Subiaco
26 Literature Subject Cert of Distinction GAO, HONGYI Perth Modern School Subiaco
27 Mathematics Subject Cert of Distinction CHENG, ALAN Perth Modern School Subiaco
28 Mathematics Subject Cert of Distinction LEE, AARON EN-HAW Perth Modern School Subiaco
29 Mathematics Subject Cert of Distinction TAN, NICOLE PEI-TING Perth Modern School Subiaco
30 Mathematics Subject Cert of Distinction THIAN, AURELNE Perth Modern School Subiaco
31 Mathematics Subject Cert of Distinction ZIA, FAISAL Perth Modern School Subiaco
32 Mathematics: Specialist Subject Cert of Distinction TAY, HUI MIN Perth Modern School Subiaco
33 Mathematics: Specialist Subject Cert of Distinction YOO, HENRY HYEONKYOO Perth Modern School Subiaco
34 Music Subject Cert of Distinction KNIGHT, JESSICA LEONIE Perth Modern School Subiaco
35 Physics Subject Cert of Distinction CHONG, JET KYE Perth Modern School Subiaco
36 Physics Subject Cert of Distinction GAO, HONGYI Perth Modern School Subiaco
37 Physics Subject Cert of Distinction MCMILLAN, HAYLEY JENNIFER Perth Modern School Subiaco
38 Physics Subject Cert of Distinction PARK, HYERIN SHARON Perth Modern School Subiaco
39 Physics Subject Cert of Distinction TAY, HUI MIN Perth Modern School Subiaco
40 Psychology Subject Cert of Distinction EDGAR, MORGAN FAYE Perth Modern School Subiaco
41 Psychology Subject Cert of Distinction LI, YIFEI Perth Modern School Subiaco
42 Psychology Subject Cert of Distinction NOT FOR PUBLICATION Perth Modern School Subiaco
43 Psychology Subject Cert of Distinction THIAN, AURELNE Perth Modern School Subiaco
Last Updated: 4 Jan 2017
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