This report lists the winners of Subject Certificate of Excellence awards (formerly Certificate of Distinction awards) in 2008, along with the school that they attended.
These awards are granted by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority to the top 0.5% of students in each tertiary entrance subject based on their examination marks.
Special Subject Certificates of Excellence may be awarded to a student who is ineligible for a Subject Certificate of Excellence but who has otherwise satisfied all other requirements for the award.
1 | Accounting | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | LAOWACHARA, TANYATHORN | Wesley College | South Perth |
2 | Accounting | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | TAN, CHERYL | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
3 | Chemistry | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | SERTORIO, ANTHONY MICHAEL | Servite College | Tuart Hill |
4 | Discrete Mathematics | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | LEE, TREVOR | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont |
5 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | CHOONG, JONATHAN TZE WEI | KBU International College | Petaling Jaya, Malaysia |
6 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | LOW, ZOEY | Sunway University College | Petaling Jaya, Malaysia |
7 | Indonesian: Advanced | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | YUSMAN, PUTRI LESTARI | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park |
8 | Japanese - Second Language | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | NOT FOR PUBLICATION, | Perth Modern School | Subiaco |
9 | Malay - Advanced | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | LOW, ZOEY | Sunway University College | Petaling Jaya, Malaysia |
10 | Music | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | SIM, STEPHANIE YEN | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont |
11 | Physics | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | SERTORIO, ANTHONY MICHAEL | Servite College | Tuart Hill |
12 | Accounting | Subject Cert of Distinction | COHEN, RYAN | Carmel School | Dianella |
13 | Accounting | Subject Cert of Distinction | FEARIS, JAMES BARTHOLOMEW | Scotch College | Swanbourne |
14 | Accounting | Subject Cert of Distinction | MCDONALD, SAMANTHA JAYNE | School of Isolated and Distance Education | Leederville |
15 | Accounting | Subject Cert of Distinction | TELFER, ABBY MICHELLE | Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School | Gelorup |
16 | Accounting | Subject Cert of Distinction | UN, JOEL PEI DE | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
17 | Administrative Systems | Subject Cert of Distinction | TRISCARI, KRYSTINA LOUISE | Lumen Christi College | Martin |
18 | Ancient History | Subject Cert of Distinction | FALKNER, ANNABEL GRACE | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
19 | Ancient History | Subject Cert of Distinction | QUAHE, ILONA ANGELINA | Shenton College | Shenton Park |
20 | Animal Production and Marketing | Subject Cert of Distinction | VAN LEEUWEN, ASHLEY JADE | WA College of Agriculture Cunderdin | Cunderdin |
21 | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | AXTENS, DANIEL JOHN | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton |
22 | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | BARBARO, NICHOLAS ARCANGELO | Swan Christian College | Middle Swan |
23 | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | CHEAH, ESTHER YIERN | John Forrest Secondary College | Morley |
24 | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | CHEUNG, GARY GAI CHI | St Marks Anglican Community School | Hillarys |
25 | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | GRIFFITHS, KIERAN RONALD | Collie Senior High School | Collie |