4001 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Sharma, Annabelle |
Chemistry |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4002 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Smith, Claire |
English |
Our Lady of Mercy College |
Australind |
4003 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Soo, Carrie |
English |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
4004 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Sooi, Hsien |
Accounting and Finance |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4005 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Steele, Lachlan |
Physics |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
4006 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Stillisano, Deveryn |
English |
Kalamunda Senior High School |
Kalamunda |
4007 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Stockenstroom, Kristoffer |
Physics |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4008 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Su, Selene |
English |
Harrisdale Senior High School |
Harrisdale |
4009 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Tan, Evan |
Japanese: Second Language |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4010 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Tarquinio, Clara |
Religion and Life |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
4011 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Taylor, Harrison |
Mathematics Applications |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4012 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Toeante, Marcel |
Mathematics Applications |
Applecross Senior High School |
Ardross |
4013 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Tran, Alison |
Design |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4014 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Trang, Andrew |
Mathematics Methods |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4015 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Trew, Charlie |
Mathematics Applications |
Carine Senior High School |
Carine |
4016 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
van Aswegen, Benjamin |
Chemistry |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
4017 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
van Aswegen, Benjamin |
Literature |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
4018 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Varagunanathan, Rupak |
Career and Enterprise |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4019 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Vogan, Benjamin |
Mathematics Applications |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
4020 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Voong, Caitlyn |
English |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4021 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wagh, Vivaan |
Chemistry |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
4022 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wang, Chenyu |
Mathematics Specialist |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
4023 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wang, Jeremiah |
Literature |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
4024 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wang, Monroe |
Japanese: Second Language |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4025 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Waters, Ivy |
English |
Great Southern Grammar School |
Kalgan |
4026 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wijns, Lucas |
Mathematics Methods |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4027 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wilcox, Ciaan |
Psychology |
Iona Presentation College |
Mosman Park |
4028 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Williams, Lysbeth |
Mathematics Applications |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4029 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wilson, Jessica |
Politics and Law |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4030 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wood, Sophie |
English |
Melville Senior High School |
Melville |
4031 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Woon, Joshua |
Chemistry |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4032 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wu, Andy |
Physics |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
4033 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Wu, Yu-Cheng |
Computer Science |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4034 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Xu, Dora |
Mathematics Methods |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4035 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yamen, Michael |
Physics |
Carmel School |
Dianella |
4036 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yap, Ethan |
Chemistry |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4037 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yap, Ethan |
Economics |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4038 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yap, Ethan |
Mathematics Specialist |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4039 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yap, Ethan |
Physics |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4040 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yeo, Nathaniel |
Mathematics Applications |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
4041 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Yii, Grace |
Food Science and Technology |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
4042 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Zeeb, Isabella |
Human Biology |
St Norbert College |
Queens Park |
4043 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Zeeb, Meleina |
Human Biology |
St Norbert College |
Queens Park |
4044 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Zhao, Yanyu |
Chemistry |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4045 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Zuvela, Krista |
Chemistry |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
4046 |
Subject Cert of Excellence |
Zuvela, Krista |
Mathematics Applications |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
4047 |
Subject Exhibition |
Ahuja, Cayden |
Computer Science |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4048 |
Subject Exhibition |
Anthony, Cameron |
Dance |
All Saints College |
Bull Creek |
4049 |
Subject Exhibition |
Arnold, Matthew |
Music |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4050 |
Subject Exhibition |
Bacon, Mitchell |
Media Production and Analysis |
Aquinas College |
Salter Point |
4051 |
Subject Exhibition |
Bird, Henry |
Economics |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4052 |
Subject Exhibition |
Bolden, Jessica |
Drama |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
4053 |
Subject Exhibition |
Bouwer, Cassianne |
Philosophy and Ethics |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
4054 |
Subject Exhibition |
Bruining, Jessica |
Ancient History |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4055 |
Subject Exhibition |
Chang, Christopher |
Business Management and Enterprise |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
4056 |
Subject Exhibition |
Cooper, Jessica |
Modern History |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
4057 |
Subject Exhibition |
Davison, Drew |
Geography |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
4058 |
Subject Exhibition |
Gibson, Harry |
Physical Education Studies |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
4059 |
Subject Exhibition |
Gray, Nicholas |
Engineering Studies |
Sacred Heart College |
Sorrento |
4060 |
Subject Exhibition |
Green, Ashanti |
Health Studies |
Melville Senior High School |
Melville |
4061 |
Subject Exhibition |
Hobbs, Lincoln |
Mathematics Applications |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
4062 |
Subject Exhibition |
Huynh, Edward |
Mathematics Specialist |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4063 |
Subject Exhibition |
Jones, Patrick |
French: Second Language |
All Saints College |
Bull Creek |
4064 |
Subject Exhibition |
Kelly, Ethan |
Mathematics Methods |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4065 |
Subject Exhibition |
Keogh, Charlotte |
Human Biology |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
4066 |
Subject Exhibition |
Kerrisk, Ally |
Psychology |
Kennedy Baptist College |
Murdoch |
4067 |
Subject Exhibition |
Khatri, Nibesh |
Italian: Second Language |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4068 |
Subject Exhibition |
Laurance, Emily |
Religion and Life |
John XXIII College |
Mount Claremont |
4069 |
Subject Exhibition |
Loh, Michelle |
Applied Information Technology |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4070 |
Subject Exhibition |
Mallinder, Ellie |
Outdoor Education |
Mandurah Catholic College |
Mandurah |
4071 |
Subject Exhibition |
Martinez, Isabel |
Visual Arts |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
4072 |
Subject Exhibition |
Nolan, Alison |
Marine and Maritime Studies |
Sacred Heart College |
Sorrento |
4073 |
Subject Exhibition |
Paget, Ethan |
Biology |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
4074 |
Subject Exhibition |
Paget, Ethan |
Earth and Environmental Science |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
4075 |
Subject Exhibition |
Paila, Kalliopi |
English as an Additional Language or Dialect |
Mount Lawley Senior High School |
Mount Lawley |
4076 |
Subject Exhibition |
Pandey, Arya |
English |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4077 |
Subject Exhibition |
Pandey, Arya |
Literature |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4078 |
Subject Exhibition |
Pike, Xavier |
Politics and Law |
Aquinas College |
Salter Point |
4079 |
Subject Exhibition |
Sharma, Annabelle |
Chemistry |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4080 |
Subject Exhibition |
Sooi, Hsien |
Accounting and Finance |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4081 |
Subject Exhibition |
Tran, Alison |
Design |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4082 |
Subject Exhibition |
Varagunanathan, Rupak |
Career and Enterprise |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4083 |
Subject Exhibition |
Wang, Monroe |
Japanese: Second Language |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4084 |
Subject Exhibition |
Yap, Ethan |
Physics |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
4085 |
Subject Exhibition |
Yii, Grace |
Food Science and Technology |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
4086 |
VET Exhibition |
Brisbane, Alice |
Retail and Personal Services |
Melville Senior High School |
Melville |
4087 |
VET Exhibition |
Castle, Kevin |
Automotive, Engineering and Logistics |
Kent Street Senior High School |
Kensington |
4088 |
VET Exhibition |
de la Rie, Eve |
Creative Industries |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
4089 |
VET Exhibition |
Hamer, Georgia |
Construction Industries |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
4090 |
VET Exhibition |
Harper, Tex |
Tourism, Hospitality and Events |
Melville Senior High School |
Melville |
4091 |
VET Exhibition |
McPherson, Ella |
Community Services, Health and Education |
Mandurah Baptist College |
Lakelands |
4092 |
VET Exhibition |
Oldfield, Jesse |
Primary, Environmental and Animal Care Industries |
WA College of Agriculture Denmark |
Denmark |